DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 262: Direct removal base

~-~ It's not just Zhao Dingguo who noticed this, the guards also clearly felt that they were beginning to prevail.

This is exactly what a piece of cheese brings, either directly or indirectly. The direct effect is that the ghost has one more life, and the indirect effect is that the ghost has a more active and unrestrained play on the basis of cheese and the immortal shield. Adding the two together, the guards eventually lost the team battle this time!

In addition to Binghun and Baihu hanging up again, the defender paid the price of four heroes!

Two for four, this is definitely earned, and Zhao Dingguo's immortal shield is useless!

With the last trace of blood left, Zhao Dingguo desperately killed the prophet and calmly retreated. In such a team battle, he again got two heads and mixed two assists. After counting back, I received a few waves from the upper and middle lines. Zhao Dingguo's Yasha and extreme serve have already arrived!

Then just need a scroll to make a split axe!

Because he had to save money for work, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to buy new equipment. But now there is an immortal shield on his body, Zhao Dingguo is equal to an extra life, so dare to let go and buy equipment.

This is definitely not good news for the guard.

Moreover, due to the success of that battle, it was not only Zhao Dingguo who had an extra large piece, but his teammates also benefited. For example, Yan Yuelan's white tiger, after saving for a long time, finally made the blade of the soul. Gondor also bought the scroll of the Black King Bar before he died, and now it is equal to Black and Yellow. The next time the team fights, you don't have to worry about being killed by a wave of blue fat and Karl's skills!

On the other side.

The failure of the downhill battle caused a new round of conflicts between the guards, and several people accused each other.

It's just that the quarrel is back to quarrel, but the guards still think that they have the chance to win. Because in the downhill battle, two elite soldiers destroyed the two towers in front of the frozen throne. Facing the lonely frozen throne. Maybe as long as they drag on these two waves again, the natural disaster will be lost!

Advantages of the two-way front. Not so easy to make up for!

Zhao Dingguo certainly knew this. So he doesn't think that if he beats back the guard, he can come back immediately. Hearing his teammates' mood on the voice channel, Zhao Dingguo hurriedly poured cold water on them and made them work harder.

Only enough to bring the **** line. They have a chance to fight back!

As an absolute later period, Zhao Dingguo naturally led the Bottom Line. Because the hero level of the guard is very high. The resurrection took a long time, so Zhao Dingguo pushed almost all the way to the opponent's second tower, which turned and left when the two TPs came on. But the guard focuses on this. The other two lines of soldiers would certainly not care. Zhao Dingguo's teammates broke the outer tower all the way. Then he took all the soldiers' line to the second tower of the guard, and then pulled back to return.

The guards were successfully transferred.

The terrible situation where the natural disaster has been under the pressure of the guards has finally eased slightly at this moment.

Zhao Dingguo knew that if there were no people in charge, it wouldn't be long before the soldier line would be brought back. If they want something to do, now is the right time. As for exactly what to do. After the resurrection of his teammates, Zhao Dingguo immediately proposed: Open the fog and catch a wave!

In the battle in the dawn area. Although everyone knows the fog of tricks and occasionally it is useful, but in the end it doesn't pay much attention. From the rising sun level battles, the upward use of the Rogue Fog has been used more frequently, and Super God users have begun to value this item. Zhao Dingguo's proposal at the moment is to use the mist of trickery to actively gank a wave, and then rely on the immortal shield to see if he can break through the high ground with the trend!

In that case, the pressure on the natural disaster will be greatly reduced!

Zhao Dingguo's proposal was quickly implemented.

After the resurrection, Binghun bought a mist of trickery, and then rushed to a tower of his own side to meet with his teammates. After use, the five people were invariably covered with a layer of gray mist. The five then entered the guard's wilderness area, and let Gondor with stealth skills explore the front.

The Bounty Hunter Gondo quickly found the target!

After the resurrection, the troll battle will enter the wild area, and he is sulking in the wild. He does not know that he has been followed by Gondor. However, because the opponent has black and yellow, Gang Duo did not act lightly, but waited for Shen Niu and Bai Hu to take the lead.

Under such ambush, if the trolls can still run, that's strange!

Suddenly the **** ox who suddenly appeared in the dark raised his hand to smash the gully and stunned the unprepared troll. Immediately, the five heroes swarmed up, pouring the output into the troll warrior. Although the troll successfully opened the black and yellow after two seconds of stun, the output of the Scourge was too fierce, and he was directly killed to avoid killing him!

After all, he is not a ghost, nor has a dragon heart!

The death of the Troll General will undoubtedly shake the guard. The guard heroes who were still on the line hurriedly returned, fearing that natural disasters would take the opportunity to counterattack. Zhao Dingguo did have such an idea, but unfortunately they have not even broken the second tower of the guard. Therefore, it is impossible to go to the opponent's high ground while taking advantage of the opportunity to kill the trolls, but after taking the route and taking the line, they still take the opportunity to remove the two towers of the two guards!

After this wave, the Scourge has pulled back many of its previous disadvantages. Moreover, it also provided the conditions for the next direct attack on the opponent's high ground.

"The troll is resurrected, withdraw first!"

Zhao Dingguo knew the reason to accept it when he saw it, and promptly greeted his teammates to retreat.

If you drag on, you will definitely not be afraid of your opponents. Because the trolls don't make money fast, they can't compete with him like this. Although the supplicant out of the scepter also has a battle power, the opponent is obviously not good enough. After being attacked by him, he was a little panicked, and the connection and accuracy of his skills were greatly reduced.

As for the other output points of the guard, which one is enough to see in front of a ghost in a **** costume?

You are welcome to say that with the three major pieces of dragon heart, avatar, and radiance now in hand, and an immortal shield in hand, if the guard is not three people together, he will detour if he meets him!

However, at this moment, Zhao Dingguo received a hint that the Aegis Shield disappeared for one minute.

This resurrection treasure dropped from Roshan will be recovered if it is not consumed within six minutes. Zhao Dingguo obviously didn't want to waste it, so he immediately called his teammates and was ready to take the initiative to fight against his opponent in the wild. Coincidentally at this time, the guard side came to the lower lane again. Zhao Dingguo said nothing and led his teammates to stage an almost identical battle!

Still guided by his greatness!

Because he deliberately gave away this immortal shield, Zhao Dingguo did not turn on the split axe for the first time. Instead, after absorbing enough damage and resurrecting in situ after death, he turned on the split axe and controlled three identical ghosts to kill the past. As a result, the defender lost more this time than the last time. Compared to the two-for-four result, this time the guards' five-member group was destroyed, but only one Gondor who had been careless after the effect of the black king rod ended!

Five for one!

Of course, add an immortal shield that will disappear immediately if you do n’t use it again!

The success of two consecutive team battles, coupled with the effect of Gondor's tracking, almost brought the two legions back to the same. However, the Scourge side was broken two ways, while the guard side was intact three times, and there was a second tower. With the ghost becoming more and more powerful, can the defender really stick to the end?

After glaring at the possibility of losing the game, they began to take it seriously.

At the request of the supplicant, the guards also bought the fog and sneaked in while taking advantage of the mid lane. Lan Fat even pushed himself with a push stick, and appeared instantly in front of Binghun, raising his hand with a flame to blast!

A triple cast instantly reduced Binghun's health by a large amount.

The follow-up heroes of the guard side kept up, allowing Binghun to be killed without any time to respond. On the other side, the God Bull who wanted to rush over to rescue Gondor was about to raise his hand and ditch, but was pinned by the windrunner's bound arrow on the ghoul soldier just brushed out from behind.

Subsequently, the windrunner silenced the **** cow again with purple grudges!

Shen Niu's end is already doomed!

Because the raid was too sudden, two teammates hung up, and Zhao Dingguo had time to return from the bottom line tp. At this time, the guards have swarmed directly from the broken middle!

They obviously want a wave of direct bases!

Only Gangduo and Baihu were present, and Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt a bit fierce. Fortunately, after making a jump knife, Shenniu has been saving money out of his scepter, and indeed he has a lot of deposits. At this moment, he bought the work directly. With such a field control, Zhao Dingguo has a lot of solidity in his heart!

He can buy it himself!

After noticing the purchase of the Shen Niu, the guard's originally dense offensive formation quickly loosened. Cooperating with two trebuchets, five heroes of the Guards began to attack the base directly!

At this moment, the windrunner is getting bigger!

Troll wars will start!

The Prophet recruited five Shuren to give himself a ~~ --net update starter ~~ on the active state of Quake!

Invoker recruited a fire man in advance, and gave himself agility and swiftness.

Blue Fat also gave his teammates a blessing in advance!

This position of the guard ~ ~ is obviously discussed in advance, and the base will be demolished!

The situation has reached this point. Almost instantly, the durability of the Frozen Throne began to drop rapidly. Zhao Dingguo had to start the defensive rune immediately, delaying for four seconds. Immediately afterwards, the shocked God Bull who had just bought a living stepped forward and launched a junior combo in a fairly okay position.

The shock effect of Echo Slam appears!

With more than two wave soldiers, five Treants, and guard heroes, so many units come together and the ejection damage triggered can be imagined. Although the position of Shenniu jump is not ideal, only three people were injured. But the affected invokers, blue fat and windrunners have suffered a fatal blow!

The prophet whose main output is not very supportive of blood, is the most brittle of the five guards. Therefore, he was chased after being struck by Shenniu Sanlian, and he was the first to hang up!

It's a pity that his Thor's hammer has almost never produced a decent output since it was made!

And then, the highlight is Zhao Dingguo! ~-~

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