DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 169: Crystal Sanctuary Brush Favor

Not long after sending Zhou Lei away, Zhao Dingdu ushered in the cooling cd of the bronze hero badge. Shu mí group 4∴⑧㈥

This means that he can go to the main plane again. Moreover, after doing a lot of work in advance, Zhao Dingguo divided his goals this time and set them on the page of the ice system magic book.

A careful study reveals that the second step of the pedigree task given to him by the supplicant can be divided into six small parts. The primary ice magic mastery obtained when triggering the bloodline mission is the first part, and the ice spell and ice fragments that Zhao Dingguo has obtained is the second part, and this ice magic system is the third part. As long as you can get nòng this time, Zhao Dingguo's second bloodline mission is half done!

However, where should I go, which is a big question.

On the internal platform of the real world, Zhao Dingguo deliberately checked the value of this thing. It's just that there is a lot of elementary ice magic, and the price is not expensive. It is around 1,000 win points. Corresponding advanced specialties are rare. Either the stock is also out of stock on the platform, or the high price of 3,000 win points is directly offered!

Even for the twilight masters, this number can't be small.

According to Zhao Dingguo's current situation, it is impossible to get together unless he sells the ancient kingdom **** wood ring that was nòng from the strong prophet. However, the ring can be sold to the Super God platform for 2000 points, and its real value is probably several times that. Although Zhao Dingguo does not seem to use it, it will not be sold short-sightedly!

Moreover, since others can go to the ice magic department, Zhao Dingguo can certainly do it himself.

Zhao Dingguo has already inquired that all plot heroes with ice skills have a chance to give the ice magic book pages in the task reward. However, among those heroes and forces, the best place for you is undoubtedly the crystal sanctuary of the base camp!

It was built by the previous-generation plot hero Bing Nv, and it can be regarded as a famous party in the Guards Corps.

As a pure ice-based mage, the probability that ice nv gives a book page is the highest among many heroes. The only problem is that the crystal sanctuary has a lower mén threshold for nvxìng super-god users. And if male xìng wants to go in and receive the task, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to brush goodwill!

Of course, in the theme, the favorability is not an intuitive number to see. The key depends on the nameplate's prompts and your own feelings. For his own book pages, Zhao Dingguo also prepared for a long-term struggle! He knows that the pedigree task is not so easy to do. From many dusk masters to cultivating until the advanced level to get pedigree, you can see the difficulty and twists and turns of the pedigree task!

With enough determination, Zhao Dingguo launched the teleportation!

Because this is not the first time he has come to the main plane, Zhao Dingguo's moves are quite peculiar. After the teleportation, he went straight to the base camp of the Guards. After spending a lot of time hurrying, Zhao Dingguo finally came to the upper level of the world tree panting, outside the ice wall of the Crystal Sanctuary!

His first impression was that many people!

In other heroes' residences, Zhao Dingguo has also seen the super-enthusiastic users ’madness in order to trigger tasks and learn skills. But compared to the scene right now, those are not enough. Moyo has a small stadium like a crystal sanctuary surrounded by a hundred or two hundred super-god users. The images of these people look very different, but they are crowded here, so that Zhao Dingguo can see the popularity of Bing nv!

"Newcomer, what time does the Crystal Sanctuary open today? I have waited for an hour!"

"The rising sun melee strength strengthens teammates, is there any descent of live ice nv? We wholeheartedly welcome you to join!"

"Aquila will collect people! Anyone who can freeze and confine or glorious halo can add it!"


In the crowd, the noisy shouts kept one after another, and Zhao Dingguo looked a little stunned.

At that moment, he felt that someone behind him suddenly patted his shoulder: "Ah? Aren't you the guy who just came to the main plane shortly? The last time I asked you to come to the Crystal Sanctuary, why are you thinking about it today? Anymore? "

Zhao Dingguo didn't feel that he had an acquaintance on the theme, and he didn't remember when he had been to the Crystal Sanctuary, so it was only that someone else had mistaken him. But when he turned around, the people standing in front of him made him feel familiar. After racking his brains and remembering for a while, Zhao Dingguo suddenly remembered that the man who claimed to be a lunatic was the first time he entered the theme and enthusiastically reminded him to wear a samurai uniform with hidden dangers!

For this guy, Zhao Dingguo's impression is still very good.

"No way, I have to come for the task!" Zhao Dingguo shrugged and asked, "Why are you here again?"

The lunatic stomped his feet and looked inside the Sanctuary of Crystals-although he couldn't see anything, it said: "Isn't the Sanctuary of Crystals open to the public again today, and Xiaobing nv will also appear, naturally we will come here to support you! Why are there so many people? Even in the Crystal Sanctuary, there are not so many people every day! "

That's it!

The words of the lunatic were a relief for Zhao Dingguo. He thought for a while, and suddenly he moved, and asked, "Crazy, do you know how to go from Bing nv here nòng to the book page of the ice system?"

The information in the Illuminati is not all-inclusive. The above only mentioned that the crystal sanctuary will produce, but the specific process of brushing out the pages of the book, the information is vague. Zhao Dingguo's original plan was to come over and ask a little bit, but now he has encountered a lunatic who has one side relationship. I wonder if he can get news from him? After all, the lunatic seems to know a lot about the Crystal Sanctuary. As long as the news is useful, even if he pays some points for it!

"Special jīng book pages !?"

The lunatic's expression on the face was quite indifferent, but when he heard the word, he couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Are you sure that you are a master rather than a junior master?" After getting the affirmation from Zhao Dingguo, the lunatic was even more surprised: "You Dawn-level guy, what task is needed to use a special book page? "

Suspicious of Huò, the lunatic still enthusiastically told the news he knew.

"I've only been able to help friends with ice magic. I didn't have any shortcuts, just brush! After the Crystal Sanctuary opens, you take the opportunity to talk to Bing nv and offer to help. Then she will Send you to find the director of the Crystal Sanctuary, and do it again and again after receiving the task. You can do it more than a dozen times. If you are fast, you can complete the entire time of taking the main plane twice! After you get it , And then find the ice nv to take the **** task, there is a great probability to get a special book page! "

"Escort mission?"

It's not difficult to understand the previous brush, but what is this **** task? Could he be a dawn rookie to **** the plot hero?

The lunatic looked around and lowered his voice and said, "It's just to send some good ice-based magic scrolls to the front line of the guard. If luck is all the way to peace, it's just a trip. If it's bad luck, If you might meet someone from the Scourge, then you can only have a fight. Here ’s a piece of advice. Keep your eyes bright when you ’re close to the front line. Once the situation is not right, just decisively throw away the task and evacuate. , But better than giving away small lives! "

"Going to the front line? Is it possible to fight with the forces of natural disasters?"

Zhao Dingguo was a little surprised now, but he didn't expect that he would even venture to the front line for a special book page. But think about it, how much risk corresponds to how much profit. Such a special book page is worth 3000 points. If it is easy to get it, who would buy it at that price?

Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo quickly consolidated his thoughts.

In these years, if you want to become stronger, how can you not take risks? Not to mention just sending things to the front line, even if it is sent to the natural disaster, he should pick up when necessary!

"Crazy, thank you!"

This process is still very important for Zhao Dingguo. After solving this trouble, he is in a good mood and is ready to turn to 100 win points. But the lunatic is also very particular about it, just moving his mouth to say a few words, he feels that it has not yet reached the point of collecting labor costs!

Such an enthusiastic and particular person, Zhao Dingguo naturally will not let the other party suffer. Last time he did himself a favor, and this time it was the same. When he saw that he won nothing, Zhao Dingxuo pulled him to the bar and paid him a drink with the magic gold coins. Anyway, the Crystal Sanctuary has not yet opened, and the lunatic agreed to push the boat.

After a few glasses of Drake champagne from the jīng Ling family, Zhao Dingguo's relationship with the lunatic suddenly became a lot closer.

He hesitated for a moment, still unable to hold back, and asked, "Crazy, you always come to the Crystal Sanctuary. Is it really for the aboriginal Xiaobing nv?"

The lunatic took a sip of champagne ~ ~ Taste carefully, it took a long time to express a meaningful smile: "Xiaobing nv 诶, but that is the most beautiful hero of the new generation of the theme. There is something to say One day, Bing Nv walked on the river, and suddenly ... "

This is a cold joke about Bing nv!

Zhao Dingguo gave him a serious look, and he knew it vaguely. He is here not just to see an aboriginal man, he must have his own plans. Although it does not look like the lineage of Bing nv, it can be determined that this plot is definitely not small! But then again, it was his own business what the lunatic was planning. Zhao Dingguo has nothing to ask on such a large scale. If you continue to ask questions without interest, then some of them cannot be justified!

"The Crystal Sanctuary is open!"

At this moment, no one outside the pub shouted a throat, immediately attracted the attention of Zhao Dingguo and the lunatic.

After paying the money, the two ran towards the Crystal Sanctuary by accident. Zhao Dingguo is of course trying to get a chance for dialogue as soon as possible, and the lunatic has taken his steps very fast, for fear that he won't catch up with a slow step!

"Coincidentally, I have something to do with it, too!"

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