DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 272: Changed Death Task

> .Chapter 272 Changed Death Task

ps: In fact, I just want to write a little bit of joy ... Is it really not good at writing emotions? It seems that the short board still needs to be compensated in the future. Hmm, there is a long way to go. Then there is the second time, which is about one point.

After considering for a moment, Zhao Dingguo agreed to join.

As Yan Yuelan said, it only takes a hundred win points to qualify for Super God qualifying, and the price is extremely low. And this annual super contest is voluntary registration, there is no penalty for failure. For the opportunity to fight with other strong players, Zhao Dingguo should also participate!

"Can you tell me the rules?"

After making the decision, Zhao Dingguo began to care about the Super God qualifying.

After knowing that Zhao Dingguo agreed to team together to participate in the team match, Yan Yuelan was in a good mood and explained in detail: "Super God qualifying is divided into individual and team matches. Super God users who require registration for individual matches must have a pub level And the platform has been on the platform for more than three months. In the May preliminaries, the competition mode was a 5v5 melee mode based on points. Because the super-god users of the entire world have participated, the competition is fierce! "

"Point-based melee mode?"

Zhao Dingguo still doesn't quite understand. Does it sound like the person with the most wins can laugh to the end?

Yan Yuelan nodded, and said, "Because the melee modes are all randomly matched, there is no balance in the Libra system as in the regular season, and the two points are similar to each other like the death team battle. Therefore, the strength of teammates and enemies Unsure, it may be a newcomer just over eighty percent, or it may be the twilight **** of 27,000. Because of this uncertainty, the Super God platform is not implemented so that the masters are accidentally eliminated because of bad luck. Points system!"

Many experts suspect that this is the intention of the platform!

Although there are many rounds in the qualifiers, there are always some bad luck masters who lose each year: either the teammates are too water, or the opponents are all great gods, which eventually leads to being eliminated. Of course, there will be some strength slightly, but the newcomers with particularly good luck take the opportunity to emerge from the water. This Super God qualifying competition not only provides a great battle stage for the great gods, but also provides a chance for newcomers!

"What about the peak battle in June?"

When questioning, Zhao Dingguo had a vague answer in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yuelan's explanation proved his guess: "The decisive battle is a knockout, and only one thousand people can enter the June decisive battle through the qualifiers. Generally speaking, the lucky Xindenko masters hit here. It can be stopped. Because after the selection of a thousand people, the next is a personal individual battle in the true sense, which is a bit like! If your strength is not strong enough, you will basically lose one game! "


After the selection of the qualifiers, the rest are basically masters, so it is natural to have a knockout. In the end, the remaining ten strong guys are the lucky ones who are expected to get a place on the Super God platform!

"In the budget stage, there is no penalty for losing, but there is no reward for victory. But in the final battle, if you can still win, you can get some good rewards. I heard that the better rewards are valuable Liancheng's skill level scrolls, even top-level props similar to each professional heritage equipment. "

"Are there skill scrolls?"

Zhao Dingguo was immediately excited, but was frustrated immediately. This is a grand event for all SuperGod users all over the world, and the only event on the SuperGod platform. Just how many people will participate can be imagined. In particular, only one thousand people finally entered the decisive battle, which made Zhao Dingguo think about it directly.

Want to kill a way from hundreds of twilight, countless high-ranking powerhouses in the dusk, just because of his rising sun?

No matter what you think!

After a bit of regretful choking, Zhao Dingguo asked another question about the team match.

Compared to the melee mode of the individual match, the team match is much more satisfactory. It's nothing more than a team regular season in May, and then a death team battle in June when the final match. In contrast, this is also valued by many large organizations and gods, and it is not easy to get cold compared to individual matches. And because they can be combined freely, in the final battle, it is likely that there will be a dream team of all-time top-level twilight gods that cannot be gathered together!

Such a great God-level contest, if you are qualified to witness it, it will be exciting to think about it!

May and June, it seems to be very lively.


After talking to Yan Yuelan about the Super God qualifying until 9pm, Zhao Dingguo finally realized that it was time to send someone home.

Learning about Supernatural qualifying can only be considered an episode.

When he returned home, Zhao Dingguo accidentally received a call from Li Feng. He previously mentioned to Zhao Dingguo on the theme that he was going to do the task together, taking a one-time consumption scroll with the seal of the ice girl. But Zhao Dingguo didn't move for several days. He only thought that the other party had found someone else. He had forgotten it. I did not expect that Li Feng's notice was too late at this time!

"Let's find a place to talk, you say an address, I'll go to you!"

Li Feng over the phone sounded quite exhausted, but did not immediately explain why he missed the appointment.

Zhao Dingguo guessed that something might have happened, so he didn't ask much, just reported an industry belonging to the Illuminati. Although it is open to the outside world, the environment is good. Zhao Dingguo occasionally goes there for a drink to relax.

Of course, he set the meeting place here, which also meant to show his heart.

Regardless of how many times they have met before, the two will finally meet for the first time in the real world. Although Zhao Dingguo is famous for being a core member of the new generation of the Illuminati, fame never means that he must be a good person. Maybe there will be a situation where the meeting place is placed in a place where no one is, and then a pit is set up in advance. Zhao Dingguo placed the meeting place in a public place, which clearly proved that he did not have any bad intentions!

After all, trust is built up gradually.

Forty minutes later, Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng met—when calling, he had reached the city of Pearl.

Compared to the theme dress, Li Feng seems younger in the real world. He was wearing a gray jacket, blue frayed jeans on his lower body, and brand new sneakers on his feet. It seems that Cheng thinks he is still a student. But only Zhao Dingguo knows that he is an authentic Sunburst super **** user, and his strength is not weak!

"I said Lao Zhao!"

After meeting Zhao Dingguo, Li Feng's first old-fashioned words made Zhao Dingguo almost spray out. What is Lao Zhao? Are we almost all right?

He glared at Li Feng, who pretended not to see it and shrugged after ignoring it for a few seconds. He said, "Well, Brother Zhao, is there anything to eat, come first, I have n’t had lunch or dinner yet. Eat it! "

Although with the physique of the SuperGod, even if he does not eat for a week, he will not be hungry, but no one will like the feeling of starvation. Therefore, under Zhao Dingguo's gaze, Li Feng asked for two fast foods and ate a mad meal before patting his belly with satisfaction.

Zhao Dingguo watched him satiated and whispered, "So, what's the matter?"

Li Feng nodded his head and said positively, "It was my fault to miss the appointment before. I apologize here first. But in the final analysis, this is to blame the top oss of the Crystal Sanctuary. I had everything ready and pulled it directly You can start. For some reason, when I entered the main plane again, I was suddenly informed by the nameplate that the final step of the mission had changed! The original plan was abolished, and for this reason, I had to spend time re-examining the new mission. "

"Mission changed?"

Zhao Dingguo looked at him, and asked with some confusion: "Why did it change suddenly? Did you do something and then triggered the hidden element?"

"certainly not!"

Li Fengying said: "When I saw the previous ice girl, she was beautiful, but it was a big iceberg, as if she had no feelings. But goodbye this time, she was holding a crystal pendant from nowhere. , Holding hands like looking at a baby. If I say, the old woman must be spring, everyone can see that she is thinking of a man! "

"Crystal ornaments ... the last generation ice girl ..."

Zhao Dingguo froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that the supplicant had explained to him what he had done at that time, and suddenly felt embarrassed ... wouldn't it really be related to him?

With a little guilty confusion, Zhao Dingguo asked, "What does the changed mission need to do?"

Li Feng hummed a few times and drank the Coke in the glass in one breath. It seemed to be venting: "The task is very simple, but the risk is more than doubled. She wants us to sneak into the Frozen Throne of the Scourge, thinking How to pick a bunch of flowers near the ice-snow lake, which is said to be never frozen, 50 kilometers outside the base camp. You said, what flowers are so important, you have to go outside the natural disaster base camp to pick them up? Do not believe it, it must have been sent by her old lover! "

"Okay, you guessed it!"

Zhao Dingguo said in his heart that he already knew the cause and effect of the matter.

I wanted to come, and it was my letter and the black bird who asked me ~ ~ that caused my mentor to change. Later, a letter and a pendant reminded the old lover, the ice girl, of the adultery of the two when he was still in the disaster ... then, the ice girl released a task, asking Li Feng and Zhao Dingguo to sneak into the disaster Defloration!

damn it!

Romance sometimes kills people!

Before that, Zhao Dingguo had been to a natural disaster. But that time I just went to the Blackbird to learn skills and didn't leave the city, so the security is still guaranteed. This time is different. If you take the task, you will have to leave fifty kilometers away from the natural disaster base camp. Two rising sun guards ran outside the natural disaster base camp.

Zhao Dingguo thought of his countless ways of death in a flash.

"No, this task doesn't have to be done!"

He lived well and didn't want to die, so he made his own decisive decision. If the ice girl of the previous generation is springing, let her pick it.

However, Li Feng's next words changed Zhao Dingguo's mind.

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