Doomsday:My Beasts Army

Chapter 83 - The Shadow Hunter

In this mixed feeling of danger and stimulation, Lin Ze’s skin’s acupuncture sensation suddenly increased.

One step ahead of consciousness, Lin Ze suddenly pushed Chen Hui away and the two suddenly separated.

On the ground, a deep ravine suddenly appeared, as if it was stabbed by something sharp. But there is nothing between them.

It was not until the line of sight was extended along the traces of the ground that I saw a monster with a blurred figure, like a leopard.

Bai’s pupil shrank and he shouted, “Be careful, it’s Shadow Hunter!”

This is a monster on the first few pages of Fort Eide’s official monster information book. It has excellent hiding skills and rapid attack speed.

This third-order intermediate beast-shaped monster is completely a natural killer.

Even a third-order top monster is likely to be hunted and killed by Shadow in a careless state.

When Chen Hui was pushed away by Lin Ze, he clearly felt a strong wind passing by the leeward.

Seeing where I was just now, there was a deep ravine on the ground and a cold sweat broke out behind me.

He has never seen this type of monster in the area of Rosen City. It can be invisible and has such terrible speed and destructive power. For Transcendent One, a mechanical life transformation flow with a low level like Chenhui, it is simply a bane.

If you face this monster alone, Chenhui will definitely die.

Repress the waves in my heart and let myself calm down by force.


Pit-a-pat pit-a -pat pit-a-pat!

Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat pit-a-pat!

Chen Hui’s two guns changed into fast attack flow mode and opened fire at the same time, but the bullet seemed to have hit the empty space.

The Shadow hunter faded and disappeared before their eyes again.

The bullets released by the two guns did nothing but smash the two sofas and the glass behind them.

Lin Ze inhaled slightly and then exhaled slowly.

He took out a Bull Medicine from his waist tactical bag, opened the bottle stopper, poured it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it.

Almost in a flash, his body began to become scorching hot, and he could clearly feel that his strength was slightly stronger.

Lin Ze has some surprises in his heart.

The effect of Bull Medicine will be more obvious on the first-order Transcendent One. Lin Ze did not expect much.

But perhaps it is because Lin Ze is not Transcendent One with special size, so even if he is the second-order top, he can still feel the effect of Bull Medicine.

Accompanied by the lightning, Lin Ze saw the faint outline of the monster in front of the right, and the figure rushed out instantly.

The sound of the sword and the shot sounded almost at the same time.

Lin Ze’s sword was cut in the air, but countless sparks were rubbed out of thin air.

And Chen Hui’s bullet, but also in the void shot a sonorous crash sound.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hui did not hesitate anymore. The two guns merged together and quickly changed the attack mode.

Mechanical transformation flow, explosive mode!

The barrels of the two guns emitted white light and fused together, then fired two shots at the empty space.

Rough gunfire resounded through the whole space. In the fire, a leopard monster with metallic light all over his body showed its shape.

Its whole body was as black as iron, and its stout limbs and tail were covered with black spikes.

This is Shadow Hunter. Lin Ze’s White Red Sword has left only a white mark on its hard and hard skin. Only when it really faces this monster can it know its horror.

Compared with the difficulty of this Shadow hunter, those ordinary third-order primary stone armor predators are simply garbage-like third-order monsters.

However, Lin Ze and his colleagues are glad that Chen Hui’s explosive attack mode directly opened several blood holes in the Shadow hunter.

This also gave Lin Ze a reassurance that the Shadow hunter’s leather armor defense is not too exaggerated, but still has a tolerance limit.

At least in Lin Ze’s view, the Shadow Hunter’s leather armor defense and the four-winged Golden Demon King he has seen before are completely two levels of existence.

The slightly injured Shadow hunter screamed angrily. Its iron tail swung up and hit Lin Ze’s sword hard.

The huge kinetic energy immediately pushed Lin Ze out of the whole people.

“Attack, don’t let it disappear again!”

Bai shouted, throwing a dagger in her hand, attracting the attention of Shadow hunters.

Lin Ze did not hesitate and rushed at Shadow Hunter again.

On the other side, Chen Hui’s gun was once again split in two and fired quickly at Shadow hunters.

While Shadow Hunter was attracted by Chen Hui and Bai’s fire, Lin Ze slipped low and the whole person quickly slipped into Shadow Hunter’s side.

Such an excellent opportunity, Lin Ze has no reason to waste it.

He took a deep breath, and the remnant effect of Bull Medicine made his blood boil completely and the lightning light on his body soared.

Thunder… Multiple Chops!

Under the action of extremely huge kinetic energy, White Red Sword’s lack of sharpness was made up. The sword shadow chopped into Shadow Hunter’s body and went back and forth frantically, crushing the tissue in Shadow Hunter’s body.


The Shadow hunter was in pain and his body was moving.

It raised its iron claws to grab Lin Ze’s face, but Lin Ze was in a state of concentration at the moment. How could it succeed?

When Shadow Hunter’s iron claws were waving, Lin Ze had already dodged.

As his body regressed, a lightning chain was thrown out of his hand.

Electric lock!

Pat ~ Pa ~

Shadow hunter’s whole body suddenly twitched and his body stagnated again.

Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat pit-a-pat!

Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat pit-a-pat!

Chen Hui stepped on the wall, and finally, the iron thorn from the toe of the shoe poked into the ceiling. The whole person was hanging upside down in mid-air, and his hands were armed with guns to vent their fire wildly.

The bullets were fierce and all shot into the wound that Shadow Hunter had just been cut out by Lin Ze.


Shadow hunter’s body kept shaking, and the intolerable pain made him raise his head and make a shrill roar.

However, it was also in this gap that Bai, who had been in power for a long time, had already rushed at her with a long sword. She raised the body of the sword horizontally with the other hand on the hilt of the sword. Her arms worked together to make a straight stab. SwordKee erupted first above the blade.

“Shut up!”


The sword was concentrated in strength and swordkee blessed the sharp edge, penetrating straight into the head just raised by Shadow hunter.

Bai shouted, holding the hilt in both hands and twisting it hard, then sweeping it with strength.

The sword broke out, Shadow Hunter’s head immediately cracked by half, and foul-smelling liquid came out. Shadow Hunter finally lay down feebly and did not move again.


Chen Hui’s iron thorn on the tip of his shoe was withdrawn, and the whole person jumped back to the ground from mid-air. Seeing Bai’s ferocious performance in his last blow, he couldn’t help muttering: “Are women so fierce now?”

However, they finally brought down the third-order intermediate Shadow hunter.

And because this is a third-order intermediate monster, the three men’s bodies were shaken at the same time, sharing the baptism of energy after the Shadow hunter was killed.

However, it is not rich because the three people are divided equally. It only recovers some of the physical energy they have just consumed.

Lin Ze and Bai looked at the bodies on the ground with a flash of excitement in their eyes.

It is really because the body material of this Shadow hunter is of very high value, which is no less than that of the general third-order top monster.

Its value cannot be measured by strength, because its special stealth ability is very rare among the third-order monsters, and the military covets the principle and structure of this stealth.

Because of this, Shadow Hunter’s leather armor includes things that Fort Eide’s military has been buying at high prices.

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