DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 252: A stronger opponent than expected

Chapter 252 A Stronger Opponent than I Think

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Zhao Dingguo's suspicions were quickly confirmed.

Of his four teammates, three are actually super-sun users. In the end, the person who shook the ground randomly was very similar to his situation. They were all about to break through to the rising sun. In other words, this regular season is actually a preview of the rising sun battle.

Of course, the Libra system is fairly fair.

They have three rising sun-levels here, and the opposite is not bad, maybe even more than three. In the face of such an opponent, Zhao Dingguo, who got the ghost later, also felt heavy pressure.

However, his teammates seemed to have high morale.

First of all, my teammates knew two, and it seemed that they had cooperated before. This gave them a little confidence. On the other hand, when they heard Zhao Dingguo's name, two of them also exclaimed immediately, apparently they are the new blood master who knows his popularity recently!

Such a great god, presumably the strength of the regular season will not be weak, right?

With such speculation, their morale rose. Although Zhao Dingguo didn't think it was good to be blindly optimistic, it was also a good thing to think about morale, so he didn't pour cold water up. Because it is randomly selected, there are more than 800 initial funds to go out. Zhao Dingguo looked at the opponent's lineup and chose to eat a tree, ointment, axe and buckler, and two branches.

In the case of a prophet on the opposite side, a knife and axe are necessary, and it is more smooth to make money.

Speaking of which, it is natural to mention other heroes random to the opponent. Zhao Dingguo they are in a natural disaster, and the heroes of the Guards, in addition to the prophets, also have ogre magicians (blue fat), invokers, windrunners and troll warlords.

It is also a good lineup.

However, Zhao Dingguo felt a little relieved when he saw the praying guards. If you want to understand this hero, I am afraid that some dusk masters may not be deeper than him now!

Yan Yuelan apparently realized this and could not help smiling.

Just then, the trumpets of the troops faintly started to sound. Several heroes had already bought outfits, and each stood in front of the tower in the highlands. As for the division, Zhao Dingguo is undoubtedly taking the advantage in the later period. (--Website) The cold ghost (Ice Soul) is walking, and the bounty hunter Gang Duo walks down.

As for the priestess of the moon and the **** ox, there is a little doubt about the division.

"Dingguo, let's go all the way!"

Yan Yuelan randomly came to the priestess of the moon (White Tiger). Her confidence in Zhao Dingguo was quite sufficient, so she had the idea of ​​joining forces to destroy the other side. Shockingly, God Cow has also come to the road early, so that it will become the 311 branch!

The advantage road is stronger, the disadvantage road has the stealth Gondor resistance pressure, as long as it does not collapse. After playing enough advantages in the later period, the hero of the inferior road will change the road to make up the economy.

Such tactics can be seen everywhere in the regular season with high God points.

"Let's do it, anyway, I am invisible!"

Gondor said that the problem is not big, and at least it is okay to mix up the experience.

Now that the decision is correct, the way is settled. Because of the powerful control of the ground-breaking God Bull, he does not have to be fixed on the road. If you have a chance to help kill someone, you can go to the middle control symbol and try to walk around. With his occasional disappearance, the threat to the guard may be even greater!

This is also the experience that Zhao Dingguo has gradually explored recently.

If it is put forward, although he also knows the benefits of the 311 branch, some deeper things may not be understood.

The line of soldiers soon settled on a tower of diplomatic sinking in the natural disaster.

The white tiger controlled by Yan Yuelan followed Zhao Dingguo, apparently intending to die for life. Shocking Divine Bull is hiding in the wild area next to him, want to see if there is a chance to get a blood. However, after seeing the lineup of the guard side on the road, the three were a little disappointed, because there was only a windrunner alone!

Needless to say, if there is no accident, one of Windrunner's skills is definitely the pace of upgrading.

There is such a life-saving skill, unless the White Tiger's Moon God's Arrow can hit from a distance. Otherwise, it is difficult to kill him by relying only on a ditch of the **** cow.

"The middle is a supplicant, or a fire card, watch out for the sky fire!"

At this time, the ice soul in the middle also spoke, reminding his teammates. As for the bottom line, it is Troll Warlord and Lan Fat. The prophet did not appear on the front, it may be where the nest was. But as long as he has the opportunity, he can rely on teleport skills to quickly join any battlefield!

The first wave of soldiers officially contacted.

Zhao Dingguo had a knife and axe in his hand, and steadily controlled the ghost to make a knife. Yan Yuelan's white tiger crossed the line, intending to push the guard's windrunner out of the experience zone. Shockingly, Niu Niu was on the side and the Windrunner didn't dare to fight against the White Tiger. Often it quickly retreats upon contact.

Without enemy interference, Zhao Dingguo's reinforcements were naturally very smooth.

Maybe it was a good play, all the first wave of soldiers received. Moreover, Zhao Dingguo's counter-replenishment was also in place, and he firmly controlled the line of troops not far from his own tower. Windrunners have almost no experience at all under the confrontation of White Tiger. But this adversary is also very old-fashioned, preferring to waste so much rather than rushing forward.

His cautiousness made the ambush shocked by the divine cow who couldn't help.

Fortunately, Shenniu can go to Laye.

Laye this little skill, even some super-god users without pub nameplates know. But knowing is one thing, and whether you can make good use of it in actual combat is another. After all, Shenniu is also a person who is about to step into the rising sun. Lanye is still very stable and has no problems.

Continue steady reinforcements!

Zhao Dingguo's daily practice had an excellent effect. The third wave of soldiers passed by, and his speed boots were in hand. Moreover, the supply of the body is useless. Knowing this, Zhao Dingguo should have taken a group of eating trees to go out at that time. But it's a little early to sell it now, he thought about it, and simply put the eating tree on Baihu temporarily, and then equipped the empty lattice with speed boots.

The situation is proceeding in calm.

Because the situation on the road was unexpectedly smooth, Zhao Dingguo upgraded only one level of refraction skills. The other skill point was put into the ghost blade and the barren. The barren skill can add 20 sacred damage to the attack at the first level, so upgrading the level early can greatly improve his output!

When the phase shoes are made, with the barren skills and the ghost blade, as long as the cooperation of a single person, Zhao Dingguo can try to kill the windrunner.

This opportunity did not wait too long!

With the pull of the earth-shattering cow, Zhao Dingguo's desire to control the soldier line has become more difficult. Windrunner also took the opportunity to step forward and secretly make up for a soldier. After mixing to level 2, he used some powerful strikes to collect some money. Although not much, slowly accumulating has also made the popular economy a little better.

However, the road was originally a 311 lane. Where can he be so comfortable?

Shocked to see the windrunners appear again, he quickly ran over. Seeing the return of the soldier line, when the windrunner was about to turn away, he made a gully shot!

Yan Yuelan's white tiger also opened his bow and fired the arrow of Luna!

If all goes well, with the short stun time in the gully, Luna's arrow will definitely hit. With this follow-up stun ability, Zhao Dingguo cooperated with the ghost's blade to win the windrunner's blood. However, the angle of the gully in Shenniu is slightly off. It just happened that Windrunner moved one step in situ and missed!

The startled windrunner ran away quickly. Naturally, the arrow of Luna that followed immediately lost nothing, and was unable to hit the target again!

"My fault!"

Seeing that the windrunner immediately turned on the wind and turned around, Shenniu was a little frustrated and took the responsibility.

With this first blood, Zhao Dingguo's development does not know how smooth it will be. If you are not disappointed, it must be deceiving. But God Niu said so, and Zhao Dingguo was not easy to blame him. He could only say one point of stability next time. Unfortunately, the Windrunner finally managed to take care of it once. Now he was almost killed, and naturally he was more vigilant. After several waves of soldiers, Zhao Dingguo was unable to seize the opportunity!

This makes the road situation dull.

"Otherwise, go for a walk in the middle. Cooperate with Binghun and see if you can kill Carl!" Yan Yuelan saw that there would be no chance at one and a half, and she decided to let Shenniu go for a walk. Although the fire card outbreak is high, it is not difficult to kill it without the control of the ice thunder system. Especially with Binghun, it is really very possible.

Obviously, Shenniu had the same idea. He nodded after hearing the words, sneaked into the river from the wild area, and then touched the middle road.

But at this moment, one blood was born!

The person killed was truly a Gondor on the road! Lan Fat's flame exploded and got the head. In addition, the Prophet and the Troll Warlord also mixed up with an assist!

"Don't you mean insignificant experience?"

Shocking the divine cow while rushing to the middle ~ ~ asked a question in confusion.

Gondor was also very depressed, and shouted, "The opposite side is too targeted. Who would have thought that the prophet bought the development dust so early, and then flew directly to dust it? Three dozen one, no chance!"

Then there's no way……

This is indeed not to blame Gang Duo, and it would certainly be helpless to switch to Zhao Dingguo. Fortunately, although the first blood is important, it can't explain anything. Zhao Dingguo didn't take it seriously, but next, Shen Niu cooperated with Binghun, but he couldn't kill the invoker, but let him escape from the blood limit, which made Zhao Dingguo a little uneasy.

The strength of this opponent seems to be stronger than he imagined!

In particular, the ice soul that once rushed to the tower was beaten to death by the defense tower. As a result, as soon as the ointment was applied, he was hit by a prejudged skyfire of the supplicant. Not only was the killing unsuccessful, but also a big ointment was added, but even the pants were lost!

Two successive defeats made Zhao Dingguo completely serious.

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