DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 204: Undercover

> PS: I heard that Pie's "Official Family" has been harmonized, oh! The light of great harmony is indeed everywhere.

The people of the Ethereal Organization left in the Illuminati after just two days.

Compared with the welcoming grand occasion when they came here, when they left, the Illuminati just sent a director to pass. Some members with insufficient qualifications are still mumbling in private, why the reception at the headquarters suddenly became so negligent. But only those high-levels knew that when the representatives of the virtual spirits left, they were willing to send individuals to the door.

The reason is without him. The weasel gave the chicken a New Year's greeting.

After a few years of peace in Chengdu, the Ethereal Organization secretly accumulated a lot of power. They consciously had the ability to get on the big stage, so they started to move. After learning that the Illuminati and Sanhua had a war, they felt it was an opportunity, and they came to the door while taking the time of the seminar!

"We are here to seek the cooperation of the Ethereal and Illuminati!"

Xu Zhiguo's original words sounded like this, but it seemed to come with good intentions, but in fact, the proposed cooperation plan directly frowned the senior officials.

Use four words to describe it, no sincerity!

"The minerals produced in the ninth secret realm can be exchanged for plate armor from the alpine dwarves. This is a huge wealth. We have spent a lot of effort and only accounted for 20% of them. , Just want to use the conditions of opening Aktura Island in exchange for half of the revenue, we will never agree! "

Aktura Island is one of the birthplaces of some of the trolls. Can trigger tasks related to heroes such as Witch Doctor and Troll Warlord.

However, those tasks at most also give some ordinary equipment, expendable scrolls, and need to spend a little effort to do. But the ninth mystery is different. After the occupation, it can be continuously mined. Plate armor is worth 1400 gold in TA. Due to limited production, the value on real-world trading platforms has to double. Compared to such huge gains, just opening Aktura Island, of course, the Illuminati suffer a lot!


Xu Zhiguo shook his head and did not answer this question directly, but said to himself: "After working with our virtual spirits, everyone is a friend. We will also take your security posture seriously. If anyone dares Do something to the light. We will certainly not sit idly by, but if you reject our kindness, then we are the enemy! "

He didn't say what would happen when he became an enemy, but the threat in his tone meant it was full. * 1 * 1 *

The face of the Illuminati's executives changed on the spot!

Although they know that the Ethereal Organization has taken the initiative to come out, they will definitely have some plans. But he did not expect that the other party's intention was so bad. According to Xu Zhiguo and several of his followers, if the Illuminati would not give in to the interests of the secret realm, then the Ethereal Organization should consider cooperation with Tianshui and Sanhua!

What will happen then, the Ethereal Organization "cannot guarantee"!

For Xu Zhiguo's attitude. The chairman and think tank who attended the meeting in person walked away on the spot without saying a word. The people who remained were also pale, and their tone changed at that time.

Ethereal organization strength is very strong, not much weaker than the light. But what about that?

The Illuminati never eat threatening this set!

If Xu Zhiguo comes in good faith, I really want to talk. The Illuminati wouldn't mind sharing a piece of the hidden secret benefits. After all, such an ally of the Duxuanling Organization can greatly improve the strategic situation of the Illuminati. But the other side's performance. It is clear that the Illuminati is not in their eyes, and the ambition revealed also secretly shocked them.

For such an organization, the president of the Illuminati said: If you want to fight, then fight!

Therefore, after the Illuminati held the negotiations directly, Xu Zhiguo stayed for an extra day and found that the other party did not show any sign of weakness and could only leave with interest.

The first diplomacy of the Ethereal Organization after a few years of dormancy ended with the defeat of Chi Guoguo!

In this regard, the twilight-level master of the Ethereal Organization was also embarrassed. Although no comments were made on the surface, the next day Xu Zhiguo returned to the team, they re-sent a team to contact Sanhua. And this action really angered the Illuminati!

Another first-rate organization has been added to the Illuminati blacklist!

However, the Illuminati did not fear anything!

Relying on the good personal relationship between the president and the U.S. organization president of the Six Dynasties organization in Beijing, after observing the surging changes in the domestic super circle, the Illuminati successfully signed a preliminary agreement with the Six Dynasties organization. Gradually carry out in-depth cooperation during the quarter. The two of them joined forces, even if Bingyan in the three major organizations have to concede three points. It is also with this confidence that the Illuminati dare not hesitate to reject the blackmail!

Of course, self-confidence turns to self-confidence, and the Illuminati does not care about the actual response.

A great man in the real world is right. He despise the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically. The Illuminati also did the same. After the Ethereal and Sanhua got online, the Illuminati held two internal conferences one after another. The atmosphere that was slightly relaxed due to the victory was renewed. Not only that, the Soulstone Organization, several other affiliated second- and third-rate organizations, and the Six Dynasties that are gradually coming together have also made targeted responses!

Although it is almost impossible for the Ethereal to use such force, if they really dare to do so, the Illuminati dare to launch another thunder strike!

Affected by this, the atmosphere of the branch of the Illuminati also became tense.

Just then, another great thing happened!

A twilight master who directly belongs to the President of the Illuminati was suddenly attacked when he went out alone in the real world. Fortunately, the master just happened to have acquired the Blade Sword Storm skill of the sword priest. He first turned on the Black King Bar to deceive the opponent ’s source of pain, the ignorance of magical control. Then, while the opponent's control skills were in the gap, he added blood to him, launched a blade storm, and used this magic-free skill to directly TP, with only a dozen points of blood left to escape!

This high-profile event inevitably caused tension in the domestic circle and the rage of the Illuminati!

The tension and concern in the domestic circle is understandable, because many people have linked the attack to the disappearance of Vice President Sanhua. If it wasn't for the Illuminati's senior executive who just happened to acquire new skills, luck and coping were excellent, otherwise he would definitely not escape. So wouldn't it be another disappearance?

I don't know who brought this up first, and it immediately attracted the attention of many organizations and experts!

As for the anger of the Illuminati, this need not be said further.

The twilight master who was attacked was entrusted by the organization to go out to work, although the whereabouts are not top secret, but it is not something other organizations can detect at will. However, his low-key trip was ambushed by the enemy. This means that there must be someone in the Illuminati headquarters to provide information in private. For this reason, the Illuminati strengthened its internal inspections, and the protection of high-level core members became more effective.

It doesn't matter if you don't check it. When you check it, you find a clue related to Zhao Dingguo!

Director Zhao Dingguo once met with a few directors who came to the door in person and told him a message: "According to the investigation, someone had inquired about you a year ago. But I only asked it at that time, and then I lost it. But three A few days ago, another guy asked someone about your situation, and it was probably bad intentions! We are still investigating the true identity of the other party, but it takes time to verify! "

Someone investigated the situation of Zhao Dingguo, and immediately came to the attention of the Illuminati after the report!

Especially the chairman!

If he was replaced by any other club member, perhaps he would not think too much. But this timing is too coincidental. A dusk-level master was ambushed, and Zhao Dingguo, this high-level dawn, was secretly proved to carry the pedigree mission to the end. If the investigation is not targeted, the chairman will not believe it anyway. Although it was indeed a coincidence, he groaned and decided to send someone to ask Zhao Dingguo on his own initiative.

This is the trip of Director Ling!

"At very unusual times, the headquarters is very concerned about the safety of any member, even if you are still a member of the branch. So, I was sent above to ask you, did you offend anyone? For months of work, How could two people investigate your situation successively? "Director Ling and Yan Yuese sat in front of Zhao Dingguo, with no majesty in their faces. He just smiled and motioned to Zhao Dingguo to think slowly.

"Someone investigates me?"

Suddenly heard, Zhao Dingguo was shocked. But if you think about it, he finds that he hasn't really offended anyone recently.

However, when recalling the time of the first investigation by Director Ling, Zhao Dingguo vaguely felt that something had been ignored by himself. But when I think about it again, the thought that passed away suddenly cannot be remembered.

This made him a little depressed.

"Shouldn't offend people ..."

In the end ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo can only say this with uncertainty.

Director Ling frowned slightly, but the expression on his face immediately returned to the original, smiling and comforting: "It doesn't matter, I just come to remind you. The situation in the circle has become worse recently, you must be careful. When you think of someone who is not good for you, report it quickly, and the headquarters will come forward to protect the interests of members! "

"Okay, thank you so much!"

Zhao Dingguo sent the director Ling away with complicated thoughts, and tossed and turned that night in the middle of the night, but finally did not remember the answer. It wasn't until he re-entered the main plane that he was ready to join Yan Yuelan's team when he went to Nanhuang together. An aboriginal man who came to the door made him feel shocked!

That man came from the arbitration court directly under the Presbyterian Church of the Guards!

"You are the guard hero who found the Naga tribe in the South Wilderness Whirlpool before?" After being confirmed by Zhao Dingguo, the aboriginals in their forties showed a stiff smile, and then said solemnly: "I am here Coming here, I was entrusted by the high-ranking arbitration court of the Guards Corps to inform you of the result of the referee's decision on the Nanhuang attack that was brought up by the Prophet! "

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