Where did the two subordinates think that Qasim would do this, and deliberately drank the water just not to give them.

“Boss, you are too unkind, we have followed you for so long, who don’t give us a drink, it doesn’t matter, you actually drank it directly in one breath just now.”

“That’s right, you’re really going too far!”

Obviously thirsty to death, he finally had a little water, and all of them were drunk by Qasim.

“I’m your boss, and you actually call me excessive? Oh, what a bunch of ignorant things. ”

Qasim looked at the two subordinates with hatred, but he didn’t know that his approach was very excessive, and they couldn’t bear it.

The two subordinates threw things down and roared at Qasim, “We don’t do it yet!” The two of us brothers have suffered with you, never said anything, but you have now become unrighteous! ”

“Just when our brothers are blind, from now on you take your Yangguan Road, and we take our one-wood bridge, each has nothing to do with it.”

The two subordinates felt like going forward.

Qasim looked at their backs, and the corners of his lips drew a sneer, “You guys just walked away, but don’t regret it, as far as I know, there is a rich golden palace in this desert.” ”

The four words of the Golden Palace made them look back in surprise.

“What is the Golden Palace?”

“The golden palace is in the depths of this desert, I heard that this palace is full of gold treasures, and there is only one king inside, and all of them guard those treasures.”

“It sounds incredible.”

“Is there really such a place in this desert?”

The two subordinates looked at each other and said that they were really unbelievable about this matter.

The Golden Palace sounds quite grand, but I have never heard of it.

Qasim smiled coldly, “Of course, people with a small pattern like you have never seen it, but I heard from a friend of mine who was in the slave trade.” He stood up from the ground and looked pensively at the desert sky, “Maybe he is rushing towards this side in order to monopolize the protection of the golden palace.” ”

“Ah, yes.”

“Originally, I wanted to monopolize that golden palace, so that I would be the king, and you two would come to be my ministers, since you are leaving now, and say such disrespectful things to me, I don’t think it is necessary.”

A glint flashed in Qasim’s eyes, and he pretended to walk forward.

The two subordinates behind him heard that there were countless treasures in the room space, and their eyes lit up and chased in the direction of Qasim.

“Boss, what we just said is all a joke!”

“Yes, yes, boss, let’s go to the Golden Palace with you.”


At this time, the land wind was still on the road, although they had almost rested just now, but they still felt extremely tired walking in this hot desert.

“Oh, I’m dying, how far away is it before we get out of this desert!”

The little man was tired and out of breath, and suddenly saw a lake not far away, shouting excitedly.

“Wow, wow, I see the lake, where there is water and trees, we can go over there to cool off.”

Xiaofu rushed forward with interest, and Lu Feng also looked ahead, where are there lakes and green trees.

“Xiaofu, don’t go ahead, there is no so-called lake here, what you see is just a mirage in the desert.”

Xiaofu stopped abruptly, and Shizuka the fat tiger Nobita asked Lu Feng.

“What is a mirage?”

Lu Feng spoke for them.

“The reason for the formation of mirages is that the refraction of light is formed by the reflection of objects through the atmosphere, so it does not exist at all.”

After hearing this, Xiaofu was shocked, “This way, but I obviously see that the lake is so real, as if there is really water…”

He pointed ahead, and everyone looked over.

It was found that those mirages had also disappeared.

“Why is it missing now? Is it really fake? ”

Xiaofu rubbed his eyes, and Lu Feng gathered everyone to walk forward.

Walking and walking until the evening.

The nights in the desert are exceptionally cold, and even if you are sweaty during the day, you have to passively shivering at night.

Fortunately, Dorami took out the prop of the opposite cream, let the land wind wipe them on the skin, and instantly warmed up a lot.

This anti-cream is a very special prop, and the feeling of temperature on the skin will become the opposite.

For example, the desert is cold now, and it will become warmer after applying this cream.

Later, Lu Feng set up a tent with Dorami’s props.

They sit inside and rest, and the tent is a unique way to watch the stars in the desert.

“You see, the stars shine brightly on a desert night.”

Lu Feng pointed to the sky.

The moon is high and the stars are shining, which is indeed very beautiful.

“Wow, it’s really beautiful, although I have experienced so much today, it is quite good to sit in the tent and watch the stars.”

Shizuka looked at the beautiful starry sky softly and couldn’t help but sigh.

This sentence also verifies their mood at this moment.

“Yes, even so, looking at the stars is not for a good thing.”

“Alas, I only hope that I can get out of this desert as soon as possible tomorrow, otherwise it will be hot.”

Xiaofu’s words made everyone laugh.

After a few brief words, everyone fell asleep.

The shining stars illuminate each of them, and may tomorrow wake up and it will be a brand new day.

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