DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 201: Special lecture at headquarters

Chapter 211 Special Lecture at Headquarters

ps: Still the second change yesterday ...

"You guessed it!"

Yang Fei's tone was a little playful, and he said briefly about Yan Yuelan's identity. // 《》 // (无 / 弹 窗 广 / 告 全 字 txt download) She is very similar to Yang Fei's situation, both of the top three generations of the Republic. It's just that one is from the military and the other is mainly in politics. Judging from the time of entering the Super God platform, Yan Yuelan should be a few months earlier than him!

"Catch it well. In the courtyard of the city of Jiucheng, many men and young men are chasing it!"

In the end, Yang Fei also made fun of Zhao Dingguo with her.

If put before contacting the Super God platform, Zhao Dingguo knew that he and women like Yan Yuelan could not have intersected at all. But now, with the identity of a super user, Zhao Dingguo's awe of real-world power quickly dissipated, indifferently saying: "The Miss Lan is indeed very beautiful, but you should know her very early, right? So, you Why not chase? "

Yang Fei whistled and said, "I played together for two years when I was a kid, and then contacted when I grew up. People despise me!"

This remark was a little self-deprecating, and it wasn't true that Yang Fei had never been interested in coming here!

Probably touched by this topic, Yang Fei suddenly felt a little down. He continued to talk to Zhao Dingguo about Yan Yuelan's reliability, and then he took the initiative to shift the topic and talk about other things. What Sanhua secretly recruited and bought horses in the super-shen circle, who in the six dynasties of Beijing entered the high-level of the dusk, ready to impact the twilight and so on. Zhao Dingguo listened to these news at a glance, until a briefing session that Yang Fei finally spoke of, which caused his attention!

"This is news that was released half an hour ago. Next Wednesday, the Illuminati headquarters will organize a large-scale lecture. The main content of the lecture is about the pedigree task, from contacting heroes, brushing goodwill, getting tokens and cards, to The final test and so on are readily available. To this end, the Illuminati headquarters has specially organized more than ten evening masters with different bloodlines! "

A briefing on the universal pedigree task process?

Recalling that he had completed the final pedigree task, Zhao Dingguo was so enthusiastic that he immediately decided to go and watch.

Yang Fei had an indifferent attitude, saying: "In previous years, the headquarters basically organized this once every six months. So far, it has been organized for six sessions. As a rule, this kind of publicity conference is only open to the official members of the General Conference. However, this session is slightly different. It is said that in order to strengthen the connection with the branch, the headquarters decided to grant ten places to the branch.

"Is that still true?"

Zhao Dingguo didn't expect to have restrictions, but he happened to be among those ten, and luck was good.

"How? You want to go around?" Yang Fei had no enthusiasm for the seminar. He felt that even if he could get the bloodline, that would be a high-level or even dusk-level thing. It was far away from him now. However, he clearly felt that Zhao Dingguo had great enthusiasm for this!

"Oh, it's all right, I'm really curious about this!"

Zhao Dingguo freely blocked this issue in the past, hung up the phone, then went to the internal website and downloaded the form for applying to participate in the lecture! The above is clear, because the process of each pedigree task is a valuable asset of the organization, so for the sake of maximum confidentiality, although the lecture was attended by more than ten experts, each person can only choose to listen to three!

In this case, even if someone leaks, you will not lose too much, and it will be easier to check afterwards!

Below the application form are listed the specific time of the seminar and the heroic ancestry of all participants. Among them, the most popular enemy mage and phantom assassin are naturally listed, and in the bottom fourth of the form, Zhao Dingguo saw the existence of the supplicant!

This made Zhao Dingguo's heart jump!

What he wants is the pedigree of the petitioner. Now it happens that there is a master who has obtained the pedigree to preach and teach. Could it be that the possibility of getting a high-level pedigree through the test is greatly increased? Such a publicity conference as if in a timely rain, let alone participate in for free, even if it is charged, he will never regret the victory!

Zhao Dingguo didn't say a word, he directly checked the supplicant, and then chose two legal heroes at will, and then submitted the application form to the branch building!

"Young people, it's a good thing to care about the future, but don't be too far away!"

The director of the receiving branch looked at the excited Zhao Dingguo, shook his head slightly, and did not reach out to pick up the application form. In his opinion, this time the headquarters was just a joke. A group of dawn-level rookies, even after listening to the lecture, can they trigger the bloodline early, and then become famous all over the world?

But no way!

Despite the opinions in my heart, the tasks explained above must be completed. After the receipts were collected, he got up and headed to the headquarters to hand over the application forms to the governing office in charge of daily affairs. But just half an hour later, this form with three ticks was placed on someone's desk in headquarters!

Seeing the obviously stronger checkmark below the supplicant, he was filled with pride and excitement!

As expected!


New week on Wednesday!

Because it is 6 pm, it is the time when there are the most people, so Huangpu District of the Pearl City seems crowded. The same is true of the Huangpu International Finance Building, which has never been open to the public. There are cars coming and going, and even the helipad on the top floor is full. Hundreds of successful people of all kinds come in and out, making the extremely luxuriously decorated lobby lively!

To outsiders, this is nothing more than a high-level private club, which rich boss is having a banquet again.

But only the talents in the super **** circle know that this is the headquarters of the famous Illuminati!

All the people attending the meeting are super users, and no one is weak who can enter and leave here. Fortunate to participate in the tragedy of Zhao Dingguo, his high-level dawn is the lowest level of existence, whoever comes out, it is the rising sun or even dusk. Even when it comes to real combat power, he is only better than some who have just entered the Rising Sun. It can be said that if it were not for the additional benefits distributed by the headquarters, they would not be eligible to appear here!

This made Zhao Dingguo feel a little frustrated, but also strengthened his belief in becoming stronger!

"Twilight master, Wang Ze arrives with the flawless blue cat blood!"

"The special exchange group of the Six Dynasties arrived! The team was led by Zhu Guangmao, a dusk-level expert and a dark sage with no time!"

"The vice-chairman of the tk organization came here and heard that it was intended to start preliminary cooperation with the Illuminati!"

"Special Agent of the Soul Soul ..."

One after another, top experts appeared, and among them, there were some exchange personnel sent by the ally organization to take the opportunity. Organizations like Tk who have a good friendship but are far from being **** allies. After seeing the strength of the Illuminati during the war with Sanhua, they also firmed up their thoughts on deepening cooperation and dispatched high-level officials to take advantage of this event.

In short, it was only a matter within the Illuminati. For one reason or another, it evolved into a large organized party in the circle!

There are five first-class forces, plus more than a dozen second-class organizations to send people to participate.

Regarding it, the Illuminati also welcomed guests with a positive response and a warm welcome. Just welcoming these masters, Zhao Dingguo stood outside for two hours—this is also no way. The members of the people ’s headquarters are all there, and the other people who come over from the branch are also welcome. Zhao Dingguo is not alone Come to a maverick, that is very taboo!

Fortunately, picking people up here is not boring. The whispers of the people around him have given him a comprehensive and genuine understanding of the masters of these large organizations.

Basically, anyone who is qualified to come on behalf of their respective forces, is not only a master of dusk level, the lineage of flawless level is the mainstream, rare level is rare, only a few masters have. And the perfect pedigree stood for two hours, and Zhao Dingguo heard only one person!

That man came from the virtual spirit organization that occupied Chengdu in the country of Tianfu!

He is the first strongman of the new generation of the Ethereal Organization and the core leader of the next generation, Xu Zhiguo!

As an early-stage Super-God user at dusk, he got the perfect grade of the geomancerist pedigree as early as the high-level sun, which is very promising. Including the presidents of many large organizations, they have expressed wonder and optimism about the speed of development of this person. Even the Bingyan organization once sent a vice president to dig people in private. Unfortunately, the chairman of the virtual spirit organization blocked him on the spot. Although it was finally settled peacefully, the importance of Xu Zhiguo by the Ethereal Organization is beyond doubt!

Due to geological factors, the Ethereal Organization was quite low-key in the domestic super-god circle. This time, when the Illuminati held an internal lecture, they sent such a master unsolicited ~ ~ It must be attracted by many people!

Although it was not clear what the other party was coming to, when Xu Zhiguo appeared, the Illuminati think tank had to show up in person to show high-level attention. Naturally, ordinary members responsible for welcoming expressed their goodwill with applause and a warm atmosphere!

Perhaps it is because he has been used to similar honor and attention in his own organization. As he walked through the members of the Illuminati welcomed by Jiadao, Xu Zhiguo's face was pale, no pride or pride was seen, and no ordinary super **** user saw the Illuminati Humility of the time. And this indifferent attitude added a little popularity to him again!

A perfect geomancer bloodline!

I got it when I was in the sun!

In connection with the core identity of the next generation set in the Ethereal Organization, several female members of the Illuminati couldn't help it. Such a strong person, if there is no accident, the high-level strength at dusk is certain, even if it is not impossible to enter the twilight level. Such a potential single man is definitely the oldest diamond king. Which girl doesn't want to hold it?

However, inexplicably, Zhao Dingguo, who was welcomed by the crowd, did not feel cold about this guy!

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