DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 10: Here comes the death squad

What is a hero nameplate?

定 Zhao Dingguo was thinking deeply about the super **** battle platform on the screen.

之前 When entering other areas of the platform before, the platform reminded that the rating plate was not enough. However, what seemed to be the pub nameplate at the time, maybe the so-called pub nameplate and hero nameplate actually refer to the same thing? In addition, after the victory of that game, the Super God Bulletin also mentioned that he received a hero nameplate!

Zhao Dingguo remembers clearly that the change before the coma happened when he saw the last bulletin on the nameplate!

In my opinion, this nameplate is really a very important thing.

Apart from this one, nothing seems to need special attention. What is the hero badge? Zhao Dingguo has not seen it until now, and left it aside. The **** points are roughly equal to the ladder points of the demon platform, right? Zhao Dingguo is not very sure, but it should look similar. Remember that on the demon, the player with the highest ladder points can have 2,670 points, and he is just a fraction of others!

There is also a super **** victory point, what exactly is this for?

Zhao Dingguo paid attention to these issues, but did not notice that there is an option to strengthen and exchange in the options of Chaoshen platform. This feature was actually turned on after he experienced the first regular season game. Or, even if he noticed, his more than two hundred wins can't do much now.

In this way, with a question and confusion in mind, Zhao Dingguo had the most restless night since he remembered.

The next day was a rainy day.

The rain was not heavy in the last week of September, but Lili kept it in the middle of the night. Zhao Dingguo was awakened by the raindrops hitting the tarpaulin downstairs outside the window. He turned over, grabbed the mobile phone next to the bed, and glanced at the time, but who accidentally found a text message from the dead party Wang Xin.

"Come at Hongri Internet Cafe, let's have a couple of DOTA together! If you wait for four, you will be sent!"

The text message was ten minutes ago. It was probably pressed by the pillow, so he didn't hear the sound.

As for Wang Xin, he is a friend of his junior high school, high school all the way to college. Friendship for nearly ten years is really not ordinary. Seeing a friend calling, Zhao Dingguo suddenly left yesterday's events behind. He jumped off the bed quickly, washed and ate something in a hurry, and then rushed towards the Red Sun Internet Cafe!

It's raining or something, it can't stop him from arguing with his friends.

"Hey? Dingguo, why haven't you arrived yet? Coming soon? Very good, a few of us will wait for you again!"

I probably waited for a while, and Wang Xin called again to urge. Zhao Dingguo flew under an umbrella while answering the phone. For some reason, Zhao Dingguo felt that he was faster today than before. It used to take fifteen minutes to run, and at the current speed, it took less than ten minutes to reach it, and there was still a feeling of having more energy!

Is it possible that the change is also a change made by Chaoshen platform yesterday?

I was probably a coincidence. When Zhao Dingguo thought of this accidentally, his chest suddenly became hot, as if something warm was stuck there. Zhao Dingguo reached out his hand in doubt, but felt a line of numbers.

That line of silver ID numbers!

Zhao Dingguo's hand froze there! When I saw it yesterday, didn't it disappear into my body? Why did it emerge again today?

However, he hasn't waited for any response. A stereotyped voice sounded in his mind: "Super God user with ID 037205, your death team battle is about to start this month. Please enter Super God space, otherwise it will be regarded as giving up teamfights, and the platform will automatically judge it as a failure! "

"Death team fight started? Super God space?"

突然 This sudden sound startled him and made him even more confused. However, after experiencing the strange things of yesterday, his psychological endurance has been much stronger. Although it is not clear what the death team fight really means, but if you think about it, you will know that failure is not a good end anyway.

The question is, how do you get into the super-god space he said?

一起 Together with this doubt, the stereophonic voice sounded again, this time to give him a note: "Find any place where no one is, press and hold the floating nameplate number, and meditate on it!"

Is that silver number part of the nameplate ...

定 Zhao Dingguo got something useful from his words. He looked around and found that there was an abandoned family home of the old bus station not far away. There was a barren grass inside, and no one had long been there. Seeing that time was running out, he rushed in. After confirming that no one was left or right, he held down the row of digital IDs, and then entered silently!

Silver light radiated from the number on the nameplate and flowed through his body in an instant.

Water ripples appeared in the space around the tadpole. Although it became more and more fierce, it was always controlled to a certain extent. Three seconds later, Zhao Dingguo melted into the air like a colorless light smoke and disappeared from this world!

After the colorful transition of time and space, Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt dark under the weightless state, and his feet touched the ground at the same time. When he returned to God again, he found that he was already in a hall of about 300 square meters, decorated in a magical style. The ceilings and walls of the hall can be seen everywhere with reliefs and murals of DOTA heroes. These artworks are of a high standard and give a strong visual impact.

"Hey, the last one is here too!"

Zhao Dingguo was slightly surprised by a hoarse voice.

放 He looked around, only to find that under the wall at the end of the hall, two teams had stood clearly. One of them is a group of five, and the other is a group of four. The speaker is a round-faced man in his 30s. There is a faint beam of light on everyone's head. There is only one beam under the light at the moment, no one seems to be reserved for himself!

"It's coming, hurry up and stand!"

Another young man with a split voice also spoke, urging Zhao Dingguo who was still looking around the environment.

I was embarrassed by Zhao Dingguo when they came over this way, and quickly stood under the beam of light. Upon detection of his joining, the originally dim beam of light lit up from left to right, as if why he was preparing.

Taking advantage of this gap, the round-faced man, who was about 30 years old, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Is this the first time you have participated in a death team fight?"

定 Zhao Dingguo nodded, and then asked, "What is it?"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo nod, the round-faced man slapped his forehead with a slap, his face was full of depression: "Oh my God, this is terrible. Three of the five people participated in the death team battle for the first time! What's going on with the Libra system? I randomly assigned so many rookies? "

His words made Zhao Dingguo think deeply: "In other words, isn't this your first time participating in the death team fight?"

Depressed and depressed, the round-faced man didn't hide it, quite straightforwardly said: "Yes, I have participated in three times before ~ ​​ ~ The regular season has also played 13 games. Just this month, I got The pub nameplate is much better than your rookie! "

"Tavern nameplate? Does it have anything to do with hero nameplates?"

When I heard him mention the word, Zhao Dingguo seized the opportunity and quickly asked his own questions.

The round-faced man obviously did not expect Zhao Dingguo to ask this question, and he looked at him with a little surprise. This is the only way to say: "You should have contacted the Super God platform? You can pay attention to this problem for the first time in the death team battle. Rarely. In fact, as you said, the nameplate refers to the hero nameplate. The so-called tavern nameplate is just a subdivision on the basis of the hero nameplate. Like my nameplate, it is the dawn light in the hero nameplate ... ... "

He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

As the ten beams of light were fully lit, they began to change the scene, and the stereo sound that they had heard before also sounded at the same time.

"Detected that the Super God user with ID 037205 meets the conditions to participate in the death team battle and joins the battle ..."

"The Super God platform Libra system is open, and the comparison of the **** points between the two teams is 657VS663!"

"In the loading of Super God Space, the default terrain for this team battle is Poplar Valley (autumn). It is detected that no Super God users have heroic bloodlines, and the platform will automatically summon the hero's soul to join the battle!"

"Because it is a death team battle, after defeat, 100 (based on the current hero nameplate level) + (50 * number of death team users participating in the death team battle) will be deducted. If the user's current victory points are not enough, it will be permanently wiped out. If victory , You can choose to bring any of your skills, equipment and props into the real world! "

"Loading is complete, the E01254th battle of the death team battle is about to begin!"

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