DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 164: Problematic fight

> Chapter 164 Problematic Fighting

ps: Correct a small error. {Net} In the previous chapter, "because the strength of the rising sun users is not enough", the rising sun should actually be the dawn, so please correct it here.

The disaster-stricken user's idea of ​​stability made Zhao Dingguo win the second tower with almost no blood!

Without this building, the road to the Middle Road Heights has been opened. Seeing the situation as he expected, Zhao Dingguo immediately waved his hand, signaled his teammates to continue to press the front to the other side. However, this attack does not have to kill the opponent's high ground. Zhao Dingguo's rule beforehand was only four words!

Stand by!

If the other party does not expose any loopholes, then relying on the death prophet's big tricks to consume them a little, they can retreat. But if the supernatural user of the natural disaster made any mistakes and was caught by them again, then Zhao Dingguo didn't mind immediately starting a highland battle!

The Scourge did not expect the Guards to be insatiable. After withdrawing from the highlands, the five men who thought they would temporarily evacuate. But the current situation surprised them a bit, and the guards began to try to attack the midfield heights!

"So confident? So arrogant!"

The blue cat dropped a residual image near the defense tower, and said coldly. In his opinion, even if the guards had a lot of advantages in the early stage, it was not possible to capture their high ground so early. On the contrary, this is an opportunity for natural disasters, and it is entirely possible to wipe out the opponent in the high ground in the first battle!

Others on the Scourge side think so.

It ’s just that the offensive is not resolute. When the front line leans forward, it will be back soon!

This agitation made the disaster-stricken party feel incapable, and a grumpy cursed even more impatiently. However, due to the lack of strong control, although the Scourge saw the loopholes between the offensive and defensive transitions of the guards more than once, there was no way to keep them, and their highland defense towers were worn away by the guards a little bit. One-time durability!

"Almost retreat!"

Looking at the status of his teammates, Zhao Dingguo resigned. However, before he spoke, the witch doctor next to him caught the opportunity. He took advantage of the ice girl's mistake too far forward, and directly pushed him down the high ground with the force staff, and then threw out a paralyzing bomb!

At first, the witch doctor wanted to use the newly created Force Staff to push the horses to the center of the Scourge. It's just that Ren Ma has been following Zhao Dingguo, so he gave up this plan. Anyway, the combination of the horse and the sea people is also good. Just use your force staff on the enemy. Therefore, the ice girl became the victim of that tragedy!

Because of the sudden incident, both sides of the high ground were stunned!

Both Zhao Dingguo and the Phantom Assassin were ready to turn around and leave, and the people on the Scourge side felt that, so they were relieved. No one expected that, at this last moment, the witch doctor suddenly seized the opportunity and pushed the ice lady down!

The Ice Girl was probably the fastest responding of the five people in the Scourge. When he felt that he was suddenly pushed out by a huge force, he realized that it was not good. When the ice girl stabilized her body and found that she was already under the high ground, she was even more afraid. But before he turned around and ran back, the witch doctor followed his release of the paralytic bomb and cut off his thoughts!


It was as if a Mars had fallen into a pile of dry firewood, and the highlands in the middle of the original calm natural disaster instantly burned fiercely!

The Death Prophet quickly raised his hand, and a group of carrion bats kicked off the highland war!

With this yellow-green fan-shaped e-skill, the super-god users of the guard side shot all together. The phantom assassin threw out a choking blade to prevent the ice girl from escaping, and Zhao Dingguo also placed the falling point of the ice fragments behind the ice girl. This bright skill holds a very good position. The five ice fragments arranged in a circular arc not only blocked the ice girl's retreat, but also blocked the rescue channel for the Scourge, dividing the battlefield into two parts. !!

The four guards, including the black short men and witch doctors, all screamed in their hearts!

The slopes that rushed to the high ground were already extremely narrow, and now they were mostly blocked by ice fragments.

Scourges like blue cats, gods, and hidden thorns have the ability to fight over the ice fragments, but they know that the ice girl cannot be saved anyway. In this case, there is no need to give up the advantage of the high ground for a mortal person and take the initiative to fight with the guards! With such a hesitation, the ice girl had been killed by the outbreak of fire from the guard.

Seeing this situation, the natural disasters completely strengthened the idea of ​​keeping the high ground unstoppable!

The head of the ice girl was accidentally grabbed by Zhao Dingguo!

After throwing the ice fragments, he just went up and attacked casually, and actually took the final blow from other companions. This unexpected killing reward made Zhao Dingguo stunned, and let the black short eye next to him flash a fascination.

The ice fragments lasted only five seconds, and disappeared soon after the ice girl hung up. However, seeing the natural disaster has been reduced by one person, although it is an auxiliary, but it has important control and deceleration skills. Without him, the guard had already prepared to evacuate, and the five men, including Zhao Dingguo, turned around and tried to find a second round of opportunity before the ice girl resurrected!

If they can win each other's high ground early, their advantage will be great!

However, because the ice girl's level is almost the lowest in the field, the resurrection time is very short. Including the time rushed after the resurrection, it will not exceed the gap of a wave of soldiers. If they want to break the high ground, they must hurry up!

If you have the chance, you can create opportunities without opportunities!

Zhao Dingguo's sea people and black short men are undoubtedly the kind of heroes who can create opportunities!

As the initiator of gank, Zhao Dingguo, who had cut-in magic skills in hand, widened his eyes from the ground. While the new wave of soldiers attacked the high ground for a short time, they carefully observed the movement of the other four. When this wave of Shuren soldiers were quickly cleared by the natural disaster and there was only a trebuchet, Zhao Dingguo's heart moved and he caught a fleeting opportunity!

The hidden stab is not visible because it has not been attacked.

Of the remaining three, the blue cat has the highest ball-shaped lightning, and is most likely to flee and escape after being set on fire, so he tops the front.

Other gods and windrunners are relatively backward.

There is no doubt that the gods are relatively the best to kill. Moreover, because of the greed for the trebuchet's money, the **** protruded a little out of his body, so that Zhao Dingguo gained his vision.

A huge snowball takes shape instantly!

A spectacle impossible to appear in reality was born, a magical snowball tumbling from the low **** to the high ground, completely ignoring gravity!

Zhao Dingguo's first move also kicked off the re-attack of the guard!

The Death Prophet e shot again, and the Phantom Assassin immediately launched the Flash Assault ability and came behind Windrunner. The witch doctor quickly followed, releasing a freshly cooled paralysis bomb, and was ready to release the curse and the big move.

By this time, the deities had realized that they were the target.

He probably didn't panic, probably because he had passed through in advance. When the big snowball approached, a blue-black smoke screen familiar to Zhao Dingguo suddenly appeared beside him. Obviously, the hidden thorn is hidden beside him, and he shot at this critical moment!

The moment he got out, Zhao Dingguo thought he might encounter this situation, so he was not in a hurry. Despite being silenced by the smoke screen, the vertigo of that second gave him some time. Of course, Zhao Dingguo knew that if he wanted to fight back, he had to get out of the smoke screen, so he immediately launched the phase shoes and went out. Although it is inevitable that the next move will be a blow from the gods, as long as the horses follow him and step out in time ...


Zhao Dingguo froze, only to find that there was no one around him.

He looked back in astonishment, and found that the Centaur Chief was somehow not involved in the snowball with him, but fell behind and ran towards the high ground. Because of distance, he seemed ready to help Phantoms and Witch Doctors to kill Blue Cat and Popular!

The fighting situation evolved immediately, Zhao Dingguo singled out the gods and hidden thorns alone!

It is impossible to succeed!

Even if Zhao Dingguo's level and equipment are higher than the other party, the hero Haimin is not a traditional output hero. Without the cooperation of others, even if he launched a big move, he just beat the deities into residual blood. Zhao Dingguo himself was also turned over, and the imprisonment with the star body was only delayed for two more seconds, which did not help.

However, at this time, the battle over the phantom thorn has also been divided!

Although the blue cat flew away at the last minute, the curse that the witch doctor specifically left him still killed him at the door of the resurrection spring. After the windrunner ran out of his skills, he finally threw out a painful scream from the Queen of Pain. This range of output skills is only one level ~ ~, so the effect can only be said that chat is better than nothing, and it cannot help windrunners to change the battle situation. In the end, he was still killed by the phantom stab that followed him!

Just then, the resurrected Ice Lady rejoined the battle.

The prickly prince knew the reason to accept it when he saw it well, seeing that he had no hope of breaking the opponent's high ground, and quickly led the others to retreat.

In the case that the witch doctor has been driving the voodoo recovery technique, the gods eventually did not chase them, so that the highland battle after the ice girl's death ended with two for one!

The natural disaster side certainly suffered a lot, but they held the high ground and were quite satisfied with the result. Of course, the rest of the guard did not have any complaints. They won the second tower, advanced to the high ground, and retreated calmly after the killing. Fighting like this, the gap between them and natural disasters will only widen.

Among the five, only Zhao Dingguo's face was gloomy!

Somehow, he instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the fighting just now. Moreover, this question refers specifically to the black short youth around him. It was for his sake that Zhao Dingguo was caught in a pinch by the two, and his previous streak was ended!

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