DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 270: Beauty comes to the door

> Chapter 270 The Lady Comes To The Door

The melee man with the Sand King skill was finally disappointed.

At the same time as his skills were shot and his companions were ready to keep up, Zhao Dingguo's storm struck. This is a rare coincidence. Although Zhao Dingguo himself was stunned by the excavation of the ground, the melee man next to him was also directly affected and blown into the sky. And the main target of this storm, the mage who planned to keep up with it was not immune.

Although limited to the skill level, the hair blowing time is extremely short, less than one second, but it is enough to interrupt the two people's combo!

By the time the mage landed on the ground and stabilized his body to hit the light strike array, Zhao Dingguo had recovered from the vertigo. He turned on phase movement in an instant, relying on the skill limits attached to this phase shoe to escape the range of the light strike array. Seeing that the amount of blood dropped to a relatively dangerous level, Zhao Dingguo took out the magic bottle and drank twice, and drank the magic wand charge points again, and pulled back the blood amount to some.

This move also completely despaired the two men who wanted to fight the battle into attrition!

Although the man in the melee department still has a shadow wave of lv1, the single healing amount of this skill is not high, and his magic value cannot support frequent consumption. On the contrary, Zhao Dingguo with perfect bloodlines has high enough attributes and recovery means, even if he is one enemy and two, it is still longer than them!

In desperation, the two had to use additional supplies in the nameplate space.

Since it was intended to attack others, there must be some supplies on him. But here is the top of the building. I couldn't find any plants with life energy. I didn't have the opportunity to use the ancient sacrifice of Aishifi. As for the healing ointment, it takes ten seconds for the full effect, so it is easy to be interrupted. Zhao Dingguo's arc flight speed is already fast, and there is a specialization bonus, two more shots can always interrupt their ointment!

The battle returns to its original rhythm!

It's another round of battle!

After the various methods were invalid, the two finally gave up and took the initiative to sum up in two steps. At this time, Zhao Dingguo's health and blue were running low. However, he still had the upper hand on the scene. Even if the opponent fights with death, he can kill one first, and then retreat steadily!

However, Zhao Dingguo was a little hesitant about the two people's request to pay 2,000 victory points for a life.

Just then, a director who had seen both sides came up and Wen Yan said to him, "Can't stay, kill!"

Zhao Dingguo looked at the dusk-level senior, hesitated, and still started.

He understands the meaning of this director. Although there is no **** hatred against these two people, as a newly launched member of the Illuminati, he needs an object of prestige to kill chickens and monkeys. These two people came to the door at the most inappropriate time, so they can't blame Zhao Dingguo for being ruthless!

If he let these two people go today, I don't know how many people will be in trouble after that day! With these two lives, coupled with the propaganda of the Illuminati, there will be a lot fewer idiots who dare to continue their adventures, and at least they should weigh it before they start.

The mage man was killed by Zhao Dingguo in despair and resentment!

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo's silver hero badge (kill) was triggered.

With the bonus of special effect one, Zhao Dingguo received five buffs with all attributes and a temporary increase in attack power of 5%. Zhao Dingguo's attributes are very high. If only the naked attributes are counted, they are even comparable to the novice level masters without bloodlines. With this temporary bonus, his total attributes have reached a very high level, and finally killed another guy who lost his resistance!

Suddenly, the top of the building calmed down again, only two real-name keys exuding a faint cyan light.

Several dusk-level masters will naturally not rob him!

From the previous two words of 2000 winning points to buy a life, Zhao Dingguo guessed that they should have a lot of winning points. Therefore, in the following extraction, Zhao Dingguo directly chose the winning point. Although only a part of it can be drawn, 1040 points are still available in the end, which makes Zhao Dingguo very satisfied.

In this way, he has more than two thousand victory points.

For a supersun user in the early days of the rising sun, this is a huge sum!

"Good job!"

Seeing the smile on Zhao Dingguo's face, several dusk masters knew that he had finished the draw, and the harvest was good, so he came up to encourage him and returned with him. Naturally, Zhao Dingguo would not refuse the kind invitation of the masters in the meeting. Not only did he take the opportunity to get closer with some of the experts, he also got some comments and suggestions from them!

The main point is that in the battle just now, Zhao Dingguo made the mistake of dispersing firepower.

Although he had a good grasp of the meteorite and the supersonic sonic combo, he did not give it to the first wizard, but to the melee man chasing him. Although this can indeed maximize the output, but spread it to two people, instead of wasting some output, you must also kill one person first!

In fact, Zhao Dingguo also knew this, but in actual combat, he ignored it after seeing a better opportunity, and temporarily changed his target subconsciously. After going through such a war, he will perform better in the future. In any case, it is very rare for a person who has just entered the rising sun to defeat two veteran enemies of the same level, even if he has blood in hand!

At least it seemed to others.

The next day, the Illuminati announced the killing of two enemies who dared to ambush, which immediately caused a small storm. Of course, only those ordinary super-god users are shocked. After seeing it, people with eyesight will not take it seriously. The assassinations were just two rising suns, obviously temptation ~

If you really want to do it, how can you do it in the evening together?

Zhao Dingguo thought so too, so he was not at ease. He just got a real positioning and understanding of his own strength through this battle. After packing up the two, he re-entered the internal daily training organized by the Illuminati!

However, he did not expect that his assassination actually attracted one person.

Yan Yuelan!

When he officially became a member of the Illuminati yesterday, Yan Yuelan failed to arrive and had to make a phone call in advance to apologize. Today, after learning that Zhao Dingguo was ambushed by the two, she thought about it and rushed over in person.

Initially, Zhao Dingguo felt that she was just a dawning newcomer with some potential. Later, as Zhao Dingguo grew, her evaluation of Zhao Dingguo became higher and higher. In particular, Zhao Dingguo's blockbuster was so impressive that he quietly took out a bloodline that shocked the entire super **** circle to obtain a speed record, and even made Yan Yuelan have to look up at this backward person!

However, if that was the case, Yan Yuelan would not be here today.

She valued Zhao Dingguo the most, after the reversal of the regular season. The game that she even gave up a little, after being insisted by Zhao Dingguo, with a bit of luck and coincidence, she had a different opinion before she knew it-this man is worthy of deep sex!

Therefore, after learning that Zhao Dingguo was attacked, she pushed away the original arrangements and came to visit.

"What? Are you still welcome?"

Yan Yuelan looked at Zhao Dingguo, who was surprised when he opened the door, and couldn't help smiling.

She is wearing a frock jacket with a waistband style. She is very handsome and smart on her body. Inside is matched with a black t-shirt and black feet pants, which has an indescribably elegant taste. Zhao Dingguo wasn't the first time to see her, but never before had such a strong feeling of heart.

After a little fascination, Zhao Dingguo opened the door and let her in.

"Is there a problem?"

After the two sat down, Zhao Dingguo didn't know what to say for a while, so he asked such a stupid question.

"Can't you come without any problems?" Yan Yuelan smiled, moved a word of him, and saw Zhao Dingguo wave her hands in succession to express lip service, she was right: "Dingguo became a full member of the Illuminati yesterday, which is a great improvement Once. I did n’t come and I ’m here today to express my apologies. Besides, I heard that you were assassinated? I was a little worried, but I ’m relieved to see you are fine today! ”

Zhao Dingguo shrugged, and said, "You know, the Illuminati Springs of the Illuminati lv3. As long as they don't die, they must be full of blood for half a minute!"

"That's it!"

Yan Yuelan nodded, and curiously asked about the battle: "I heard that the two killed were also people who had entered the Rising Sun long ago. The cooperation is good. The terrain is also on the top of the building. What about it? "

Because the deep-sea priest who had killed the Naga tribe before, she also knew her skills such as the stupid imprisonment, so Zhao Dingguo did not hide anything, and said it roughly. Yan Yuelan also listened very seriously and raised some questions from time to time. Unconsciously, the atmosphere gradually became harmonious.

Zhao Ding has a feeling that chatting with this beautiful woman is like an old friend who has known him for many years and is very comfortable.

One or two go to ~ the two talked for more than two hours.

"Well, by the way, I want to go shopping in Pearl City today. I think Dingguo, are you all right today, stay with me?" People feel warm in their hearts. Zhao Dingguo thought about it, but ultimately did not reject her proposal.

Although usually shopping directly into the supermarket, there is no hobby for shopping. But if it was accompanied by a beauty such as Yan Yuelan, Zhao Dingguo would not mind running for hours.

The pedestrian street in Pearl City is naturally very lively. It is not uncommon to see all kinds of beauties walking along. But for a long time, Zhao Dingguo did not find one that could surpass Yan Yuelan. When the oncoming man was astonished when he saw Yan Yuelan, he couldn't help but envy him. Although Zhao Dingguo knew that he had only dated Yanyue Lan a few times and was in the primary stage of a friend, the vanity of the man was satisfied, which made him a little proud!

What's more, Yan Yuelan's vision is obviously very high. I am afraid there will not be many of the opposite **** who can become friends?

Watching the woman around her dazzling through early summer clothing, Zhao Dingguo unknowingly regained consciousness, and her thoughts ran to eighteen thousand miles away.

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