In order not to be left behind and beaten, in order to adapt to this cruel world, the safe zone has adjusted its strategy.

In the past, whether it was development or planning, the safe zone was too conservative and cautious.

Stable development is good, but the premise is not to be eliminated by the world.

Survival of the fittest!

First guarantee how to survive is fundamental!

To this end, the security zone has decided to carry out drastic reforms, and the training camp is only one of them.

The flowers in the greenhouse are difficult to become big vessels, so let the trainees of the training camp go out to experience and let them grow in the grind.

Wash away your innocence and weakness and become a survivor who can truly fight the end times.

Of course, there is also a consideration that earthquakes have occurred frequently in the safety zone in recent times.

Now, buildings have been badly damaged and many more people have been injured in the earthquake.

Instead of putting the seeds of these safe zone futures at risk, it is better to release them and perhaps by the time they return, they will have grown into seedlings that can withstand the wind and rain.

Chen Tian drove a black off-road vehicle to the assembled square.

This off-road vehicle, which is still Tu Yungang's, is now borrowed by him.

At this moment, there are many people gathered in the square, including students, instructors, and parents who saw them off.

Chen Tian looked around and found Tang Anhe who was talking to the "Sharp Knife Team".

"When is the departure?"

Chen Tian went straight to the point, and his expression was rarely serious.

His intuition told him that this time out, he would be able to solve the puzzle in his heart.

"Teacher, it will take a little time to assemble, because it is a temporary notice, there are still many people on the way over." Tang Anhe said very politely.

"You're responsible for team security?" Chen Tian looked at the members of the Sharp Knife Squad again.

Wang Sheng hurriedly said: "Not only our 'sharp knife team', but also two other teams, each of us is responsible for one direction.

"Which direction are you responsible for?" Chen Tian asked again.


"Teacher, do you want to come with us?" Tang Anhe interjected and asked.

As a guidance instructor, she naturally also wanted to go to the northwest, this time responsible for leading two classes of students.

Chentian's brows furrowed, the direction he wanted to go to was the southeast, because of many earthquakes, the source of the earthquake came from the southeast.

"If the plan doesn't change, this time out for training, you won't be back until five days later." Tang Anhe said again.

This time out for training, it is inevitable to bring some living materials, and some logistics personnel must also follow.

"It seems that we are not on our way!"

After a moment of silence, Chen Tian suddenly spoke.

This sentence made Tang Anhe, who originally wanted to say something more, stop speaking.

Tang Anhe had almost decided that Chen Tian wanted to join them, but unexpectedly, it was her wishful thinking.

"Who is in charge of the 'southeast' direction?" Chentian asked.

"I know! Teacher, I'll take you!

Under the leadership of Tang Anhe, Chen Tian met the instructor responsible for leading the team to the southeast, as well as the accompanying "Thunder Team".

These people obviously knew how powerful Chen Tian was, so they were very cautious in their words and deeds, and the tone of their words also had a sense of flattery.

An hour later.

After all the members were assembled, the team drove out of the safe zone.

In the first part of the journey, the three teams still went along the way, but soon separated.

The northwest, northeast, and southeast directions all have their own destinations.

Even if something happens along the way, it will not be completely destroyed.

Of course, there have been drones to detect it for a long time, even if they encounter mutant beasts, with the size of their respective teams, they should be able to deal with it.

In the southeast direction, Chen Tian sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Ye Yejia drove the car.

"Master, three unmanned reconnaissance aircraft just flew over our heads."

Ye Yejia, who was driving, suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry about that!"

Chentian's appearance was a little absent-minded.

His gaze, through the windshield, stared at the scene outside, trying to find the trigger point that would awaken the memory.

"Master, the spider detection machine, has been hung under the car of the other two teams, has the itinerary screen of the other two teams been brought up?" Night Beetle spoke again.

"Call up!"

Chen Tian was busy cheering up.

Although he chose to go to the southeast, he still did not dare to be careless about the other two directions.

This life is obviously different from the previous one.

In the previous life, the members of the training camp went out to practice, and there were no three teams at all, let alone going in different directions.


With a slight tremor, the smart bracelet on Chentian's wrist projected a huge surveillance picture.

It is divided into nine grids, showing the capture shots of each "spider detector".

The perspective and three-dimensional sense presented by the surveillance screen are not static.

That's switching between the spider scouts.

These "spider detectors" are all made by Night Night Armor, and although they are some gadgets, they can play a big role.

Chen Tian stared at the surveillance screen for a while, but still did not find a scene that could awaken his memory.

Maybe he felt bored, Chen Tian said: "Ye Yejia, if you find a special situation, remind me as soon as possible." After

speaking, he turned off the image projected by the smart bracelet.

The convoy slowly moved forward along the road, and along the way you could see many broken cars and some walking corpses that had turned into dry bones.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, there were countless walking corpses, densely packed with streets and alleys, turning the world into hell.

But how long has passed, the traces of walking corpses are already rare, but the mutant beast has appeared on the stage and has become a bright character.

Survival of the fittest, the world is so cruel.

The black off-road vehicle driven by Night Armor, at the back of the team, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, actually maintained a distance of hundreds of meters from the convoy in front.

All the way forward, about an hour passed, and Night Armors suddenly spoke: "Master, the team in the northwest direction has encountered the attack of several evolutionary beasts.

Chentian, who originally wanted to close his eyes and raise his spirit, suddenly opened his eyes and directly brought up the picture in the northwest direction.


first thing that came out was the rhythmic sound of gunfire.

Then, there is the picture of the massacre.

Two mutant pigs have fallen in pools of blood, but there are still people mending guns.

"It seems that the team in the northwest can add meals."

This small episode did not attract too much attention from Chentian.

If on the way forward, no mutant beast can be encountered, then it is strange!

Chen Tian turned off the smart bracelet again.

The off-road vehicle followed the team in front, still unhurried.


~ pop ~

Suddenly, there was a gunshot from the front.

Immediately afterward, the whole team stopped.

The "Thunder Squad" leading the way in front is deploying through the walkie-talkie: "Everyone is standing by, there is a situation ahead!" The

off-road vehicle where Chen Tian was located naturally stopped.

Through spiritual exploration, Chen Tian knew the situation one step ahead of everyone.

"It's her! It seems that I really didn't choose the wrong direction! "

Chen Tian suddenly came to the spirit.

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