DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 199: Chairman's decision

"Chairman? Chairman?"

Seeing what the director of the Illuminati was digging into, what was the information, Lu Feifan, who trot back all the way, exhaled and asked respectfully. After the time of the main plane's stay was over, he ran here for the first time, and had something to report to the chairman.

Because the twilight class president is often absent, the chairman and the chief think tank have become the two most powerful people in the Illuminati weekdays! As a motivated person, Lu Feifan devoted himself to the chairman's command early. And the chairman did not let him down, and usually gave him some benefits, secretly and secretly!

This also made Lu Feifan firmly believe in following him.

And this time, Lu Feifan determined that the secret he had discovered would certainly arouse the attention and curiosity of the chairman!

"what happened?"

Lu Feifan's arrival at the door caught the attention of the chairman. You should know that he usually does not like to be disturbed when he is in the study. Lu Feifan, as a teenager under his charge, certainly knew this. But that's why his visit will make the chairman even more curious!

Is it something important?

Seeing that the chairman's attention was mobilized by himself, Lu Feifan was somewhat proud, but his face was pretending to be calm. He first asked a question: "Chairman, do you remember the person in the branch Zhao Dingguo?"

"Zhao Dingguo?"

The chairman did not understand why Lu Feifan asked this person.

As the leader of the president of the headquarters, he has great power. He handles every day with an unknown number of events. How can he focus on the members of a branch? After working hard to think about it for a long time, the chairman barely thought of something, and said indefinitely, "Did the chairman of the Holy Sword Society ever find it?"

"it's him!"

Lu Feifan affirmed: "He joined on the recommendation of a member of the branch, and has now received full membership treatment in advance. In the recent attack on Moonwell, he also performed quite well, and still I won the top ten awards. At that time, our vice chairman also attended the meeting in person and awarded him a reward! "

"Oh, I have an impression!"

As reminded by him, the director remembered some specific things. He thought for a moment, opened the notebook and logged in to the internal website, flipped through the related records and files, and knew in his heart: "This kid looks good, it is the person we should focus on training. Well, there is no Outsider! Come on, what did he do that got you so concerned? "

Lu Feifan nodded his head and lowered his voice, "I suspect he found a secret place!"

That's too important!

The chairman's body shook, his eyes sharpened, and he stared straight at Lu Feifan, asking word by word: "How did you know? The news is reliable?"

In the main plane, the mystery is like the existence of an independent space. It is often the magical ruins of the First World War of the two major legions, or some unique treasures, with rich resources not available on the theme. But don't worry about any mystery, it is related to two words-rare and valuable!

It has been a few years since the Super God platform was opened. The mysteries that can be found on the main plane add up to more than ten, of which only three or four are actually developed. But these three or four have brought unimaginable huge benefits to the super-god organizations that occupy them!

The reason why Huiyao Group can gather twenty-one super masters, in addition to various coincidences and specialities, is because it has occupied a big secret, so it can develop into the first super-god organization in China and even the world!

Even the God of Europe has no way to stand against the glory of independence!

The Illuminati is also regarded as the best super-god organization in the country, but it has only participated in the development of a small secret realm, let alone the monopoly. If what Lu Feifan said was true, one of his men would find a new mystery ...

Thinking of this, even though his city is not calm, he actively asked: "What the **** is going on? Tell me in detail!"

Lu Feifan was waiting for this sentence, and immediately told his findings!

While listening carefully, the chairman tapped his finger on the table with his fingers bent. After pondering for a while, he asked: "Are you sure, the materials listed on the list he brought out were used to make the secret transmission scroll? "


Lu Feifan was quite confident in his memory and judgment, so he completely recapitulated the list, and even the amount of each material was exactly the same. He had been an accountant in the real world, and he couldn't be more sensitive to numbers. After entering the theme, he also resumed his old business by doing this errand, like a fish. Two months ago, Lu Feifan just happened to get a recipe for making a teleportation scroll from somewhere else. Although the specific proportions are different, the main ingredients of the formula are completely the same!

"Blue magic blood, pale book ..."

Of course, the chairman knows the purpose of these materials, so he has no doubt about that list. The only thing he was puzzled about was where did Zhao Dingguo know about the mystery, and who was he going to make the special mysterious teleportation scroll?

This is a big problem!

Those who can access the mystery are, according to his experience, less said that they are also qualified at dusk. And those who can make the mysterious teleportation scroll can only be done by some powerful French story heroes. It is very difficult for a dawning newcomer to enter the main plane. How can he be exposed to the mystery?

The chairman thinks it impossible!

He frowned and froze in the study for a few times, puzzled. But remembering the record of the President of the Holy Sword Society recorded in the file, the director's head flashed light, and suddenly thought of a more incredible possibility!

In the theme, the mysteries are also divided into categories!

Most of the secret realms that Super God users can find are formed after the First War between the two major legions, and the history to date is no more than a thousand years. These mysteries are collectively called the mysteries of war. But in addition to the mystery of war, there are some more ancient mysteries on the theme, called inheritance mysteries!

As the name suggests, this is a trial ground that only some heroes open when they inherit the bloodline!

These special traditions of inheritance are generally relatively small, and they were formed by manpower of the first-generation heroes. These mysteries are only in the hands of contemporary heroes. And the last step of the pedigree mission involves inheriting the secret realm. Among the more than 100 heroes in TA, there can be so many more than ten!

If it is said that the dawn-level boy has completed a certain pedigree task, he needs to collect materials to make scrolls, enter the inheritance secret and inherit the descent ...


This is absolutely impossible!

The chairman subconsciously rejected this speculation, after all, it is quite good to get bloodline at dusk. Those who can get blood in the rising sun are the patents of some geniuses and evildoers. But what is the membership of Zhao Dingguo? A dawning newcomer, has the pedigree mission come to an end?

What's going on?

Super genius? Peerless evil? Or is it character?

You know, many super-qualified Super God users haven't touched the main plane at this time! Even if the strength-enhancing speed of Fai Yao is unparalleled in the world, and the brave and martial arts are unparalleled, the super strong with two holy swords on his body, the time to obtain Medusa blood, is only two months after entering the realm of the rising sun!

And that record is already the fastest in the world of super **** circles!

However, although he didn't believe it in any way, but reason told the chairman that this possibility is definitely greater than the possibility of discovering the secret place of war.

"Give me a secret investigation, I want this little guy to have more detailed information!"

The chairman soon made up his mind and gave instructions to Lu Feifan: "Since the little guy has no vocal ideas, don't startle him when you investigate!"

As one of the core decision-making levels of the Illuminati, it is impossible for the chairman to investigate a person. Soon, the huge energy of the Illuminati was working. Before lunch time, a brand-new material was put on the chairman's desk!

"According to our comprehensive intelligence analysis, he has a very high winning rate in the battle of Super God platform, and his progress is also very obvious. As for the **** points, it is roughly between 1200 and 1300. This is already the limit obtained by secret investigation. If you want to Know more, unless the people around him are investigated, but then ... "

Lu Feifan's words were interrupted by the chairman before waving!

"That's it!"

With that said, he quickly flipped through the pile of detailed information and jumped to the last few pages. When he noticed the origins of the Holy Sword Society and the Austrian Party's war, the Holy Sword Society's subsequent entanglement with Zhao Dingguo, and at a certain time Zhao Dingguo had visited Nanhuang, the speed of the chairman's turning from a glance to a detailed examination .

After thinking about it for half an hour, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then reached out and picked up the phone.

The other end of the phone is the chairman of Soulstone!

The chairman very clearly remembers ~ ~ one of his confidants is the high-level dusk, and his bloodline is just a timeless invoker. When he spent so many words, made several promises, and finally got a list from there, the chairman fell into an uncontrollable shock, couldn't believe it, and even took a little fanaticism!

The list obtained from the Soul Soul Stone is exactly the same as what Lu Feifan provided! Regardless of the material or the cost of the back!

What this means is beyond doubt!

Judging from the current progress, this new kid is likely to get the bloodline just after entering the rising sun or even the end of the dawn! Moreover, it is very likely to break that record! Even if the origin of this bloodline is obviously questionable, even if it is a coincidence, it cannot be done by any dawning user!

"What happened today is absolutely forbidden to spread!"

After the initial ups and downs, the chairman suddenly made up his mind. How could such an evil newcomer be let go? Definitely pull into your own camp and train with all your strength!

So, of course, this kind of thing can be concealed as long as you can't conceal it!

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