This small blob of energy, but the size of a fingernail, came out to form a strange cyclone.

Chen Tian noticed that a large amount of water vapor was gathering over, and the temperature was rapidly decreasing.

The speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, centered on this small blob of energy, actually formed ice lumps.

"What's going on?"

Chen Tian looked suspicious, and concentrated on observing the energy inside the ice block.


, as if he had discovered something surprising, Chentian's expression became wonderful.

"Gene hail!"

The four words blurted out made Chentian's mood unable to calm down for a long time.

That year, after the meteor shower, a genetic hailstorm fell from the sky, which opened the apocalyptic era.

"So it is, it turns out that this is the process of 'gene hail'."

Chen Tian suddenly realized, playing with this piece of genetic hail in his hand, he had the illusion of returning to the past.

"What is the reason for this change in pure energy?"

After calming down, Chen Tian began to think again.

Uncovering the cause of the "genetic hail" is of little use to him now.

What he wanted to do was to take the energy out of the space and maintain it in its original state, so that it could be easily absorbed and refined.

"Do you want to seal the energy in the jade pendant first?"

Chen Tian frowned, if there was a better way, he didn't want to do such a troublesome thing.


In Chentian's mind, the picture of fighting with the Golden Horned Beast flashed, and there was a feeling that came out.

"Use the source energy yourself to hold up a barrier and isolate the reaction between energy and air."

After this idea surfaced, Chentian began to try.

Although he is still in the healing period, it is still possible to simply use a little source energy energy.


Chen Tian used the lightning power energy, and in a moment's work, a sphere woven by lightning suddenly appeared.

As for the fire attribute source energy, he had just comprehended it, and he couldn't control it perfectly, so naturally he didn't have to think about it.

"The next step is to release genetic energy from within this barrier."

Doing this step requires patience and control.

Chen Tian stretched out a finger and probed into the sphere, and then released a trace of separated energy.

"There is no water vapor gathering around, is it successful?"

Just when Chen Tian was happy about his cleverness, there was a strange noise in the body of the thunder and lightning sphere.

The trace of energy that had just been released was actually dispersed by the lightning power energy.

Lightning power can be too domineering, but also need to pay attention to control.

Chentian did not give up because of a failure, but continued to try after optimization.

If the refined energy could not be taken out perfectly, then he would not be able to absorb the refining.

Others can enter the space, but not himself.

Failed again and again, and the energy that had just been extracted by the devouring space was all squandered in the attempt.

"It seems that this line of thinking is not working."

Chen Tian began to frown again and pondered.

Time passes minute by minute.

Outside, the sun is shining.

When Chen Tian was cultivating, or thinking about problems, even Ye Yejia was guarding outside the door with interest.

As for Tu Yungang and the two little guys, they went out early in the morning, saying that they were looking to see if there were any fish that had slipped through the net, but they were actually idle.

"I don't know if I can cast a similar barrier by using 'Nian Energy' alone."

At this time, Chentian had a new idea.

Nian, this energy, is the most inclusive.

However, when performing, it is often necessary to wrap the mental energy around a tangible object.

Simply using "Nian" to unfold an enchantment-like effect, Chen Tian has not tried it yet.

This time, before trying, Tatsumi first asked Ye Yejia in his head.

"Master, you can think of 'Nian Energy' as a liquid that takes on a unique form when it acts on an object. If 'Nian Energy' is compressed and refined to form a solid-state-like effect, then it can become any shape. Night

Beetle was quick to reply.

Just as Chen Tian pondered these words, Ye Yejia said again: "Master, in fact, you can refer to the technique when casting source energy. "

One word wakes up the dreamer!

Chen Tian felt that he had caught something, and he needed to try to verify it immediately.

Night Night Armory also did not make a sound again.

And just like that, time passed little by little.

It was clear that Chentian, whose body had not yet recovered, once he put it in, he didn't feel tired at all.

With his hard work, finally, a small enchantment of a triangular body appeared in front of him.

This structure, the most solid, is also the reason why Chentian's choice.

"It really worked!"

Looking at the finished product in front of him, Chen Tian almost forgot his original intention.

The triangle constructed by "Nian Energy" is completely transparent, and its existence can only be known unless it has special eyes or outstanding perception.

"I don't know how about the defense power of this enchantment?"

Chentian's first reaction was to apply it to actual combat.

Now he can be described as poor and white.

In the space, there is not even a shield, and it would be good if this enchantment could become a substitute.

"Night Armor, can you scan the defensive power of this barrier?" Chentian called Night Armory again.

As the door opened, Nightbeetle walked in from outside.

"Master, this enchantment of yours can only be used to isolate simple functions such as air, sound, and gas, and its defense is very weak."

Ye Yejia's answer made Chen Tian a little shocked.

The technique that he had comprehended for a long time was only a simple isolation effect.

"Master, if you want to open a powerful enchantment, you need to integrate source energy, which will involve the problem of fusing and ordering multiple source energy, which is the 'Source Energy Star Art' that the Divine Master wants to master, referred to as 'art'."

"Source Energy Star Art?" Chen Tian was shocked, he heard about it for the first time.

"Source Energy Astrology is a high-level technique used by multiple source energies superimposed on each other, and with the two source energies you comprehend now, master, you can only barely learn some beginner things."

Listening to Ye Yejia's words, Chen Tian suddenly wondered: Why a powerful divine master wants to master a variety of source energy, it turns out that it involves "star art".

"Taking the master's lightning power energy and flame source energy as an example, if only one of them is used alone, it is easy to be defended by enemies with relevant resistance."

Ye Yejia was interested in seeing the sky, and he was busy and popularized.

Chen Tian nodded subconsciously.

Regarding this, he experienced it when he fought with the "Golden Horned Beast".

"But if the two source energies are fused to form a 'technique', such as fusing into a 'Flame Thunder Technique', then even if the other party has lightning resistance and flame resistance, it is difficult to defend."

Chen Tian seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "Night armor, the kind of 'blue flame' used by the Golden Horned Beast after its evolution, is it also a 'technique'?"

"Almost, since the Golden Horned Beast has not yet had time to comprehend the bloodline inheritance, the 'technique' it performs is not perfect, and it tends to be a simple improvement of flames, so its power is limited."

Ye Yejia's tone was serious, and a few simple words made Chen Tian realize the horror of "art".

The imperfect "technique" almost burned him to death.

If it was a perfect "technique", wouldn't he even have slag left.

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