DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 151: Warning from Super God Platform

Chapter 151 Warning From The Super God Platform

ps: Send the second one!

Lightning Chain is a very powerful auxiliary skill!

If it is a normal match, Zhou Chengwu will certainly not release this skill to Zhao Dingguo. WwW. NgWeNXuE. MM In the current special environment, a small feature of the Lightning Chain skill just rescued him from the predicament.

It turns out that at the moment the lightning chain is linked to the opponent, the instant attraction of the charge will draw the caster actively towards the target a short distance. In weekdays, this feature is not very useful. But now, that attractive force dragged Zhou Chengwu directly on the window sill and let him fly towards Zhao Dingguo!

At this moment, although he was an enemy, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but scream!

I have to say that Zhou Chengwu's understanding of skills is indeed quite thorough!

If he was given enough time, Zhao Dingguo thought he could come up with a solution to this situation. But Zhou Chengwu did so subconsciously in a critical situation, which is enough to show his consciousness and skill! However, with admiration and admiration, Zhao Dingguo swung the boss chair again without leaving a little bit of effort, instead he hit it even harder!


If Zhao Dingguo did not take a decisive shot, Zhou Chengwu could really rely on the momentary attraction to get out of the predicament. But now, Zhou Chengwu, who had blood on his face, burst into tears and his head buzzed. However, the superb user ’s heroic physique did not let him pass out, but instead took the opportunity to grab the boss's chair, and pulled down with a mighty force!

Even if I fall, I will pull you down!

Zhou Chengwu thought so and did so. Under his strenuous pull, Zhao Dingguo shuddered and actually threw him down with him.

The height of the fourth floor!

Although he knew he could not fall, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but feel scalp tingling.

He never expected that Zhou Chengwu was so difficult to set up a trap, and finally dragged himself into the water. Depressed, he did not forget to throw two ice bombs in the air, finally venting a bit of depression!

However, Zhao Dingguo's luck has always been good at critical moments.

After first falling to the ground, Zhou Chengwu rolled on the spot and wanted to take off some of the impact. However, he did not expect that he was rolling in a wrong direction, just rolling right below Zhao Dingguo's fall. If he hadn't moved, nothing would have happened. Can be shifted by such a distance of more than one meter, but just became Zhao Dingguo's meat pad!

What would it feel like to drop a weight of 160 to 70 pounds on the shoulders from the height of the fourth floor?

Zhao Dingguo did not experience it, but Zhou Chengwu under him just happened to experience it once. Under the huge impact, he was about to stand up and fell to the ground, blood splattered, and several bones on his body also made clicking noises. I don't know if it was broken!

With such a cushion cushion, although Zhao Dingguo was very sad, his health value had not changed much. But Zhou Chengwu was different. First he fell and then he was smashed.

The fighting situation reversed instantly!

If the enemy takes the initiative to come to your door, if you can't grasp it, then you are an idiot!

Zhao Dingguo didn't say a word. He stood up immediately after bearing the pain in his body, and smashed an ice bomb directly. Anyway, the other party has flashing assault skills, even if the distance is not very useful, it is better to take advantage of this time to output more!

Zhou Chengwu's injury was really severe this time. He was dark for a few seconds and spit two more blood, and then stood up again. If he had known this result, he would not have dragged Zhao Dingguo down. Now that the enemy is okay, he has suffered a big loss, which makes him ashamed and annoyed, and his heart is extremely angry!

Even at this moment, he still felt that he had a chance to kill Zhao Dingguo.

"Dare you make me so embarrassed, you **** it!"

He staggered to his feet, wiped off the blood on his face, kicked his weapon with one foot, picked up and launched a charge towards Zhao Dingguo. His eyes were now full of madness and killing, and there was still undisguised contempt!

This guy is really proud!

Zhao Dingguo didn't know where his superiority came from, and was too lazy to know. He understands that not only is his delaying task expected to be completed, but now it looks like there is still a chance of over-completion. After such a fall, as long as he is careful, it may not be possible to kill Zhou Chengwu. Although he lacks output and control skills, the hero badge has a maximum 5% chance of 1.75 times the damage, which makes up for this to a certain extent!

While continuously consuming Zhou Chengwu, Zhao Dingguo was also cautiously positioned, approaching the big tree in the club steadily!

Zhao Dingguo's intentions were still obvious. Although Zhou Chengwu was a little faint, he quickly reacted. But his movement was a bit late, Zhao Dingguo quickly took out the old Li points to eat the tree and patted it hard. Suddenly, a stream of cool and soft energy poured into his body, slowly and continuously recovering his life. As for the big tree, it seemed that its vitality was sucked away, and it withered instantly!

A group of eating trees can be used three times, and the recovery effect in the battle will not be interrupted.

Zhou Chengwu is really upset now!

His blood volume has been decreasing, but Zhao Dingguo still has the means to recover by eating trees. If it is consumed like this, he will probably be consumed first. At this moment, Zhou Chengwu could not help secretly regretting why he had not prepared a set of supplies in advance. But now regret is useless, all he can do is the last fight!

If Zhao Dingguo can best be defeated, if not, he can also take the opportunity to leave the battlefield!

This idea is naturally good, but Zhou Chengwu underestimated Zhao Dingguo's courage to fight. When he launched another flashing assault, Zhao Dingguo sealed him with a star imprisonment exactly the same. But this time, Zhao Dingguo did not flinch, but used the active skills of the ancestors' drums directly after Zhou Chengwu broke the seal, and instantly gained 10% offensive and moving speed dual improvements!

The active skill of War Drum is limited to the number of times it can be used. It is only four times in total, and it will take 750 win points to recharge after all. Therefore, it is not critical, Zhao Dingguo is reluctant to bear it. But now is the time to kill, every factor may determine the ownership of victory or defeat. Zhao Dingguo didn't hesitate, and decided to use the drum for the first acceleration!

Strange magic lingers around Zhao Dingguo, allowing him to maintain this state for six seconds.

With the four-point intelligence drawn from the star imprisonment, Zhao Dingguo began to output with his strongest state!

Each ice bomb hit Zhou Chengwu, and from time to time, he also blasted 1.75 times of critical damage, which made Zhou Chengwu hesitate a bit, I do n’t know if he temporarily gave up the output to block, or just fight Zhao Dingguo!

A brief hesitation passed, Zhao Dingguo broke out a round of output within six seconds!

Although Zhou Chengwu is Shuguang's high-level comprehensive strength, his strength attributes are not as high as Zhao Dingguo's, and his natural blood volume is also slightly lower. On the other side, when Zhao Dingguo obtained the Dawning Tavern nameplate, he chose a characteristic ability that reduced his damage by half when attacked!

It was said before that these 5 points of damage reduce the real damage after deducting defense. Although it may seem a little less, the effect of injury reduction is quite obvious. Zhou Chengwu had to accept this unbelievable fact that he was the first one who could not stand up in the battle with Zhao Dingguo. Zhao Dingguo's blood loss was slower than he thought, but his own life halo turned red first!

This **** fact severely hit Zhou Chengwu's pride.

He was defeated by someone he didn't like!

Despite his anger, he had to accept the embarrassing fact and began to turn around and run away. Although his character has all sorts of flaws, it is not unreasonable. Right now, the situation is unfavorable, and he can't take care of the boss Gu Rong, so keep his own life before talking!

However, Zhao Dingguo did not understand the news of cutting the grass and roots. Seeing that the enemy turned around and fled, he didn't say a word, and caught up!

Each of them has a pair of speed boots. It is reasonable to run at full speed, and the speed should be about the same. However, Zhao Dingguo also had the passive acceleration of the ancestors' drums. Although it was only 5%, it was far less obvious than the acceleration effect after the active opening. However, this 5% improvement was enough to open the gap between him and Zhou Chengwu!

Hundreds of meters chased all the way, even if Zhou Chengwu tried his best, he could not get rid of Zhao Dingguo. On the contrary, because he focused on the escape, he did not stop to block Zhao Dingguo's ice bomb.

As a result, his blood volume fell faster!

"I can not be reconciled!"

After finding that he could not escape, Zhou Chengwu's face looked desperate. He yelled and used the final magic to launch a flashing assault again, and he would have to make Zhao Dingguo a bit more trouble!

This is of course futile, Zhao Dingguo popped an ice cone and hit his eyebrow directly!

This is the second Super God user killed by Zhao Dingguo in the real world ~ ~ I remember the last time I killed Di Feiping. He was still a little bit uncomfortable afterwards, but now there is nothing abnormal, but instead It's very calm. He looked at the body of Zhou Chengwu, shook his head, reached out and held the real name key floating there!

"Warning! Some ordinary humans in the real world have discovered the supernatural force you used, and you must clear it within 10 minutes. Otherwise, the supernatural platform will replace your shot and deduct the corresponding victory points. Those who have insufficient victory points will erase them!"


As soon as Zhao Dingguo took the real name key, the warnings of Chaoshen's platform sounded one after another. At the same time, a faint faint red mist appeared in front of his eyes, and the blood was inexhaustible, as if it was a lifeline from hell, which made Zhao Dingguo's heart agitated and bloodthirsty!

This is the first time he has received such a warning in the real world, and the words of erasure still ringing in his ears have inspired his intention to kill!

He looked around coldly for a week, and finally found the unfortunate eyewitness in a parked car outside the clubhouse!

! @ #

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