Ellie left, with mixed feelings.

She never expected that there would be two walking corpses mixed in in the city, and this matter must be reported.

However, it is no wonder that the defense in the city is not strict, who would have thought that today's walking corpses have evolved to be similar to ordinary humans.

The walking corpse man was better to identify, but that little girl, if not pointed out by Chentian, even if she stood in front of her and asked her to take a closer look, she would not recognize it.

Now not only humans are evolving, but all kinds of creatures are evolving.

"Why isn't there even a phone booth around here!"

Ellie was anxious to contact her superiors, but she didn't have a communicator at hand, and she had to walk even to leave.

How big the estate was, she knew.

Not to mention the phone booth, you can't even see a person.

In this estate, people without permission are forbidden to approach.

"It's all this time, and my communicator must have a lot of missed calls."

Thinking of the communicator that was left at home, Elle had a headache.

How do you explain it to your superiors?

Say she suddenly fell asleep when she called, and then was taken away overnight?

"No, I'm going to be faster!"

Ai Li knew that the superior department would definitely attach great importance to the "walking corpse" after learning about it, and she, as a key person, inexplicably lost contact, and I don't know how much it would delay.


No longer caring about the image, Elle was ready to run back with all her might.

At her level of an intermediate fighter, this kind of thing is not a problem.

Who knows that the body just runs, and something goes wrong.

Like a car that couldn't stop, Ellie crashed headlong into the grass.

"What's going on?"

Climbing up embarrassed, Ellie was a little confused.

She looked down at her legs, still wearing dress pants at the moment, which would logically affect her running speed.

However, just after she suddenly ran, her speed was so fast that she couldn't adapt, and she suddenly plunged into the grass.

"My body seems to be different from before!"

Elle suddenly thought that she even twisted the handle when she opened the door.

In addition, she also felt that her body was full of strength at the moment, and there was an urge to vent.

"This should not be my delusion!"

Ellie readjusted her body and started running.

This time she learned to be smart, did not rush as soon as she came up, but slowly increased her speed and gave her body a process of adaptation.


As the speed increased, Elle only felt the sound of the wind, and the scenery on both sides was rapidly receding.

"This feeling, this feeling..."

Elle couldn't describe the feeling at the moment, as if her body had been switched after waking up.

Although it has not been specially tested, Elle knows that she has become stronger, and she has become stronger for no reason.

If you think about it, this must be Chentian's masterpiece.

As a result, Chentian's mystery in her heart rose to another height.

Now is not the time to immerse herself in happiness, she still has business to do, even if she contacts her superiors and wants to take the walking dead man away, she needs to make some preparations.

In the training room, the little loli, who was going to return to the next room, instinctively stopped after hearing the word "research".

"I don't want to be studied, I can help you make money, I can help you do things..." Little

Loli looked at Chentian nervously.

It seems that she must have had the experience of being "studied" before, and has penetrated deep into her soul, otherwise, she would not have had such a big reaction.

"Are you afraid of being studied?" Chen Tian asked seriously.

Little Loli nodded busily: "It's scary to be tied to the operating table, those people are holding knives and want to cut my body." Hearing

these words, Chen Tian's expression was stunned, and he subconsciously thought of the picture when he was reborn.

His heart was almost gouged out, but fortunately his mind ability was still there, and he solved those people.

But what about this little girl?

"Did you think of something?" Chen Tian continued to ask.

"They drew my blood and made me take very bitter medicine..." Little

Loli suddenly squatted on the ground holding her head, looking very painful.

I don't know if she is suffering from past experiences or because of memories.

Chen Tian did not continue to ask, but said: "If you are obedient, no one will be able to take you; If you disobey..."

I'm obedient! Before

Chen Tian finished speaking, little loli was rushed to express her position.

Her attitude made Chen Tian unable to continue to say warning words.

"Jump, you don't have to be afraid of him, I'll protect you!"

The walking corpse man, who had just recovered his sanity, felt that he had done it again and began to make a big fuss.

"Iron bucket, you shut up, besides, you will be beaten!" Little Lori gave a warning.

"You are smart and sharp!"

Chen Tian stared at the little loli, and the picture of when he saw her once flashed in his mind.

I still remember her mother begging him for help with snot and tears in order to save her.

Later, the apocalypse broke out and met their family again, and at that time he still admired the family's monster-sucking physique.

Thinking about it now, so much time has passed, since this little girl has become a walking corpse, then her parents are probably no better.

Too many people die in the last days, the strong live and the weak die, this is the reality.

"Can you leave the 'iron bucket' as well, he is a very good person except that he can't speak."

Little Lori began to intercede for the walking corpse man.

In the conversation between Chen Tian and Ai Li just now, she heard that she wanted to take the "iron bucket" away for research.

She personally experienced the horror of being studied, and naturally did not want to let the iron barrel that accompanied her for so long experience.

"People are nice?" Chen Tian smiled coldly, "He should have eaten people!"

"It's those people who want to rob, that's why the iron bucket..." Little

Lori's next words did not continue, because the gaze cast by Chen Tian made her shudder.

She must be glad that she has not eaten people now, otherwise, she does not know how to be treated!

"It doesn't matter if he has eaten people or not, the important thing is that he has the precursor to continuing to eat people!" Chen Tian suddenly changed his tone.

This is a city where humans have settled, and there are many ordinary people, and if they are bitten by this walking corpse man, they will be 100% infected by the virus.

The most important point is that this walking corpse man has a limited IQ, and his behavior is more instinctive, unable to restrain his impulses.

"With me, he won't eat people in the iron bucket, we've been here for a few days, and we've been safe." Little Lori still wanted to persuade.

"There is no discussion on this matter!" Chen Tian suddenly straightened his face.

Little Lori hurriedly shut up.

It seems that she can only grievance the iron barrel first, and she will slowly find a way to rescue it.


At this moment, a dark shadow ran in from outside.


It was the Little Black Dog Tyrant who came in, followed by the Snow Emperor.

As soon as they entered the training room, the Tyrant and the Snow Emperor noticed the walking corpse man and the little loli.


The walking corpse man suddenly burst out and pounced on the little black dog who had just entered.

He was hungry.

"Iron bucket don't!"

Little Lori stopped it, but she was still a step slower.

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