DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 232: Perfect level bloodlines

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The long shackles were fatal to Zhao Dingguo.

Under the control of this skill, Zhao Dingguo could not perform any attacks, movements, and casts, nor could he use props. He could only watch the poisonous snake guards around his body desperately attacking. His blood volume is almost flying!

Fortunately, the shackles require continuous casting.

Although this skill itself has a certain amount of damage, it is much worse than the attack of the elite monster. Rao is so, when the yoke skills lasted to the last second, Zhao Dingguo's health had also fallen to the bottom!

Red and black halo of life!

This is a precursor to imminent death, and it can be described as critical!

At the same time, the deity warrior finally arrived, and launched a big sacrifice directly to Zhao Dingguo. As he was still **** by shackles, Zhao Dingguo could only watch the gods charge on him, and then his blood volume fell again!

There is also a slowdown of 50% for up to five seconds!

However, although the scene was extremely dangerous and he was only one step away from death, the high hanging stone in Zhao Dingguo's heart had already fallen. What he was most worried about was that the **** arrived early, and then cooperated with the shadow shaman to kill him before the control skill ended. In that case, Zhao Dingguo really has no way. But now, even though he has only the last line of health left, the shackle skills are over!

Other Shaman skills are still cooling!

Two elite monsters have virtually lost any means of controlling him.

Zhao Dingguo immediately took the magic wand points. Then he hurriedly cut out the ghost walk, and instantly went into stealth. At this moment, even if there were two elite strange monsters around him, even if Zhao Dingguo was still trapped by this cluster of viper guards. But they are no longer threats. His ghost walk was long enough to wait until the duration of the Serpent Ward ended!

What's more, even if the viper guard is still there, it is impossible to trap him!

Zhao Dingguo has phase shoes, and in addition to increasing the speed of the skill phase movement, there is another characteristic that ignores the collision volume. In other words, simply relying on the viper to guard him will not succeed!


See the monster that is about to be killed suddenly disappeared. That kind of loss was a shortfall, almost did not make two monsters crazy. The elite monster who inherited the ability of the **** warrior obviously also inherited the fierce temper of his mad warrior blood, waving a pair of spears in his hand to walk around the viper guard, obviously extremely unwilling!

Depression of both of them. Naturally made Zhao Dingguo's good mood.

Of course, there are also rejoicing and fear!

When he was in stealth just now, the Serpent Guard happened to launch a new round of attacks. Even if Zhao Dingguo used the magic stick's recharge points instantly, his health value dropped to single digits!

Only 8 o'clock!

Zhao Dingguo remembers that number!

If it wasn't for the killing of the single mermaid guard who had the anti-hidden skill first; if it wasn't for the shadow shaman who didn't release the big move in the first time; if he didn't become a lamb himself, he ran hard and ran forward ; If it is not the half-characteristic that reduces the probability of 5 points of real damage, the skill triggers the effect multiple times; If it is not the **** warrior, it is a little slower, and there is only a big move ...

There are too many if!

Never mind which part went wrong. Zhao Dingguo must die!

In the final duel level, when he died, he really died, and such a person was killed silently in the secret plane of the ectopic plane! In the real world, the Super God platform will arrange an excuse at will, and his uncle will not even know the real reason. As for himself. Until now, there is no woman who belongs to herself, and even the few experiences are in the **** little secret that Lao Li gave him. How can this be reconciled?

But don't care how dangerous it was just now. After all, he hid from that disaster!

Seeing that his blood volume was constantly increasing under the acceleration of the ice element ball, and watching the viper guards around him began to flash a little light, Zhao Dingguo knew that the last level of his bloodline would be cleared by him!

Sure enough, everything went smoothly.

After encountering the unexpected event of the rapid rune, Zhao Dingguo was also a little more careful. After returning to the Fountain of the Holy Resurrection again, he successfully killed the Shadow Shaman!

The only remaining monster that inherited the blood of the gods is too much to handle.

Without control skills, Zhao Dingguo can be said to come and go freely. The only slowdown of the **** warrior, he can also dodge through the astral imprisonment. It took this several times repeatedly, and when the remaining time was twenty minutes, the only monster in front of this mystery finally reached the end of death!

Zhao Dingguo completed the final kill with a sky fire!

This is a skill that can kill thousands of miles away!

Zhao Dingguo liked sky fire very much. When he saw the flame like a fire and meteor falling from the sky and hit the enemy suddenly, he always felt an inexplicable domineering and cheerfulness. I hope that the self who is about to get the blood of the supplicant can be born like sky fire, but it will not just disappear like it, but it will really make a cause of earth-shattering!

In this wonderful expectation of the future and future, Zhao Dingguo has completed the final duel level!

The nameplate is followed by a series of prompts!

"The final duel level progress is: 55!"

"The evaluation of this extra level is: perfect!"

"Super God user with ID 037205. Given that you have obtained 6 perfect ratings and 5 rare ratings in the Heritage Secret, the final rating will be: Perfect!"

"Congratulations, you will officially have the perfect level of pedigree, please choose to accept the lineage immediately?"

Is this nonsense?

Zhao Dingguo said nothing and chose OK!

At the moment he made this decision, the entire hermit's heritage was shaken violently. Subsequently, countless brilliance and energy rose from all directions, and finally converged to the zenith directly above him, forming a three-color energy ball intertwined with ice, lightning and flames!

At this moment, these three incompatible and even grammatical energies are magically fused together under the rules of mystery, transformed into each other, and finally formed a ball!

The heart of inheritance!

Although Zhao Dingguo had never heard of the name, he read the name at first glance at the group of energy. Under the gaze that he did not blink, the inheritance heart slowly dropped, the speed was getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a touch of Guanghua pouring into his chest!

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo trembled all over his body!

Enormous amounts of energy poured into his body and continued to transform. At the same time, as many as ten secret tricks poured into his mind, this is the inheritance from the inquisitor's secret realm. Prior to this, Zhao Dingguo's temporary bloodline was only able to use skills, but he did not know the reason and mystery at all. But after accepting these true inheritances, Zhao Dingguo unfolded countless mysterious paintings, which made him understand a lot in an instant!

The energy of the inherited heart is still working!

I don't know how long, Zhao Dingguo finally recovered from the mysterious state. At this time, the entire inheritance is coming to an end, and his rapidly rising attributes have finally slowed down, and finally stopped at a value that Zhao Dingguo couldn't even imagine!

This is the perfect petitioner bloodline!

Feeling the surging power in his body, Zhao Dingguo was extremely excited.

After being put into the monthly death team battle, after summoning the hero's soul, Zhao Dingguo could feel similar powers though. But those forces just bluntly gathered around him under the influence of external rules, and they may dissipate at any time. But this time is different. After gaining the inheritance of the petitioner's bloodline, all the strength is integrated into his body, every drop of blood and every muscle, this is his own true strength!

Once obtained, you will not be deprived again!

At this moment, the plants and even the wind in the entire mysterious zone are exuding a cheerful emotion, congratulating Zhao Dingguo, a new generation of supplicants!

"Super God user with ID 037205, in view that you have obtained the perfect bloodlines, the bloodline task will be triggered automatically (continued). Please return to the main plane to find the mentor to trigger by yourself. Plane! "

The transmitted alert sounds.

When Zhao Dingguo stepped out of the silver beam of light, he had returned to the ancient site of the blood elf on the main plane. However, he didn't teleport back to the World Tree Base Camp for the first time, but checked his gains on the spot!

The first is pedigree!

Opening the role bar on the nameplate, you can see that Zhao Dingguo's bloodline has become the perfect invoker bloodline. Not only can you get the highest level of attribute growth, but you can also cultivate any skill to the highest level!

This item alone is enough to make 99.9% of the people in the Super God circle envy to death!

Of course, there is actually nothing to do with this bloodline, the real change is the other enhancements along with the unification of blood, the most direct are attributes and skills!

"Strength +19 points ~ ~ Dexterity +20 points, Intelligence +22 points!"

Although he glanced at it in the Secret Inheritance, he can now see that he is still petrified. You know, Zhao Dingguo's naked attributes are only 10 points each, and all other equipment is only 24 points. Now it is almost doubled directly. The magnitude of this increase is unimaginable!

Even if it is an extreme orb worth 2100 gold coins, it only has full attributes +10 points!

This is only an additional attribute of the perfect pedigree. Next, when Zhao Dingguo cultivates his pedigree to a higher level, there will be additional attributes. There are a total of twenty-five small levels of perfect pedigree. Each further step will add 1.7 strength, 1.9 agility and 2.5 intelligence.

In addition, due to the special nature of the invoker, each time Zhao Dingguo upgrades any element, he will have a corresponding 2 attribute improvement!

This means that Zhao Dingguo will not be short of attributes for a long time to come!

Next is naturally the highlight, skills! (To be continued ...)

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