Chen Tian didn't know what to say, whether he was too rich, or the items in this safe zone were too cheap.

I went around several stores, bought a lot of goods, and added up before and after, and I haven't spent 3,000 points!

"Knowing this, it is enough to take out a 'mutant white mouse' to exchange points."

Chentian decided to go directly to the place where the equipment was customized.

The end times are dangerous, survivors want to go out to search for supplies, then weapons and equipment are essential, so in the "56th security zone", there is a processing plant for customized weapons.

Of course, there are also ready-made weapons, whether swords, crossbows, or various defensive armor, as long as you have points, you can buy them.

The "safe zone" does not offer exchange for thermal weapons for the time being, and firearms and ammunition can only be held by the protective teams in the safe zone.

It is also because of this weapon deterrence that the safety zone mixed with fish and dragons can maintain the current tranquility.

When Chen Tian arrived at the place, he was surprised to find that the survivors who came here were not ordinary.

It is like an open-air market, and all kinds of tools and weapons are placed on the ground, such as sickles, shovels, spears, iron bars, etc., which can be seen here.

Parking the car, Chen Tian carried a schoolbag point card and walked around with a free expression.

Some time ago, in order to test the maximum withstand value of the weapon to the "shock frequency", Chen Tian consumed a lot of knives and iron hammers, this time you might as well buy another batch.

Who let him score cards so much that there is nowhere to spend.

Those stalls selling tools, Chen Tian automatically ignored, he went directly to the weapons exhibition area.

Many survivors stopped by the stall and asked for the price of the weapon.

"How do you sell this sharp knife?"

"Five points a handful!"

"How do you sell this chopping knife?"

"Thirteen points."


Tian slowed down and listened to these people ask for a price, he found that no one was bargaining, and the items sold here were all at a flat price.

"It's a pity that the quality is too poor!"

Chen Tian only glanced at it a few times and lost interest in the weapon that came out of this small workshop.

As he continued to walk, there were fewer weapon styles on display, but the quality had also improved a lot.

The more you go inside, the higher the quality of the weapon, the higher the points required, and generally few survivors come over, but it is a lot cleaner.

"There should be a processing plant in front."

Chen Tian heard the sound of lathe processing, and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

Coming to a factory building, Chen Tian saw a lot of busy figures, and at this time, a young man walked over.

"Little brother, we are here to process items, what do you need?" The young man asked.

"I need a custom hook." Chentian is straight to the point.

The man was stunned: "Fish hook? It should be available at the grocery store and not customized with us.

"I want a custom fish hook special." Chentiandao.

"How is it special?" The man came interested.

"I need the kind of hook that can catch killer whales."

The man was stunned all of a sudden, and he wondered if he had misheard: "Fishing killer whales?

"Can it be made?" Chen Tian asked.

"Yes, but it requires the use of special alloy steel, plus labor costs, I am afraid that a lot of points are required." The man glanced at Chentian.

"How much do you need?"

The man was silent for a moment, and then said, "If it is made, I am afraid that a fish hook like this will cost hundreds of points." Hearing

this offer, Chen Tian smiled directly.

He also thought how expensive it was, it turned out to be only hundreds of points.

"The points are good, I need to use the best steel, to be able to withstand the pulling force of more than a dozen tons." Chentiandao.

The man was startled again, and asked with some curiosity: "Can I ask what to do with this fish hook, it will be convenient for us to build." "

Used to catch mutant beasts underwater!" Chen Tian did not hide it.

When the man heard this answer, he suddenly smiled and looked at Chen Tian with a "you have a lot of ideas" gaze.

The relevant details of the hook were discussed again, and finally the man gave a new offer, a fish hook to make, it takes 170 points, and you need to pay a 30% point deposit first.

"I'm going to customize ten of these hooks, how long will it take to make them?" Chen Tian asked again.

The man was startled again, wondering where this was the little rich man who ran from.

"I'm afraid it will take five days!"

"Five days is too long, I can add money, can I make it today?" Chentian didn't want to wait that long.

"Three days at the earliest!"

"If you can make it in one day under the premise of ensuring quality, I will settle it for you according to five hundred points."

Chen Tian directly made a quote that made people breathless.

The man was very excited, because of these extra points, they, the staff, could get the corresponding proportion.

This matter was not something that the man alone could decide, and he asked Chen Tian to wait for a while and discuss it with the others.

Just as Chen Tian was waiting, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind him: "It's you!"

Chen Tian turned around and found a tall man standing behind him, his appearance was a little familiar, and after a little thought, he remembered that this was the member of the escort team who had changed trucks with him.

Wang Sheng was surprised at the moment, he didn't expect to see this teenager here.

When he exchanged trucks, he was criticized by the captain, and later left first because he escorted Professor Liang to the hospital, without witnessing what happened next.

However, he heard from his teammates that the teenager in front of him had defeated their captain and was very strong.

Because Chen Tian was not familiar with the other party, he only glanced at it and looked away.

At this time, the quote man who had just left returned, bringing two colleagues with him.

"We can give it a try, but we won't be able to make it all until tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Chen Tian thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes!" However, you have to ensure the quality, if you do not qualify, you will not receive a single point. "

That being said, but when the agreement was signed, Chentian had already handed over thirty percent of the points.

If the quality of the hook is really substandard, he will make these people spit out the points.

Wang Sheng on the side, hearing that the young man still had plans to customize weapons, couldn't help but interject: "If you have requirements for quality, I can help you customize it in the military factory." "

Military factory?" Chen Tian was stunned, he remembered that there was no mark on the propaganda map.

Wang Shenghuan explained: "Customizing combat weapons in a military factory requires certain permissions, and my permissions can help you customize a weapon.

Chentian's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at each other.

"Customizing weapons in a military factory requires a lot of points, and you need to pay for this yourself, I don't have so many points." Wang Sheng smiled.

"What are your conditions?" Chen Tian asked.

"Can you point me out?"

"I will only beat people!"

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