DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 28: First battle of October

PS: Three more send, the new week is coming, please continue to support Odin with recommendations and collections!

Zhao Dingguo looked at his only 25 points left and tried to redeem a gold bar.

It was almost instantaneous that he found something more on his nameplate. Because after winning the first death group battle, Zhao Dingguo has been able to fully open the function of the nameplate in reality. Therefore, the next moment in his mind, there was a heavy, full-colored gold bar in his hand!

Winning a regular season is a hundred win points. Is this a hundred gold bars?

Zhao Dingguo suddenly found that he no longer needs to worry about money!

"What's this?" Lao Li looked carelessly and didn't care about Zhao Dingguo's shock: "I told you earlier, the ability of the super user is beyond your imagination, and no one is short of money. And Novices like you will try to exchange winning points for real money, which is meaningless. If you can exchange them in reverse, don't say one gold bar for one winning point, even if you have 50 or 100 gold bars One winning point, there are countless people vying for it! "

This meeting between Lao Li and Lao Li subverted many views and concepts of Zhao Dingguo.

本质 In essence, he is still the ordinary young man, but he has accidentally obtained the qualification of Super God user. However, when he saw with his own eyes a gold bar worth a victory point, Zhao Dingguo moved. You know, the price of a gram of gold in the real world is more than 300 yuan. This two hundred gram gold bar is directly equivalent to sixty thousand to seventy thousand yuan!

Win a regular season, that is six or seven million yuan?

Moreover, depending on Lao Li's attitude, people don't even care!

Zhao Dingguo finally has a deep enough understanding of the simple four-character user of Super God, and also gradually adjusted his view of the Super God platform in his heart!

This is a mix of heaven and hell!

I lost and will be obliterated.

The death was still second, and the terrible thing was that it disappeared from the world silently, and no one would even know the cause of death!

However, if you win, you will be able to have super power, and you will have incomparable wealth and status in reality!

Looking forward to the twilight tavern-level powerhouses that Lao said, calling for wind and rain, and omnipotent, Zhao Dingguo could not help but have a deep yearning in his heart!

Someday, we will become as strong as them!

Hugging his thirst for strength, Zhao Dingguo was in the VIP room of this commercial complex for half a night. The next day, he got up early and said goodbye to Lao Li.

"Don't think about staying with me?" Lao Li blinked at him: "Although my company is not big, it's also related to real estate. You can choose a house here! If you want a beautiful girl, except Xiaoyu, You can go to the rest of the secrets casually, and I will take care of you if something happens. As a super user, there is no harm in touching more women, and you will be easily removed in these aspects in the future! "

"……no need!"

定 Zhao Dingguo hesitated, but still rejected his kindness.

First of all, he didn't feel like he was so uncontrollable. In addition, although he and Lao Li have temporarily become a cooperative relationship, whether they can continue this friendly relationship in the future is still to say. If you live on the site now, you are always under his surveillance, which is undoubtedly bad for Zhao Dingguo!

"Okay, whatever you want. Anyway, you can't solve any problem, remember to call me, whether it is super **** platform or realistic!"

Nian Lao Li was not reluctant, and after having breakfast together, he was asked to send Zhao Dingguo away.

Xu was still the gunship of yesterday. Under their escort, Zhao Dingguo quickly returned to the K city where his hometown was. Seeing the familiar city layout under the helicopter, Zhao Dingguo was relieved inexplicably. It's better on your own site, at least it has a sense of familiarity and security!

"Should you land where you were picked up yesterday?" The helicopter's copilot asked.

"Okay, just at Haiyue Building."

Here it is the tallest building nearby. The roof on the roof can take off and land helicopters. Soon, Zhao Dingguo set foot on the ground. Hearing the dynamic security on the top floor of Haiyue Building again, this time they learned well and saw that they were soldiers in the military, and several people immediately retracted.

People are from the military!

In case of any secret mission, I just put myself together ... what a joke!

Alas, the gunship quickly flew away with the sound of the propeller turning at high speed. When they came up boldly, they found that only Zhao Dingguo was left there. Yesterday, the security guard who witnessed the landing of the helicopter suddenly remembered it, and it seemed that he was also there!

Or in other words, this military helicopter clearly picked up the young man in front of him!

Big man!

The security captain who knew everything from the intercom immediately responded. At his command, several security guards sent him down respectfully. That stance ... if it wasn't for their curiosity and respect, maybe Zhao Dingguo thought he was a thief caught on the spot by security guards!

So Rao was so. When he walked down, he was still stared at by many customers for a long time.

Zhao Dingguo, who was a little uncomfortable, accelerated his pace and left Haiyue, which made him feel better.

Next, instead of going home immediately, he went to a gold store and sold the bar. Although it is only a winning point, since it is changed, it cannot be wasted. After getting the money, he quickly came to the largest computer city in the city, equipped himself with a notebook with a dream configuration, and bought a series of special sports mouse and peripheral keyboards.

This is what Mr. Li commanded.

Although I don't understand why Super God platform puts the regular season into reality, but since others have such rules, they can only follow the rules. In this case, it is necessary to have a top set of competitive equipment. Although the power of the Super God platform can make even the most broken computers support DOTA smoothly, but with some good packages, it is always more comfortable!

Even if these things can improve the win rate by 1 in 10,000, that's enough!

老 In the words of Lao Li, for SuperGod users, problems that can be solved with real money are never called problems!

老板 The boss of Computer City is of course unclear about the behind, but he knows that this is a big customer, not the kind of money! Doing this business earns more than selling ten computers normally. Therefore, he also has a smile on his face. After running back and forth, he helped him choose a comfortable and luxurious computer table!

"Come often!"

Seeing the back of Zhao Dingguo's departure, the boss couldn't help but make the most sincere call.

Uh ...

In the last two days at the end of the month, Zhao Dingguo did not step out of the door.

He researched in the rented house for two days ~ ~, even when Wang Xin told him to go out to eat, it was temporarily pushed back.

The new week and month are coming soon, and the platform's regular season and death team battle will follow. Now every day is very important for Zhao Dingguo! However, in general, with the mention of Lao Li and his two-day stand-up grinding gun, Zhao Dingguo consciously made a considerable progress in understanding DOTA.

And, more importantly, a change in mindset!

If you say that playing DOTA in the past can be said to be entertainment. That is different now. The battle in each round is directly related to life and death. As long as there is a chance of victory, we must strive for it. To this end, Zhao Dingguo also wrote a note deliberately and posted it on the wall in front of his computer desk: "Take every round of DOTA as a battle of life and death!"

打 Fight with your heart and strive for victory!

Only by holding such a mentality can we live better on the Super God platform!

The second day is the 11th National Day holiday.

Because the weather is nice, it's perfect for traveling. Unfortunately, Zhao Dingguo didn't have time to enjoy that good, because he ushered in a new week regular season!

At the prompt of the platform, Zhao Dingguo entered the regular area lobby without the pub nameplate in time. As he entered, the platform automatically popped up a prompt: "Will you join the battle and complete this week's regular regular season?"

No other choice!

Like the death team fight, refusing to participate in the regular season also has to pay a certain victory point, but after the failure of the regular season, there is no penalty for obliteration, nothing more than no victory point reward. Therefore, only fools will refuse weekly routine tasks posted by the platform.

With the click of the mouse, the automatic matching of the game begins!

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