Doomsday:My Beasts Army

Chapter 100 - Physical Therapy

Under the leadership of Feng Luo, Lin Ze followed him to a corner of the boxing hall.

In front of us is a single building. The appearance of carved beams and painted buildings turns out to be a small building in the style of the ancient Tang Dynasty, which is not common in Fort Eide!

“The owner of this small building was invited back by my teacher at a high price a few years ago. He is best at acupuncture and conditioning his body. And she also became Transcendent One after eschaton. Her abilities and techniques can make the fighters’ bodies recover to the greatest extent.” Feng Luo explained.

“Massage and acupuncture?”

Lin Ze smiled and said, “Now, what do I think it is? Are massage and acupuncture still very effective on Transcendent One’s body?”

As a native of the ancient Tang Dynasty, Lin Ze still knows a lot about the traditional physical therapy of massage and acupuncture. In the past, those athletes, including those who studied martial arts, inevitably had muscle strain, joint dislocation, and lactic acid accumulation in soft tissues during exercise.

At this time, some skilled technicians can help solve problems such as strain through massage and acupuncture.

After all, even machines need maintenance, not to mention people are living flesh and blood.

To make an analogy, after a person suddenly overtrained, his backaches. If he does not massage and dredge, he cannot train the next day, even if he has a strong will. If forced training is carried out, it will cause damage and do more harm than good.

If the drug massage to assist in activating collaterals is carried out, the accumulated lactic acid can be quickly dispersed, which can not only quickly recover fatigue, but also enhance muscle activity.

But these are all concepts that prevailed only before the eschaton.

Now after eschaton, the physical quality of human beings has improved unprecedentedly. Ordinary training is difficult to cause muscle strain, and many Transcendent One who fights in the wild can also obtain energy baptism by killing monsters to achieve the effect of instantly reducing strain.

Under all these changes, the traditional acupuncture massage can still have a very great effect on the second-order top Transcendent One like Lin Ze?

“Haha, don’t believe it?”

Feng Luo saw Lin Ze’s expression change and knew Lin Ze was very indifferent.

Luo Feng continued: “I admit that the mysterious power of energy baptism now makes people ignore other methods of recovery physiotherapy, but you should know that a small number of physiotherapists have also become Transcendent One. At this time, they can already be called the top auxiliary Transcendent One. Only after they have felt it can they truly realize their alternative power.”

“In addition, don’t underestimate our ancient Tang ancestors. After eschaton, although Fort Eide on this side of the Flange Empire has done a very good job in organizing resistance and recovery, I can guarantee that our ancient Tang state has inherited the details of ancient martial arts, ancient medicine and so on, which is definitely the fastest reconstruction and the best development of human countries today!” Feng Luo said firmly.

Hearing Feng Luo says so, Lin Ze no longer has any idea to underestimate.

“I’ll check it out.”

Lin Ze came to be interested.

Feng Luo took him into the small building of the ancient Tang style.

“Usually only teacher’s true disciples are eligible to come here, so there have always been very few people.” Feng Luo took him to a rather spacious massage room, which was antique and lit with incense burners. It was very elegant and smelled good. The whole room smelled of bluegrass.

Next to the massage bed, a woman was sitting.

She is in her early 30s and has a gentle temperament. Her long hair is tied up with a hairpin.

The most striking thing is that her hands and fingers are extremely slender, each finger is like a scalpel, and on her forearm, there are two tattoos of Yi Long and Yi Feng crisscrossing up and spreading to her shoulders.

On the massage bed nearby, a man soaked with sweat was lying down.

This man, with streamlined body muscles, looks lean as a feline that preys on every year, but in fact his muscles seem to have turned into stickers and stuck to his bones, which is very good-looking.

Obviously, he is a disciple with a high status in the Black Tiger Boxing Club and has received extremely strict and formal martial training.

“Miss Ling, you almost killed me. I’m just at the top of the first class, and my body can’t withstand your strength.”

The man endured the pain all over his body and slowly got up from the massage bed, saying with a sad face.

“Small things get cheap also sell miserably, as far as your back injury, without the energy baptism of the third-order intermediate or above level monster, can’t recover at all. After suffering for an hour here, you can’t thank me now that you have recovered?” The gentlewoman relaxed her phalanges and taught the man in front of her with a smile.

“Well, I’ll get some more spirit fruit from the teacher tomorrow.”

As the man spoke, he saw Feng Luo and Lin Ze coming in.

He got up at once and said, “Master, why are you here?”

“But I want to ask you why your boy is here. Is that the second guy who gave you the quota this week?” Luo Feng said with a dignified face.

“Yes. Yes. The teacher’s nephew was wounded by a monster in the wilderness a few days ago, and then the teacher asked me to come to teacher ling today.” The man said respectfully.

His teacher is the second disciple of Mr. Tiger, but like all the three generations of disciples, he is full of awe for Feng Luo, the master.

“All right, all right, go back quickly.”

Feng Luo motioned casually to let the man leave quickly.

“Sit down, and I will go back.” After the man finished speaking, he left here quickly.

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