DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 255: Ownership of Roshan

> Chapter 255 Attribution of Roshan

ps: I pulled my head and turned the vitality ball into a fine balloon, and I didn't find any sense of violation during the inspection ... Correct it, forgive me.

The sudden killing prompt on the screen made Zhao Dingguo very puzzled.

Just after the extreme escape, hasn't Gangduo already rushed to his house, how could he still die? Although Carl has a sky fire, he is not resurrected!

After being puzzled a bit, Zhao Dingguo immediately looked at the small map, only to notice that there was a red dot on his own high and underground slope. It turned out that the resurrected prophet quickly flew to the high ground, just intercepting the unguarded Gondor. Although he responded quickly and was invisible quickly, the Prophet bought a set of powder again before this flight.

Needless to say!

Originally, Gondor was still in a good mood for his extreme escape, but he was killed by the prophet before he ran home, which made his resentment towards the prophet reach the zenith. His three previous deaths were directly or indirectly related to the prophet. Changed anyone, I'm afraid I will hate it!

For a while, Gondor's thoughts were all over the voice channel.

The prophet who successfully killed Gondor didn't stay, he directly flew to the bottom road and started to continue the line. Originally, this anti-killing should be the victory of the natural disaster. But at the last moment someone was stolen, and the original joy immediately turned into depression. Although the natural disaster still took a lot of advantage, but the morale that was brought up was leaked. Soon after, the gank launched by the defender in the middle of the road also caught the ice soul who had lost his position slightly!

They want to push the second tower in the middle?

Realizing this, Shenniu and Baihu rushed to defend.

In the previous team battle, Yan Yuelan's white tiger actually came over to support him. But just after her tp, the troll war will just rush over and attack twice, her luck will be very dizzy, and she will interrupt the white tiger's tp. This time, in the face of the five guards, Bai Hu naturally came to the tower early.

However, waiting and waiting, the guards seemed to disappear and there was no movement.

Is it withdrawn?

Just when a few people were a little confused, the Prophet suddenly appeared on the lower road and began to lead the road. Because the line of the lower lane was not good before, several people mistakenly thought that the guard was going to turn down, so they rushed down. But at this moment, they suddenly received the news that the guard side killed Roshan!

Troll Wars will receive the Immortal Shield!

It turned out that after arresting a person, the guard Fang stunned a shot, pretending to advance, but actually went to hit Roshan. In order to confuse the Scourge, the Prophet sent a tree warrior to help resist the attack of Roshan, and then teleported to the next lane, and carried out a small strategic deception!

Thanks to the prophet's tree warrior, the troll war will start the whole attack to increase the attack speed, under a wild attack, the guard quickly got the immortal shield!

The huge experience has brought three of them to the next level!

"It's not easy to fight this time!"

Whether it is Zhao Dingguo, who is developing on the road, or Shenniu, who is preparing to rush to the lower road, they are aware of the difficult situation. Because the failure to find and stop in time, the guard has this immortal shield, can be pushed forward strongly, and may even hit the high ground in a wave. The troll's equipment itself is good, with fake legs and dominating helmets, and now with the immortal shield guard, the Scourge is hard to win!

If it were broken all the way, this regular season game is very dangerous.

However, despite their anxiety, the situation will not change according to their ideas. In the case of a prophet, the guards began to take two lanes. The remaining four people gathered in front of the second tower of the natural disaster, and attacked this defensive tower with little remaining durability!

"Can't keep it, go back to the high ground!"

After the God Niugou closed the road, opened the defense rune, and Binghun did not hesitate to enlarge the Qing soldiers and dragged two waves, the four people of the natural disaster finally exhausted their means and had to give up the tower.

At the same time, the prophet also hurriedly pushed away the second tower in the middle road.

Facing the grim situation, Zhao Dingguo originally wanted to directly tp the middle. But even in the past, it was impossible to kill the prophet without the cooperation of others. On the contrary, rushing past will affect the speed of your own money. As long as it is not the high ground being broken, he can ignore this later period.

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo did not immediately return to defense, but a person was pushing the second tower of the guard!

Because of his existence, the road has become the only outer tower of the Scourge side.

"Go up high!"

At the same time, after breaking the two towers of the middle and lower lanes, the five guards gathered in the lower lanes and began to try to attack the high ground. Because of the immortal shield, the Troll War will resolutely come to the forefront, apparently trying to absorb the damage of the Scourge with his first life, and then exchange time with his teammates!

Scourge people certainly won't let them do it!

In addition to Zhao Dingguo's preparation to open large support at any time, the remaining four people have gathered in the highlands to prepare for the highland defense war.

In all fairness, this opponent's strength is very strong, and the rhythm is also good. After killing one person first and holding the Immortal Shield, the guard Fang keenly grasped the time when the gap between himself and his opponent was the largest, and initiated the highland war. At this time, although Zhao Dingguo had a lot of money in his hands, there was still some distance from the 3800 saints' relics, which was the most embarrassing moment!

However, it seems that the high ground will be broken, and it will not work if you do not return to defense!

After a wave of Shuren warriors started, the trolls rushed forward, and the heroes of the guard swarmed up and forced their way into the highlands of natural disaster.

Shocking Divine Bull wanted to divide the battlefield with the gully, so that the guards could not be at the beginning and end, so as to form a local advantage to fight more. If successful, the guards will not be able to go to the high ground this time, but may be killed instead. But he was not sure of the timing, and was stared at by blue fat, a fire explosion just triggered the double cast. After two consecutive bursts, the health of Shenniu's blood dropped instantly. At the same time, the Chaos Meteor of the Invoker also fell down, killing the ox on the spot!

The cooperation between the two people is very tacit. If it is not known, then it is necessary to discuss the goals in advance!

Without the big control field of Shenniu, the guard's hope of hitting the high ground is undoubtedly much greater. However, Binghun's big move cooled quickly. At this moment, he smashed a big close up again, and then slowed down on the frost vortex, which limited the guard slightly. In conjunction with Gondor's tracking technique, the Scourge's people still steadily gained the upper hand in speed.

Just then, the White Tiger's Luna's arrow successfully hit the troll warlord who rushed to the front.

The short counterattack of the natural disaster is coming!

Zhao Dingguo launched a big move at the same time, creating five ghosts on the field. These ghosts' illusions immediately disrupted the formation of the guards, and also gave the natural disaster people a chance to kill the troll warlords together. A few seconds before the big move was over, Zhao Dingguo then launched and officially entered the battlefield!

The object of his arrival is still the troll warlord.

Cooperating with several teammates, Troll War will quickly surrender its first life. But as the guard hopes to see, after the round of skills has passed, the output of the natural disaster side is obviously weak. The guard side took the opportunity to overwhelm him. If Zhao Dingguo went up, Lan Fat's second flame blasted out, and it might be another life. If not, the guards will not chase and quickly dismantle the highland tower!

This is a dilemma!

"let's go!"

At this time, there was actually no choice. As long as the high ground is not broken, there is a ghost in this later stage, and they can stick to it, even if they die a few times in the middle. If the high ground is broken early, then with the powerful ability of the prophets, it will be more difficult for them to keep it!

There is no other choice!

After the extremely cold ghost rushed up for the first time, Bai Hu and Gang Duo also stepped forward and began to entangle with the guard. They did not seek to kill, but only hoped that the guards could retreat. However, after surrendering the Immortal Shield, the guard was obviously determined to go to this high ground. Seeing the Scourge heroes come back, they are not afraid, they are tit-for-tat!

Another double cast!

Lan Fat's luck seemed pretty good, and this time, the white tiger who was hit almost killed. Fortunately, she had no use for jumping. She quickly turned around and escaped, and the residual blood ran back to the spring. This time rushing up, she had no time to release a star, and had to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

"Watch out for Skyfire!"

Zhao Dingguo did not forget to remind Yan Yuelan.

On the other side, the Prophet trapped Gondor with germination, and then dusted for the fourth time since the war ...

The second life troll war will release a big move, cut out the long range firepower. With the release of agile and quick fire cards, Gondor was killed without any decent resistance!

However, while Gangduo and the White Tiger attracted firepower, Zhao Dingguo and the extremely cold ghost also took the opportunity to export. The skills of the two, coupled with reflexive counter-injury, and the divine bull who rejoined the battlefield after resurrection ~ ~ finally repelled the defender. But they lost two of them, and the durability of the highland defense tower was also half worn. In contrast, although the defender surrendered an immortal shield, there were no casualties!

In this wave, although the guard did not achieve his goal, he still made money!

In addition, the second tower on the road was pushed away by the soldiers' line, and the guards also passed in time to make up for it. This affected the natural disaster side's economy again.

Zhao Dingguo is sure that if he can't shine before the opponent advances next time, the down road is likely to be broken. The extreme disadvantaged windrunners in the early stage have hit Mekansm, the prophets have also made swirls, and the blue fat is a secret shoe and a push stick. The equipment and level advantages gradually accumulated by the opponent have already reached the point where they can forcibly push down the high ground.

On the other hand, Shenniu only has a pair of secret shoes, Binghun is slightly better, but it is only a fake leg and a war drum. Gondor was even more miserable. Although he made a lot, he died more. He had only a fake leg bracer and a healing ring. Obviously, Gondor originally wanted to fight wildly, but later had to turn to the Black King Bar. However, he didn't even have the ogre's axe, and the distance from the black king's rod was really a long way off!

The situation is getting worse!

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