Doomsday:I Have A System

Chapter 98 - Transformed Into A Zombie

At the same time, Yan Ruoxi helped Xie Anqi comb her hair in front of the dressing mirror and said, “I have to remind you that Sharon has just gone to the top of the building. If you don’t go up and stir up a stir, you will even be taken the lead. You think Wu Gang didn’t like her on the surface at first, but no man can stand such women, especially her beautiful and good figure, and good at dressing up and playing coquetry. “Speaking of this, Yan Ruoxi’s tone inadvertently revealed her envy.

Xie Anqi looked at her bitterness face in the mirror and sighed. How could she not worry? But if she goes up

at present, what should she do if they sit side by side watching the stars and the moon, pretending to be all right and walking over and sitting down?

She thought that as a woman, she could do it by expressing herself bravely. However, she didn’t expect Wu Gang to have such a lukewarm attitude.

” Miss Rouxi, you said that I expressed my thoughts in front of everyone that day, would he understand that I was childish?” Thought of here, she suddenly regretted a while.

“I don’t think so. After all, It seemed that he did not care even Sharon called him husband.” Yan Ruoxi said.

“But he is obviously very angry every time.”

“Hum, he just looks angry, but his heart is comfortable. If you don’t believe, you can let Sharon suddenly change his name to Angkor one day, his face will be even worse.” Yan Ruoxi pouted and said. “In short, if you really want to beat her, you must act quickly.”

“But what should I do? I am not as beautiful as Sharon, and I can’t dress up, and I can’t learn her style. I will only scold him.” Xie Anqi said, frowning deeper.

Yan Ruoxi smiled evilly. “You really don’t know what kind of big killer you are carrying.”

“Hey hey hey, this feeling is so great! So, even if you only scold him, you can easily win his love. I have confidence in you!”

She pinched up and turned her head to Shi Lan, who was sitting on the bed, and said, “Lan Lan, do you agree? Ha, ha, ha.”

“Ah! Miss Rouxi you are so thoughtful.”

There was nothing to do all night. When the early morning light appeared in the east, it lit up the figure in the down jacket on the roof. A little cool wind blew past and Wu Gang sneezed violently.

“Damn it, it seems that it is necessary to get a piece of equipment with cold resistance. No matter how strong it is, it is still not cold resistance at all.”

Wrapping his clothes tightly, he walked towards the tent, where Liu Ruyun slept.

“Get up, beauty, you could go down to sleep. You will catch cold here.” Wu Gang shook the tent and woke Liu Ruyun inside.

“Is it dawn?” She habitually covered her forehead as if she had just finished her hangover. Looking at Wu Gang outside the tent, she smiled charmingly. “Dear, I need a kiss to get up.”

“Well, don’t do that. my goosebumps are getting up.” Wu Gang rubbed his arms.

Sharon sat up and said with a face of bitterness, “I’m afraid I meet a fool, did I? it is so cold that you are wearing down jackets but you don’t know to enter the tent?”

“If I come in-will you be on duty?” Wu Gang’s role as the unaccompanied young man was indeed more useful than making fun of changing the subject.

“Hum, you were deserved to freeze to death! Don’t give a kiss, stingy! Let’s go!” She said, throwing the quilt to the side, getting out of the tent and walking to the stairs, but when she reached the side, she lingered in embarrassment. She tried several times with one foot and failed to reach the ladder. She almost fell off her slippers.

“Well, you are unable to be handsome for more than three seconds.” Wu Gang laughed.

“Don’t gloat there, come and help me.”

Moments later, the two went down to the fifth floor.

Wang Dabiao and Xu Jiaming seem to have been waiting here for a long time, looking at the two men who climbed in through the window with a pondering face.

After being knocked down by Sharon, who rushed over with great momentum, Wang Dabiao raised his eyebrows at Wu Gang and said with a bad smile, “Angkor, I think your printing hall is shining. Was there any good thing that could break away from the group last night?”

” what eyes do you have? My concentration is to kill those fake monks who want to make money every minute.” This is still more realistic, because judging from Sharon’s expression of cannibalism, it obviously failed.

“Yes, how can Angkor’s body be obtained so easily?” Wang Dabiao’s demon voice groaned strangely.

“Go away, hurriedly get down to business. Are you ready? Do you want to rest and then we leave?” Wu Gang said.

“No, I slept for a while when I changed shifts last night.” Wang Dabiao said, in fact, he is still a little sleepy, but he is worried that his brother is alone in the gymnasium and just wants to get there as soon as possible. “But do you need a rest, Angkor?”

“No, but I think it would be wonderful to have a spring revival. Jia Ming.”

“All right.”

Green light enveloped Wu Gang and he immediately felt refreshed.

“really? it seems to be very effective. Xu, please come to me.” Wang Dabiao is eager to try.

Xu Jiaming smiled and shouted, “Turn green! young man!”

The words sound just fell, Wang Dabiao’s head glowed green, but he curled his mouth and shook his index finger, “want to curse me? Hum, you are still a little too young. Don’t forget that I am now a 100% man rejected by the opposite sex, cuckold hat or something, there is no existence! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hiccups!”

“Ah, say too much is tears. Let’s start quickly.” Xu Jiaming patted him on the shoulder and went out side by side in silence.

The two finally reached an agreement, although they did not look very happy.

After Wu Gang told his family, the three went straight to the stadium.

However, when they walked through the trilogy bridge and came to the window where the rope ladder was placed, Wu Gang found that for some unknown reason, there were no watchmen on the second floor today.

He suddenly had an extremely bad feeling. He held down Xu Jiaming, who was looking up to shout, and took the ladder in his hand, and said, “There are eccentric, Dabiao. Take the weapon and I’ll take you up.”

Control the strength and just throw him to the window edge. Wang Dabiao picked up his hands, pulled up one by one, and turned in.

Dropping the rope ladder, he began to scan down and found that the basketball court on the first floor was empty except for bedding, and… fresh blood and dirty blood mixed together and sprinkled half of the court.

His heart thumped and his eyes drifted away rapidly. He wanted to find the figure of Wang Dahao, but he never got what he wanted.

Wu Gang climbed up and saw something strange in the stadium. “What happened here?”

“Angkor, my brother, he, he is gone.” Wang Dabiao’s mind has been confused. He doesn’t care about anyone’s life and death now. He only prays that his brother will never have an accident.

“Look over there.” Wu Gang pointed solemnly to the toilet beside the basketball court. A fat body was stuck in the toilet door, motionless.

“Is that boss Chao?” Xu Jiaming is a bit incredible. Isn’t he dead?

“Fuck, it was my negligence. He might be transformed into a zombie!” Wu Gang’s spear flashed in his hand, and a tiger jumped directly off the second floor and rushed towards the toilet.

“Dahao, don’t have anything wrong with you.”

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