DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 140: Meet Yan Yuelan again

This ring must be kept close to you, and should not be easily given to others! "

Seeing Zhao Dingguo seemed very satisfied with the ring, the prophet nodded slightly, reminding him in kind. M

"Thank you for your warning!"

Zhao Dingguo knew the reason for Huai's crimes. This ring was so valued even by the strong prophets of the plot. It is conceivable how important it is, not to mention the recovery price of 2000 win points issued by the Super God platform. . This means that its true value is at least doubled, and it is likely that there is nowhere to buy it if you have money!

Such things, naturally, should be treated as a secret treasure!

After telling Zhao Dingguo, the prophet chatted casually and signaled that he could leave. Zhao Dingguo was very interested and immediately got up to leave. Anyway, the ring is in hand, and it doesn't make much sense to stay strong. But before leaving, he did not forget to glance at the map on the wall again!

After coming out of the Prophet's mansion, Zhao Dingguo groaned for a while and then came to the upper north area of ​​the World Tree.

Here is also restricted access, is the treasure house library of the World Tree Base Camp.

Below the World Tree, there is the largest public library of the Guards Corps. The books there are open to everyone, but most of them are everywhere. This rare book collection room is different. It is only open to warriors, nobles and heroes. It contains many things that are not circulated outside!

That's right, when Zhao Dingguo came here, he became interested in the Carlovic mentioned by the prophet inadvertently.

What kind of place is it anyway?

With deep curiosity, he walked into this quaint and tidy collection of rare books.

There are only three floors in the entire library, the first two floors are open to everyone, and only the high-level heroes in the last floor can enter. All books are well-preserved, and some of the lonely descendants of ancient times are protected by a special constant magic array. Even if he only took a look around, there were hundreds of thousands of books and sheepskin rolls in it, enough to dazzle him!

These volumes of voluminous books are searched by himself, I don't know how long it will take!

Fortunately, the senior members of the Guards Corps also realized this, so they specially equipped this library with several elven librarians.

The elven clan has a longer life than humans. The youngest of these elven admins has moved forward thirty years, which is normal for humans. But the oldest one has been here for nearly two hundred years, and all the classics here have been memorized. After getting help from Zhao Dingguo, one of the middle-aged elves in the dark elf cloak, like Jiazhen, ordered what he was looking for.

"Is Calvinci? That happened six hundred and eighty years ago. Even among the elves, it's a long time. I didn't expect a human being like you to know it!"

The middle-aged elf sighed in a bard-like tone, apparently a little curious about Zhao Dingguo.

In recent years, the strength of the newly emerging warrior class has expanded rapidly, and many top powerhouses have become heroes. But in his impression, those warriors seemed more keen on fame and fortune, and how to make themselves stubborn, not many would come to the library!

Facing the gossip expression revealed by the elf, Zhao Dingguo naturally did not tell the truth, so he randomly found an excuse: "I just heard it by accident, so I wanted to come and see!" After dealing with the elf's curiosity, he took the middle-aged spirit I took out the recommended ones and sat down at the desk next to them to read them carefully.

At the top is a history book named "Minutes of the Guardian Continent", volume 87!

After turning on the catalog page for a while, Zhao Dingguo saw what he wanted: the conspiracy of the plague and the destruction of Carlovic—a tribute to the lost song!

Because it is a summary of major events, the book records very briefly. However, the people who wrote this book are really extraordinary. Although there are only a few hundred words, they tell the beginning and end of the matter clearly, as if it happened before the book was closed. After tasting it, he looked at two other relatively detailed records, and he finally figured out what Carovinch was like.

It was the capital of a once glorious kingdom, and it was also called Arthur City at the time!

If there is no conspiracy of natural disasters, Arthur City is probably still a heavy city on the second-tier battlefield, and it is also one of the important forces of the Guards Corps. However, six hundred and eighty years ago, the high-ranking members of the Scourge conspired to make the head of the Knights of the Hammer Knights of Arthur City fall by various means. Under the control of the Scourge hero, he returned to Arthur City with the Plague Box and opened the box in the most lively market ...

Needless to say the following tragedies.

In just two days, the huge city of Arthur fell completely and became the capital of the undead and the zombies. The Guards Regiment was shocked and furious, and sent troops and heroes to this end. No one knew that the hero of the Scourge also appeared there, and the two sides started a world-fighting war that turned the city of Arthur upside down. In the end, the defender could only bear the pain of making a decision to completely exile the former king!

Ten days after that day, Carovinch disappeared from this world, and was sealed by an incredible force in the Guards Corps into the underground lake!

It was only after that that the city of Carovinch was crowned the Lost City!

Half an hour later, Zhao Dingguo carefully read the relevant records.

He pushed the book away and leaned back, thinking with his eyes closed.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing special about the Lost City. It was nothing more than a scourge of natural disasters, and then the entire city was abandoned. Although this kind of incident can shock the entire continent, in the next millennium, it has rarely happened seven or eight times, and it basically happened once every one hundred years, which is not too surprising. However, from the last book that recorded this, he noticed that the two parties had called for the participation of nearly heroes in the war at that time!

This is so abnormal!

You know, every hero is a treasure of the legion, and he can stand alone and destroy an army by himself!

According to the book, even in the largest comprehensive war of nearly three hundred years, the two major legions had only over 140 heroes in the middle. However, in the battle for a city, but also the one that has fallen into disuse, it utterly sent out a high-end force equivalent to half of the decisive battle!

how can that be?

The only explanation is that there is something extremely important in that city, and it is worth fighting for at the expense of the two legions. Soon after the calamity was destroyed by Calvinci, the heroes were sent to the scene again and again, this can no doubt prove this!

If you think of it this way, what the prophet found after six or seven hundred years, trying to go in to find something, can explain it!

As a sealed undead nation, after so many years of development and evolution, the undead in it must be very powerful. The prophet went in alone and faced the undead of the whole king city, but he was not the hero of the late and late period, but it was normal to fight. In this way, he desperately wants a piece of equipment that can help him shield his dead spirits!

With the ancient country **** wood ring, he can sneak into the lost city and look for the treasure that was lost in it!

Although some details are still unclear, Zhao Dingguo knew that it was due to lack of information. In fact, he could almost prove this inference. Moreover, as can be seen from the map on the book, the location of the Lost City of Carovinch is on the road three to four hundred miles west of Qingxue City, which is the same as the place marked in the map on which the prophet only hung!

Maybe I can find a way to go around?

After flashing this thought in his mind, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but feel a little tempted. But thinking again, he gave up again.

Even the prophet had to rely on the ancient **** tree ring to avoid those undead. He is a dawn super-user who has just started to grow, and rushing to the threatening place is to die. This was no better than a trip to the South Wilderness. At that time, he had a gryphon to ride. With air superiority, the danger is offset to the maximum. This time, the target was an undead city that was sealed in an underground lake, and the danger was undoubtedly increased!

After some sudden decisions, Zhao Dingguo shook his head and returned several books to the bookshelf.

What a lost city is too far away from him. If you have time to think about that, you might as well consider how to go to the war zone between the two legions, and then pass there to the Scourge. In that case, he can find the black bird, trigger the mission on the badge, and then learn his first skill!

This question may not be answered until the frontline cities of the two major legions.

Thinking of this, he planned to return to Qingxue City by teleport. There was his initial teleportation point, and the favorability was directly friendly, coupled with the front city, it should be convenient to inquire about such news.

Zhao Dingguo was always a hardworking faction. After making his decision, he quickly set foot on the teleportation team to Qingxue City. However, before he could take a few steps out of the teleportation array, a familiar voice not far away stopped him.

"Zhao ... Dingguo?"

This female voice sounded full of surprise and uncertainty ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo looked obliquely forward along the voice, could not help but stunned. He was staring at him with the same eye, the little sister Lan Lan who had invited him to double his gambling mission. Although she was wearing a white trench coat at that time, it was completely two styles similar to the dress of the aborigines now, but the pretty face and temperament were exactly the same, and soon helped Zhao Dingguo confirm her identity!

"It's you!"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's response, Yan Yuelan was finally sure that she did not recognize the wrong person, and was quite surprised.

Zhao Dingguo was also a little surprised, but he did not expect that a person who had only met in the real world not long ago, actually met again so soon in the theme, it was a coincidence.

The two shook hands gently to celebrate the reunion.

"I didn't expect that a rookie user who has only recently entered the Dawning level should have more than a thousand points in the niche and can actually get a badge! If you don't see it in person, I am afraid few people will believe it!" , My heart secretly raised the evaluation of Zhao Dingguo a bit.

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