DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 284: Xiao 9 and Xiao Jian

> PS: I will send you the second one, and the other names are all floating clouds ~

The failure of the first game cast a shadow on Zhao Dingguo's personal race!

Zhao Dingguo knows that if he holds his ground, this battle may not be lost. But as soon as the other party started, they took Roshan, completely overwhelming their teammates. Later, they held a group to advance the killing, without giving them any chance to reorganize, so they were easily killed.

The whole battle lasted only 27 minutes, which was the result of Zhao Dingguo's efforts to delay!

Compared to Zhao Dingguo's unfavorable first battle, among the people he knew, Yang Fei, Gao Yue and Zhou Lei all sang triumphantly and easily won the battle. Although Yan Yuelan and Lao Li had a harder time winning, they eventually won. It seems that only Zhang Tianshao failed to fight Xiaojiu and Xiaojian in Chapter 284, and Li Feng also lost in key team battles!

However, overall there are still many wins.

After a little depression, Zhao Dingguo quickly set aside the victory and began to summarize the gains of this battle. Although it is uncomfortable to be killed, the tactics of the other side of Roshan can be learned. If he grasps it well, he can also replicate this tactic and use it against others!

Two days later, Zhao Dingguo ushered in the second round of qualifiers.

Because the first game was lost, Zhao Dingguo was determined to win this battle. However, when he saw his own camp, he was stupid, and there were four late stages!

Dwarven Musketeer, Great Naga, Morphling, Enemy Mage!

In some high-end games, what Zhao Dingguo sees most is the tactic system of four guarantees and one guarantee. Or, at most, dual-core insurance. In the more retro genres, there are also three-core flying together. However, four lineups appeared in the lineup at the same time. Among them, there are legendary brothers such as muskets, and there is a big sister named Naga. How can I fight this? There is no way to allocate resources on the soldiers' line, can you grab money later?

After a bit of depression, Zhao Dingguo got his hero-he immediately came to his side's only assistant, the ice girl!

Chapter 284: Xiaojiu and Xiaojian want a one-for-four guarantee against the sky?

With a bit of fluke, Zhao Dingguo looked at the opponent's lineup. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but Zhao Dingguo is hit hard. The opponents are Fire Girl, Witch Doctor, Wandering Swordsman, Shadow Demon, and Werewolf!

This lineup is much better than Zhao Dingguo's.

Controlled and assisted, the Shadow Demon hits a pseudo-nucleus while walking, and the werewolf wild area hits the wild. In the mid-term, when you join the battle or push the tower, you can see that you are winning your side. What's more, someone on the other side is proud to type in all channels, claiming that they have a great **** with a **** point of 2300!

Even at high twilight in the evening, the **** points of 2300 are quite high!

Undoubtedly, it is found that there is such a great **** in his own side, and the opponent's lineup is so late. Several Super God users of the natural disaster have already determined that the winning ticket is in their hands, shouting: "Is there a 2300 shadow devil? Guard, kneeling Stable! "

"2300 points? Twilight Master?"

"Do you want anyone to live?"

See the unabashed arrogance of the opponent. Zhao Dingguo's two teammates instantly looked like soil. They controlled the Morphling and the enemy mage to walk around in the spring, and at a glance they knew that their hearts were panicked. Zhao Dingguo asked for a bit, and learned that their niche score was 1350, which is not bad. The other one is only 870 and is a complete newcomer!

Such a battle, it is difficult to win the opponent!

However, the other two teammates seemed to be okay, one of them even used an indifferent tone: "Don't be nervous. Normal playing is fine. The ice girl is assisted, remember to buy chickens when you go out, and then rise the halo. The other three people pay attention A few fewer deaths, wait for me to save the world! "

"You a musket, will you?"

The two teammates apparently had no confidence in him and thought they were in Kwahaikou.

but. The other person who used Big Naga heard the sound, but seemed to recognize what it was, and asked, "Little nine?"

When the musket stayed, he asked, "Xiaojian?"

What a coincidence!

Zhao Dingguo and two other teammates did not expect that in the 5V5 melee mode, they could even meet people they knew. At this time, the musket and Da Naga have already spoken to you, and I chatted with each other, with a very calm tone: "Xiao Jian. Your Da Naga ... It's really a coincidence!"

"Your musketeer? It seems worse than Shadow Fiend and Parker!"

"What's not important! I thought it would end the fight in thirty minutes. I didn't expect you to be here, so don't worry about it! In other words, it's not good for you to follow, but I followed a big naga! "

"Don't be careless. Develop well!"

"Rest assured, I'll be a man who can make money from the air if it doesn't work!"

"Really? It seems I have to buy a thunder hammer and come up with your little nine suit!"

They both joked and quickly bought equipment and stood on the high ground. Hearing the relaxed tone of the two on the voice channel, Zhao Dingguo wanted to tell them to be more serious. After all, there is a master with 2300 points, so you have to fight with this lax attitude. You have to lose!

Although he was very worried, he was not in the late stage, and anxiety was useless.

Since Dingguo arrived, Zhao Dingguo could only try his best to assist.

Because it is a random hero, Zhao Dingguo has more than 800 gold coins on hand. He bought an animal messenger, then opened the sharing, and bought a group of eyes, followed Da Naga on the road. As for the guard's advantage, he was conceded to the enemy mage and the morph elf.

The dwarf musketeer named Xiaojiu was single, and Zhao Dingguo was very worried for him.

If it is a rookie, the muskets have a good win rate. However, the shadow monster of the other party is a master of 2300. With the crisp body of the musket, he may be killed by the shadow pressure three times with a misplacement! As soon as I thought of the gorgeous video of the master shadow magic that I had watched, Zhao Dingguo felt that this hope of victory became increasingly slim.

However, giving up was never done by Zhao Dingguo!

Despite not hope, Zhao Dingguo started seriously.

There was a big Naga trucking on the road, Zhao Dingguo took the opportunity to come to the road to the road, and gave a river eye. Unfortunately, there is no sign, it should be in the lower reaches of the river. Subsequently, Zhao Dingguo followed the river all the way up, using the remaining investigative guards to plug into the wild spot and close the field. This technique is very common in high score bureaus. After being blocked, as long as the surveillance guard's vision is still there, that wild point will no longer refresh the wild monsters.

"Okay ~"

The dwarf musketeer in the middle of the road, while aligning with the Twilight Master with a score of 2300, also took time to exaggerate Zhao Dingguo, which made him sweat.

Come on, you are the master of 2300!

Because he has already begun to align with his opponent, Zhao Dingguo is not afraid to be distracted. He regained his attention from Xiao Jiu in the middle and seriously aligned himself with the natural disaster witch doctor and homeless swordsman. Although it is not clear what Da Naga's strength is, he is clear that a qualified assistant should do it. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo did not **** money from Da Naga, but instead countered, while hitting the witch doctor and wandering with ordinary attacks!

This is to fight for space in the later period for their own side.

However, Zhao Dingguo soon found that he didn't need to do this!

At the beginning of the two waves, Zhao Dingguo didn't realize anything. But over time, Zhao Dingguo gradually noticed that there was an inexplicable rhythm and rhythm in Danaga's reinforcements. Moreover, it is rare that Naga can take the time to help him suppress the enemy while he is making up for it!

The first wave of soldiers passed, and Zhao Dingguo glanced at the big Naga's data: 4 are complemented / 2 are complemented.

Good performance!

The second wave of soldiers passed, and the number of Da Naga's corrections became eight, still one.

The third wave of soldiers has passed, and 12 are being replenished ...

The three wave soldiers all accepted, and after seeing this data, Zhao Dingguo finally realized that this big naga was extraordinary. If it is a free replenishment or a hero with a particularly high initial attack, Zhao Dingguo can barely do this. But Da Naga's basic attack power is not very high. If two enemies interfere from time to time, one can not leak, which is very scary!

As for backfilling, Zhao Dingguo 1, embarrassingly found that Naga has more backfilling than him!

If Zhao Dingguo who saw this data was embarrassing, then the opposite witch doctor and homeless swordsman saw his own supplementary data, it was not embarrassing, but shocking-the two of them combined, the three waves of soldiers were right There are only 2 to make up, and 1 to make up!

How could this be?

Listening to the voice channel, the teammates in the lower lane are relaxingly talking about how their opponents are cooking. The witch doctor and wandering are anxious!

However, just the troop can't explain anything.

With the cooperation of Zhao Dingguo's ice girl, Dana Naga steadily found an opportunity to buy the 875 gold healing ring in three minutes. With this and the ring of kings that speeds back to blue, recovery on the line is no longer a problem. At this time, the degree of Dana Naga fighting with the other side also became more intense in time, but the reinforcements could still not miss one. Soon, the witch doctor who was very good online was forced to upgrade the voodoo recovery technique early!

If it wasn't for the wandering backhand hammer to keep up ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo almost got the blood of a witch doctor!

"Okay, Bingyu, go for a walk in the middle, I'll do it alone!"

The young man named Xiao Jian who manipulated Naga explained on the voice channel that if it was put before the war, Zhao Dingguo would definitely not believe it. But now he has determined that Da Naga alone can hold the two in the opposite direction, so he sneaks from the river to the middle while taking the opportunity of the soldier line slightly forward.

At the river on the road, the red rune looks extremely charming.

It's a quick rune that refreshed in four minutes!

The musket in the middle of the road has noticed this. When she saw Zhao Dingguo's ice girl coming to swim, she refreshed her spirit: "Ice girl, took a quick turn from behind the shadow demon, the action was hidden!

Zhao Dingguo is not stupid. Where can I leave a charm for the shadow magic control on the opposite side? He ate the rune directly, and took advantage of the two shadows to conquer the army and the line gradually moved forward, copying it from behind with a touch of red light.

This shot is a slowdown in the area of ​​3.5 seconds, Crystal Nova!

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