DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 274: Whereabouts leaked

.Chapter 274 whereabouts leaked

ps: Send the first one!

Under the control of that huge chain of interests, Zhao Dingguo was unimpeded along the way.

It didn't take long for the two to mix in the team, came to the Stanas River, and then the people who met the other side successfully mixed into the Scourge's territory. For Zhao Dingguo, this step is not difficult. Next, the two also smoothly arrived at the natural disaster base camp-the Frozen Throne!

Because they were well prepared, they both wore black cloaks common to undead mages on the side of the Scourge. As a result, at least the appearance is not so easy to distinguish. With such a cover, the two mingled in the crowd and arrived at the previously agreed Plaguelands Hotel. At the end of the second floor, the Illuminati came forward to help him.

"who is it?"

I heard Zhao Dingguo knock on the door, and a rough voice came from inside.

Zhao Dingguo deliberately grasped his tone and lowered his voice, "Here comes from the south, an acquaintance introduced it!"

Of course, on the site of natural disasters, of course, you cannot say that you are a member of the Guards Corps, so you can only say that you are from the south. After Zhao Dingguo replied in accordance with the words, he was confirmed by the other party.

"Come in!"

The door creaked open, and a Russian bald head leaned out and looked at them, letting them in.

This strong man Mo is about 30 years old and is a member of the Illuminati Allies organization in the Far East. He is nearly one meter nine, and can be said to have a large waist and a round waist. In terms of strength, it is roughly around the high-level of the rising sun, which is not bad. At this moment, he carefully looked at the two of them for a while, confirming: "People coming from the Illuminati?"

Zhao Dingguo nodded and said: "My name is Zhao Dingguo, and this is my companion, Li Feng!"

The bald head recalled the situation explained before the arrival and confirmed that it was correct, so he shook hands with the two people and introduced himself: "Call me Ilych!"

After a brief greeting, the three entered the topic. ishu.

"Do you want to go to the Frozen Lake?" Ilich's face was clearly embarrassed.

Zhao Dingguo nodded and said, "Yes, I heard that it is only more than 50 kilometers away from the natural disaster base camp. We have a mission and we must go there to pick a bunch of flowers. Why, isn't it easy?"

"Are there such **** missions?" The bald head froze and scratched his head. "It's not easy to do because your identity is very sensitive. After crossing the Stanas River, someone must be eyeing it." .If it is not out of town, but once you go to the ice and snow lake 50 kilometers away, it will certainly attract the attention of some greedy people. Moreover, is this Mr. Zhao still a master of bloodliness? Once the news spreads, a lot of people want to use their skills The people must be attacking you in all directions! "

Zhao Dingguo groaned and asked, "Is there no way?"

"Not without!" Iric smiled, and said, "Since the gang arranged for me to come, there must be a countermeasure. What I mean is that you stay in the city for most of the day before leaving the theme. It ’s almost time to start again. In that case, first, you can kill the patience of the person you are following. After starting, if you encounter danger, you can quickly drag it to the end of the main plane and stay for a while. The real world. When you come again, it's up to you. No one is stupid enough to wait in place! "

"That's a good idea!"

Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng also thought about it before departure, anyway, as long as the reserved time is enough to reach the ice and snow lake. As for the bunch of flowers mentioned by the ice girl, Zhao Dingguo has already checked it. Even if it is scarce to say that it can be seen everywhere on the shore of Bingxue Lake, it is definitely not a rarity, it can be easily found!

As a result, the risk factor is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

However, Zhao Dingguo immediately discovered a new problem. His badge is silver and can stay on the theme for two days. Li Feng also accidentally got a silver badge at the beginning of the year, but this bald Iric, who came to cope with it, was bronze. This is a problem. If you want to drag it on tomorrow, Dahan does not have enough time to stay on the theme. You need to buy it!

There aren't many win points to extend one day, but because of unexpected expenses, the two always feel a little loss. In addition, Li Feng's victory points were all used to redeem the hurricane step skills, and I bought some supplies, which can be said to be penniless. In other words, to make this bald point delayed, Zhao Dingguo must pay in full alone!

When he filed an application with Director Ling, he didn't notice this small problem. Obviously, the high-level officials were negligent. When they asked the Far East ally organization to arrange a person to respond, they only emphasized reliability and confidentiality. Others didn't care too much, which led to this problem.

"Don't waste that winning point, I told the boss, just change it!"

Bald is quite economical. In his opinion, this victory is really worthless. Anyway, it's just a way to guide and cover, as long as anyone who is familiar with the terrain near the natural disaster base camp can do it, there is no need to delay for a day.

"That would be nice!"

Of course, Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng didn't want to spend the money in vain. When they even agreed altogether—after only one day, he regretted the decision at the same simple speed!

Because it came in advance, the bald head returned to the real world more than ten hours after Zhao Dingguo arrived at the Frozen Throne. Not long after, another yellow-haired young man from Russia came to knock on their door. This man named Ivan is the new leader who the Far East allies arranged for the Frozen Throne!

"Ice Lake? Rest assured, I know the place!"

Ivan was confident and patted his chest one after another. His statement, however, gave Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng a lot of confidence.

Because it was still a while before I went to the Frozen Lake, Ivan didn't stay in the room for too long, but was busy with his task. Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng are not easy to go out, they can only practice in the room with a notebook, or chat about topics in the real world super **** circle. After finally reaching the agreed time, the two packed up and set off again with their black cloaks.

"Going from the north gate to the northwest is the direction of Bingxue Lake. There are too many masters on the road to go directly, and there are many strong plotters. Once there is an accident, there is no way back. Take you the other way. Although it takes more time, there are fewer people and more safety! "

Everything is as Ivan said.

After the three of them set off from the North Gate, they went north. Almost ten kilometers later, the three made a turn on the sparsely-occupied ice field and followed a path to the west. In the meantime, they also traversed a cedar forest. Even if someone followed, they would definitely be thrown away now!

Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng were very satisfied with the route of Yi Wanxuan.

After a long trek, the three finally arrived at the east bank of the Frozen Lake. This is not a big lake, and it can be seen everywhere in the north of the Scourge. However, because it has a hot spring underground, it is said to never freeze, so it is particularly noticeable. Maybe it is the heat of the hot spring that sparsely grows some green plants on the shore of Bingxue Lake. Among them, the kind of two-color flowers requested by the previous generation of ice girl is the most beautiful of them!

The red and white flowers are in full bloom in the fine cold wind. However, Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng were not in the mood to enjoy the flowers. The two quickly picked a bouquet, sealed it with the magic circle given by the ice girl, and then prepared to return.

The whole process was unexpectedly smooth!

This made Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng in a good mood. Did they just come to the natural disaster so unscathed, and then easily get the eternal frost potion and the consumption scroll that sealed the ice girl's big move?

It turns out that the luck of the two is not so good!

Because, under Ivan's proud clap, six or seven people suddenly appeared near the empty lake nearby. They completed the encirclement in decentralized positions, obviously not wanting them to escape.

"What does it mean?"

Zhao Dingguo was shocked, but his face was calm. He glanced at these people and looked at Li Feng again, feeling awful in his heart.

"Ivan, thank you very much!" At that moment, a leader-like guy came out of the six. He shook hands with Ivan and smiled: "A fog of tricks, plus squatting for half an hour, I just got two fat sheep. One of them still seems to be of descent, right? That's right! This is our five hundred victory point. It's yours! "


Seeing Iwan Mei smiled and accepted the winning points, Li Feng was immediately angry: "Because I sold my brother's whereabouts, I only exchanged 500 points! Are we so worthless?"

Zhao Dingguo is not as big as Li Feng. He just looked at Iwan and asked Shen Shen: "Doing this kind of thing in violation of the organization's requirements, aren't you afraid that your boss will hold you accountable afterwards?"


Ivan didn't care about it, and said, "I can see it clearly. There are everything that wins this year, everything else is false. Without these five hundred wins, I will be super-god after the death team battle. Platform eradication ~ ~ Others can't control much. Besides, it ’s not normal for the two sunbursts to run to the core area of ​​the natural disaster this year. Is it not normal for our boss to find me because of this? trouble?"

He clearly did not know the importance of Zhao Dingguo to the Illuminati. Although a rising sun was nothing, it represented the face of the Illuminati! Selling him is tantamount to hitting the Illuminati!

"It seems you know very little!"

Zhao Dingguo gave him a pitying glance, shook his head, and ignored the guy who had died so much that he didn't even know it. He secretly made a gesture with Li Feng, and then the two launched together, rushing out towards the north!

This direction is obviously beyond the expectations of the six-man squad!

According to normal thinking, the two should go south. Either choose to escape back to the Frozen Throne, or simply drift towards the guard. But the two ran directly to the extreme north, and they were so fast that it caught them off guard. After panic for a second or two, the leader of the team shouted, "Chasing!"

One of them apparently had equipment like the ancestors' war drums, and he took the initiative to accelerate, catching up.

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