Just as he was about to return to the house, a prompt popped up.

[Kill two civilians, add 2 to the crime value]

Seeing this message, Wu Gang was dumbfounded. Why is there such a setting? will it be famous or something if the crime point is adding?

And this system should not be a bitch, the death of these two bad guys not only does not reward him for his achievement of doing justice but also increases his evil value?

“Alas, there is no justice!!! it is unfair.” Wu Gang shook his head, opened the door of the main room, and went in with a knife.

When he saw Wu Gang’s face with blood, Wang Dahao and all the people in the house who heard his arrogant words just now were all looking as expected. If they don’t obey, they will be beaten. This is the first thing they learned when they entered this place. It seems that the newcomer has already learned a lesson.

However, after waiting for a long time, the two thugs who had followed Wu Gang into the house did not appear at the door as they wished. It was only then that all the people discovered the machete which was carried by Wu Gang. Of course, they knew this knife, which was the one the crew cut was carrying with him.

“You…?” Wang Dahao at the moment can be said to be extremely shocked. So Wu Gang has solved both thugs in such a short time? He stood up and had to look at the man in front of him again.

Before, he looked casual and silly. At the moment, he felt as if Wu Gang were hidden and stable.

“There was a little accident.haha.” Wu Gang pointed to his nose.

Clear his throat, he said to the crowd in the living room, “I have an immature plan, please the villagers of the small town might listen to it.”

In the beginning, he was not prepared to tell the brainwashed propagandists any principle. This remark was only made to the residents of the small town.

“There are no thugs who restrict everyone’s personal freedom.”

As soon as this sentence was finished, everyone at the bottom talked loudly. Sun heard the sound and leaned out his head impatiently from the big bedroom to see what was going on. Wu Gang turned slightly and motioned to him with a machete. He obediently retracted his head, closed the door and others heard the sound of locking the door.

Wu Gang sneered at, now Sun’s only value is as a leader, leading this group of pyramid sale in the task to gather together the number of people, as long as the task is completed, he would not care about the fucking evil value, no matter what happens, he would solve the scourge.

In doomsday, this demagogic scum is too harmful to keep.

“Now, those who are interested in leaving this pigsty with me, please raise your hand.”

Wang Dahao’s brother and Li Jia and her daughter all raised their hands without hesitation. several residents of other towns raised. Surprisingly, a young woman looking like from the south also raised her hand among the propagandists he had just confirmed.

The first step is not very smooth, but this is also expected, after all, now outside is full of zombies, in the absence of security, no one is willing to run out so rashly.

Unless this place is completely unable to stay.

And Wu Gang’s next move is to realize his statement.

“We don’t have to migrate for a long distance, to change houses would not make any harm. This place is just like a pigsty. How can we live without illness?” With this sentence, almost all the remaining small-town residents raised their hands. They were all tricked into this house by Sun in the name of rescue before. If they can return to their own house, it is worth taking some risks.

“by the way, we will take all the food and supplies with us when we leave.” With this sentence finished, the rest of the propagandists who did not raise their hands didn’t agree and protested noisily.

“Then come with us.” Wu Gang left behind a word, but they shook their heads.

“Then die.” Wu Gang added that they continued to protest.

” It is so annoying. Wang Dahao, come here.” He waved to Wang Dahao and asked him if there was any rope.

“What do you want a rope for?” Wang Dahao was a little puzzled.

“Isn’t it obvious that these people should be tied up.” Wu Gang rolled his eyes.

Wang Dahao was completely delighted to hear this sentence. ” listen to me, you have a chopper in your hand, what rope do you want? Are you silly?” He can’t understand this man, but he has excellent means but so lacking common sense. Is he a senior official?

“Er. It seems you are right.” Wu Gang raised his knife and gesticulated in the air a few times. “Just now the people who raised a hand and volunteered to leave, come to stand here. The rest of the people will all stand over there.”

Looking at the staff of the pyramid sale standing almost intact on the side and unwilling to leave, Wu Gang scolded with a frown and was not happy. they were stubborn.

If it weren’t for the number of people for the task, he wouldn’t care about the lives of these people.

“Okey. now let’s get down to business. boss Sun? Come out?” He turned and knocked on the master bedroom door.

Sun really experienced the feeling of a turtle in a jar in the staying room. In the past, he used to lock others up, but he didn’t expect to be locked up by others one day.

In order to prevent the members from escaping, he installed steel anti-theft nets on all the windows of the room and finally trapped himself.

He has been sticking to the door and trying to listen to what Wu Gang said outside since just now. As soon as he heard that they were going to take all the food in the room, he was anxious. He has severe hypoglycemia, which can kill him if he doesn’t eat food for one day.

At the moment, when Wu Gang called him, he could not care whether Wu Gang had a knife in the hand and pushed the door, and went out without hesitation. Instead of being trapped in the house and starving to death, it is better to go out and bargain with Wu Gang. maybe I still have value for him.

“Mr. Wu, you call me.” Looking at the bright machete in Wu Gang’s hand, he directly calls Wu Gang the president rather than Wu boss like before.

“I just go out to soak in excrement and then get promoted? Didn’t I still be the boss before? Did you get promoted by excrement?” Wu Gang looked at Sun’s face with a sharp knife and said, “However, I hate this appalling name. Next time if I hear you call me this, don’t blame me to kill you.”

“Yes, yes, Wu boss… listen to you.” a person was so hard to change his bad personality, but facing the machete, Sun abruptly changed his words.

“do you, employees, ideological work, let them move with me. This is your last value.” The meaning of Wu Gang’s remark is obvious. If this value cannot be realized, his “legendary business road” will come to an end.

“Mr. Wu, what if we leave here and the rescue vehicle at the headquarters cannot find us?” One man raised his concerns.

When Wang Dahao heard that the other party was still waiting for the non-existent headquarters to send a car to pick them up, he could not help wrinkling his eyebrows and said to Wu Gang, ” why don’t we cut them one by one? Anyway, it is also a burden for you to take these mentally retarded people out.”

“That’s not possible. Even if doomsday has no law, human nature cannot be absent. People do not commit crimes against me and I won’t kill them. This is a matter of principle.” as a veteran cadre, Wu Gang patiently educated this young man who was about to go astray.

While Wang Dahao pursed his mouth and glanced at the two corpses outside the house, he thought that stepping on one’s neck just like the one run over by a road roller, and telling me about human nature, are you sure.

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