Without paying any more attention to the person who would be killed, Chen Tian went straight to the opposite mall.

The gate of the mall has been damaged, and at the entrance position, there is a lot of broken glass.

This mall has six floors, the first floor is selling gold jewelry, jade, watches and the like, except for a few containers that have been smashed open, the other containers are intact.

After the end times, this kind of jewelry was neither eaten nor worn, so not many people collected it.

Chen Tian came to a tempered glass counter and looked at the jade placed inside, which couldn't help but remind him of buying jade before the end of the world.


With a casual fist, the tempered glass in front of him shattered instantly.

Chen Tian picked up the jade pendant and jade bracelet inside and looked at it.

"Although there are not many opportunities to use it in the future, let's keep it."

With one thought, Chen Tian had already included the items in his hand into the "private domain space".

He has "evolution beads", and then uses jade to make "energy jade pendants", which is a bit of putting the cart before the horse.

However, no one can say whether this jade will be of great use in the future, anyway, Chen Tian is not bad at this space, so he simply accepted it.

First all kinds of jade jewelry, then gold and silver, and then even those mechanical watches, he also included in the space.

These things don't add up to much space.

Although those mechanical watches look very high-end, Chentian is still accustomed to using the electronic watch on his hand, and when human technology develops in the future, he will consider changing to an "intelligent communication bracelet".

The elevator to the second floor had long stopped and was covered with dust.

Chen Tian came to the second floor, which is a place specializing in selling sportswear and sneakers, and there are domestic and foreign brands.

"In order to save time, just take it all!"

Chentian began to speed up the collection of supplies.

From the second floor to the top floor, from the booth to the warehouse, from baby products to women's products, everything that can be taken away, take away.

Just like fishing in the beginning, first all the income space, when you have leisure time, then slowly tidy up.

On the balcony on the top floor, Chen Tian simply ate something, and after that, he continued to search around.

So far, he has not found an item suitable for replacing the hook.

Walking on the street, Chen Tian was thinking about where to buy zero yuan next, and a white SUV slowly drove over from behind.

"Little brother, where are you going, do you want us to give you a ride?"

The window rolled down, and a young man asked.

Through the rolled open window, Chen Tian saw that there were five people in the car, all of them were young men, and judging by their appearance, they should also be survivors of the search for supplies.

"I have my own car!" Chen Tian directly rejected the other party's kindness.

"Little brother, then you alone should be careful, although it is said that there are fewer mutant beasts now, but if you are unlucky, you will still encounter it." The man reminded and left.

Chen Tian didn't take it seriously.

Even if he encounters a mutant beast, the unlucky one is whether the mutant beast is good or not, and Chen Tian can't wait to meet a few more!

I thought that I would meet Pingshui with the other party, and there would be no intersection in the future, who knew that in less than an hour, Chen Tian saw the SUV again.

The people in the car were really unlucky, and they just encountered a mutant beast.

The whole car got stuck in a drainage ditch, and because of the snow, it couldn't be driven out for a while.

And the mutant beast had climbed to the hood and was showing two rows of sharp teeth with its large mouth open.

The raised paws were about to slap on the windshield, and several men in the car turned pale.


At this moment, bright red blood suddenly sprayed on the windshield, and the mutant beast that was close at hand was actually cut off its head by someone.

Plop ~

The corpse of the mutant beast was planted, and several people in the car reacted.

When they saw a teenager with a knife standing in front of the car, everyone was shocked.

There is no doubt that the hideous and terrifying mutant beast was killed by this teenager.

A teenager who was only about fourteen years old actually cut off the head of the mutant beast with a knife, and this shocking thing happened in front of their eyes.

In the "safe zone", they have also heard that evolutionaries have the strength to fight mutant beasts.

But I have never heard that evolutionaries can mutate beasts with a single sword.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving us! The

man who had spoken to Chen Tian before hurriedly got out of the car.

Chen Tian looked at him and asked, "Where are you from?" "

We came from the '56th Security Zone', came out to collect some supplies to earn points, we thought it was safe outside now, but we almost overturned." The man smiled.

Thinking of it, he kindly reminded this teenager before, but he didn't expect that in the end they were saved by this teenager.

Chen Tian did not speak immediately, he was reminiscing.

After the end times, relatively safe areas were established around the world, some named "safe zones", others "shelters" and "arks of refuge".

In Hanxia, hundreds of "security zones" have been established, and this "56th security zone" is only one of them.

Chen Tian will have the impression because the "Evolutionary Training Camp" of that year was established in the "56th Security Zone".

The 56th security zone, compared to other security zones, is relatively well built, and the commander of the security zone is an old general who has forethought and allowed the safe zone to survive the most dangerous spring beast tide.

"Tell me about the 'safe zone'." Chen Tian suddenly became interested.

He remembered that the well-built safety zone could be customized with equipment, and I don't know if the current "56th security zone" is there this service?

The man was grateful and wooed Chentian, and busily introduced the current situation of the "safe zone".

From his mouth, Chen Tian learned that the "56th Safety Zone" has solved the problem of water and electricity, there are complete facilities in it, and the system is even more enlightened, as long as there are enough points, let alone customized weapons, even if you customize clothes and shoes, it is no problem.

The man behind also introduced some others, and Chen Tian no longer paid attention to them.

Since the "56th Security Zone" provides customized weapons and equipment, the fish hook needed by Chentian can be solved.

Not only that, but he can also customize his own weapons according to his own situation.

As for how to get points, that's too easy!

Chen Tian casually took out a few mutant beasts from the "private domain space" and could solve it.

What can be bought with points, why waste time to find it again, with that time, Chen Tian can slaughter more mutant beasts and get more evolution beads.

In the fifty-sixth security zone, it seems necessary to go there.

Chentian, who had made up his mind, was about to part with these people, when suddenly, there were many vehicles coming towards this side.

Led by the exclusive armored vehicles of the "Sharp Knife Squad", followed by the cars of many survivors, they drove over excitedly, not knowing what to do?

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