Endless ice spears are still coming from all directions.

Chen Tian was suspended in the center of the vortex, looking at all this in a pointing posture.

"The sea is full of rivers! I'll charge as much as I come! Chen

Tian seemed to be just hanging there quietly, in fact, the reason why those ice spears that rushed over could be taken into the space in the first time was the credit of his spiritual power.

Use spiritual power to judge the attack route of those ice spears in advance, and then use spiritual power to open the space-time channel.

Quite perfectly controlled!

And it did let him fit in.


The ice spear suddenly stopped.

However, two huge icicles were born, divided into two directions, and smashed towards Chen Tian at the same time.

The corners of Chentian's mouth skimmed, thinking that if he changed the volume to large, he would not be taken away.

How can it be!

Almost a thought, two doors of time and space flashed out in time.

Without suspense, the icicles were taken away again.

"This ice cube condensed by the power of source energy, I don't know what can be done?"

This thought flashed in Chentian's mind, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise again.

One thing he was sure of was that by throwing the collected ice cubes into the "Devouring Space", he should be able to obtain pure source energy power.


Chentian's expression moved, and a bold idea flashed in his mind.

If he can obtain pure "ice attribute source energy", does that mean that he has a chance to comprehend and master?

One more source energy attribute, one more bit of heritage.

Chen Tian naturally won't be too much.

Up to now, there were only three source energy attributes that he had mastered, namely: the lightning attribute, the fire attribute, and the holy light attribute.

If you comprehend and master the "source energy of ice water attributes" again, wouldn't it be an unexpected gain.

Thinking of this, Chentian's eyes became bright.

The mood of accompanying the "nano sharp soldier" changed instantly, no longer feeling bored, but expecting the other party to launch more moves.

Collecting "source energy ice cubes" has also become a target.

The "nano sharp soldier" below did not disappoint him.

Bigger ice cubes came in.

Those who come from the sky do not refuse, and accept all the orders.

"Slowly consuming the energy of 'nano sharp soldiers' is also a strategy!"

Chen Tian found that he could accompany the nanotip soldier to consume it, and when the other party's energy was lost, he would take it down in one fell swoop.

As a result, this battle became a protracted war.

I don't know how long has passed, and the movements of the "nano sharp soldiers" have really become a little sluggish.

A master's move, even the slightest mistake, may determine the victory or defeat.


Chen Tian seized an opportunity and came behind the "nano sharp soldier" in an instant.


A huge shield presses the "nano soldier" to the ground.

The shield quickly froze and had a tendency to spread towards Chentian.

"It's time to end!"

Chen Tian just waved his arm lightly, and in an instant, not only defeated the incoming chill, but also pressed the nano tip soldier even more dead.

Laugh at!

In the clash of ice and fire, a large amount of smoke is produced.

Also with this cover, Chen Tian collected the controlled "nano sharp soldiers" into the space.

Without the support of the "nano sharp soldier", the surrounding ice instantly disintegrated and dissipated.

Chen Tian was busy separating his consciousness to check the "Eternal Space", fortunately, the collected source energy ice cubes were safe and sound.

"Congratulations to 1101 for the victory!"

The sweet prompt sounded again.

Chen Tian almost mistook Ye Yejia for talking again.

Out of the ring, Chentian came to the front of the night armor.

With just one look, Ye Yejia understood, and said in a voice: "Master, give me twenty minutes, I can completely control the 'Nano Sharp Soldier'." "

I have experience before, I can omit many cracking steps, and because I can isolate external interference in the space, I will be so confident that Night Armor.

Nodding, Chen Tian said: "Exactly, I also have to adjust it." "

It's not that he lost a lot of time in the battle just now, but he wanted to digest the combat experience just now.

This time, without the help of Night Armor, he completely relied on him alone to subdue the "Nano Sharp Soldier".

The process, although not very difficult, but there are also places worth pondering.

After all, if you really want to say it, this is a God of War level battle.

An hour later, Chen Tian opened his eyes, and there seemed to be something more under his eyes.

Raise your palm, and a small flame suddenly rises from your fingertips.

This small flame condensed into the shape of an arrow in an instant.

"The source energy of different attributes actually has some commonality."

With a flick of Chentian's fingertips, the flame arrow instantly turned into a character, which was a simple star pattern.

"Nightjia, how are you doing over there?"

Retracting his thoughts, Chentian looked at the night armor standing on the side.

This body is just a "nano blade" with many limitations.

"It's over!" Night Beetle said.

As soon as Chentian's mind moved, a silhouette appeared out of thin air, it was the night armor that obtained a new body.

This appearance is exactly the same as the night armor that is isolated outside the portal

, both are "nano sharp soldiers", at this moment, just switch the primary and secondary relationship.

"How's this body?" Chen Tian asked with a smile.

"It's better than before!"

When Nightjia answered, a pair of wings suddenly stretched out from her back, and she walked in the wind, taking her through this space.

Chen Tian could clearly feel that the night armor controlled the "wind attribute source energy" more smoothly.

"Yoruya, how do I think your voice is very similar to that prompt!"

Chentian said what he felt strange.

"Master, I didn't hear any prompts, it should be the consciousness that directly transmitted to your mind." Yoruya guessed in reply.

Chen Tian thought for a moment and felt that it was the same, only in this way could he explain why the opponent was not surprised.

This problem has been exposed.

Chen Tian moved his body, only feeling that his body was extremely comfortable, and even his spirit was abnormally full.

After several warm-up battles, he has adjusted his condition to the best.

Since that's the case, keep up the challenge!

"I don't know if the next opponent is still not a 'nano sharp soldier'?"

Chentian jumped back into the ring, quietly waiting for a new opponent to match him.

Who knows, after waiting for a long time, the opponent did not wait, but waited for the prompt tone.

"Opponent is absent, congratulations to 1101 for winning!"

"What?" Chen Tian looked stunned.

He was ready for an exhilarating battle, and the result was the whole one for him.

"Opponent is absent, congratulations to 1101 for winning!"

"Opponent is absent, congratulations to 1101 for winning!"

I applied three times in a row, and this is the result.

Although he won without a fight, Chen Tian was not happy.

Keep applying, he won't believe it, and he can continue like this.

Finally, this time it was no longer absent, and a behemoth was teleported over.

Seeing the other party clearly, Chen Tian exclaimed: "What? Golden Horned Beast! "

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