DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 305: Undead Troll Shaman

ps: I'll send you the first one. It is said that the wind in Weihai is so strong today. I almost didn't catch a cold when I went out ... My head hurts. Please use subscription and tickets to help Odin to relieve the pain.

The fourth island of Aktura.

In the past, this is a branch of the troll tribe. The island has as many as 5,000 trolls. Even in the entire island chain, it can be regarded as a relatively large island. But now, this lush island has completely become a place where plague and death are rampant.

Withered trees and no human traces, even the usual monsters are dead!

The strong death gas accompanied by the unique stench smell made Zhao Dingguo frown deeply when he set foot on the island. At the same time, the nameplate also gave a prompt in time, saying that it was affected by an unknown plague and was in a state of decline in combat effectiveness.

[Chapter 305

Undead Shaman Unknown Plague】

Affected by the low concentration of plague in the air, the total attribute is suppressed by 20%, and the life is reduced by 50 points per minute (based on the current primary attribute, the higher the primary attribute, the less affected by the plague).

Plague effect: The effect of the plague is doubled (relative to the base effect) for every additional hour spent in the infected area. This process is accelerated by successive attacks by undead infected with the plague. When the plague stacks up to 10 levels, or the current health is reduced to less than 50%, the plague effect will erupt, causing 50% of the maximum health +1000 poison damage. The poison wound ignores magic immunity and has authority.

Aphotic Shield, Expulsion, Storm, Burial and other skills cannot take effect on this plague.

Some healing skill potions can only produce 50% of the healing effect.

"So bullying plague!"

Seeing the attributes given on the nameplate, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be taken aback.

Once the plague is triggered. This means that the super-god user with less than two thousand lives will undoubtedly die, which is enough to kill any master below dusk. Some Twilight Masters will also die from the poisonous wounds of this plague if they do not have blood support equipment. Moreover, its poison hurts the magic. Even the treatment effect is only half!

The most critical chapter 305

The undead troll shaman is that this is just a low-level plague in the air.

If you come close to the source of the plague, you don't know what kind of terror effect it will have.

After sighing, Zhao Dingguo could not help but develop a sense of urgency. Every additional hour here will double the blood loss of the plague. Although the second level ice ball is hung up, it can restore six health points per second. Adding the life regeneration bonus brought by the strength attribute can also support the tenth floor of the plague. But that is in a non-combat state, once you meet the monster. The basic plague effect of reducing blood by 50 points per minute is very objective!

If you add another seven or eight layers ...

Zhao Dingguo estimated that taking into account the battle under the condition that all attributes were suppressed by 20%, he could only support for a maximum of six to seven hours. If you still fight the monster after that time, you can't lose any blood unless you can do it. Otherwise it is very dangerous.

Terrible ghost!

This thing is more than the real world biochemical weapon ox fork.

After raising his vigilance secretly, Zhao Dingguo fixed the ship on the pier and stomped toward the depths of the No. 4 island. However, he hadn't waited for him to walk out fifty meters. I don't know when the ground turned gray-black suddenly heard an unusual vibration. Perceiving the danger, Zhao Dingguo stepped sideways and avoided the black hand bone protruding from the ground in time.

It's the undead.

Under Zhao Dingguo's curious gaze, the whole black skull quickly emerged from the ground. After just two seconds. It finished preparing for the battle, and waved the tragic white blade in his hand and killed Zhao Dingguo.

Because it is not clear about its combat power. Zhao Dingguo did not dare to carelessly. Using elemental fusion, the Lava Elf skill was derived. With his call. A two-meter-long lava elf appeared in front of him, blocking the attack of the undead.

Affected by the blazing flame, the undead's bony blade changed color a little bit, but soon returned to normal.

Obviously, this guy is not easy to mess with.

After a few simple confrontations, Zhao Dingguo roughly grasped its combat power and type. In terms of playing online games, this guy is a skeleton warrior. Both physical defense and attack power are good, and the movement speed is also OK. Each time it is chopped, the Lava Elf's health is reduced by a fraction. If he did not hesitate to fully open his magic skills, Zhao Dingguo thought he could deal with up to three to four at a time.

However, do n’t Skeleton Warriors always rely on quantity to win?

After Zhao Dingguo and his summons joined forces to defeat the undead, more undead came out of the ground. There are also some more powerful undead trolls wandering from the depths of the island, apparently feeling the breath of living people. Only three or five minutes before and after, there were more than a dozen undead within Zhao Dingguo's field of vision!

This is really annoying.

There is almost nothing useful to kill these ordinary undead. Zhao Dingguo didn't want to waste all his time on them, so he replaced the ancient country **** wood ring. After this magic ring came into effect, those undead in the distance stopped suddenly, only a few undead in front of him were still tracking intermittently.

Sure enough it works!

After a few speeding away the undead, Zhao Dingguo carefully walked past the wandering monster and walked towards the depths of the No. 4 island. After experimenting, he found that as long as he was not close to fifty meters, he would basically not get their attention. If you use ghost walking again, then you can sneak past them with great swing, and you will not be found by any undead.

Having confirmed this, Zhao Dingguo's courage was much greater.

Searching all the way, in addition to killing a few blocking undead who must be killed, Zhao Dingguo successfully came to the original tribe of the troll. At this moment, these places have been occupied by a large group of undead trolls, and there is a faint light green smoke floating above the entire tribe, which looks extremely infiltrating. Perhaps due to the influence of this smoke, the fighting power of the undead trolls in the village is much higher than the undead on the edge of the island.

Among them, the undead troll warrior with the short axe and the double axe is the most terrible.

This advanced undead already has hero-like skills, in addition to extremely fast attack speed and poisonous damage in the attack, he also has a flying axe skill similar to the Beastmaster. Zhao Dingguo tried to let the lava elves carry it for a while, and was cut off nearly two hundred lives by the throwing axe!

This strength is already close to the elite in the ordinary sense of the theme!

If there is no stealth skills, no ancient country **** wood ring, Zhao Dingguo alone can never reach here. In other words, even if a master of dusk, most of the advanced undead in this group will have to die. But now, relying on the duration of the ghost walk far beyond any other stealth skills, Zhao Dingguo can stay in stealth all the way, and search carefully in this undead tribe.

Troll Ticoto. Sikkim's relics, mysterious hand bones, contaminated parchment, troll grunt potions ...

It took an hour for Zhao Dingguo to find dozens of valuable things in succession. Unfortunately, these unknown gadgets can only be exchanged for ordinary magic gold coins, or they can be sold directly to the Super God platform in exchange for dozens of points of cheap goods. After all sold, Zhao Dingguo only gained a total of 280 win points. Although it's definitely not small, it's definitely a test of human heart's life to rummaging around in the crowd of undead for an hour.

Seeing that it was impossible to find more valuable gadgets, Zhao Dingguo temporarily abandoned the search and instead proceeded to the hinterland of the undead tribe.

Because the level of the ice element is not high enough, and the ghost walks to practice and does not reach home, Zhao Dingguo's speed will be affected in stealth. To this end, it took him 20 minutes to sneak into the core area of ​​the former Undead tribe on Island 4. This is the shaman site of the troll tribe. Due to its respected status, the altars and buildings here are also the highest in the entire troll tribe.

As far as two hundred meters away, Zhao Dingguo saw this altar where the ancestor's soul had dissipated.

As the entire tribe was infected by the plague, this crude and mysterious altar with a bit of humbleness and mystery completely lost its power and became no different from ordinary buildings. However, the shaman on the altar, holding a scepter of a skull and a height of about 1.5 meters, shaman made Zhao Dingguo cautious.

From his body, Zhao Dingguo felt a dangerous breath.

According to the data collected by the Illuminati, before the appearance of the ghost, killing this troll shaman has a high chance of dropping the ogre axe. But that means that it is hostile to the entire troll tribe. After being discovered by other trolls, it will deduct the reputation of the Guard Corps, so few people will choose to kill the shaman directly. But now, this guy has become an undead. No one should investigate the consequences of killing him?

Just don't know if killing the undead troll shaman will return the ogre axe.

Although uncertain, according to some invisible rules of the main plane, the possibility is still very high. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo intends to give it a try.

In terms of strength alone, this undead troll shaman should be comparable to the deep-sea priests of the Naga tribe previously killed ~ ~ At that time, in order to kill the deep-sea priests, Zhao Dingguo pulled Lao Li and Yan Yuelan together It was successfully done. But now, although Zhao Dingguo has only one person, he has a perfect level of pedigree, and his equipment has been further advanced. It may not be possible to kill.

Of course, his biggest reliance was on the bottle of poison given by the instructor before his departure.

As we all know, the shaman of the troll tribe is proficient in voodoo and curse. For example, one of the heroic witch doctors is famous for his powerful curse. Once you hit the curse, you will not only continue to lose blood, but you will also receive additional damage, which is equivalent to the ability to deepen the damage, which is very powerful. But with that bottle of Venomancer's poison, everything is different!

On the one hand is the sun-level pedigree master, on the other hand is the undead troll shaman who has been chopped out of his famous skills. This battle, some fight.

However, before killing the opponent, Zhao Dingguo's first thing to do is to clear the monsters around the altar.

Because of the lofty identity of the shaman, there were not many ordinary trolls around the altar. Even after becoming undead, there are only a few five or six monsters within a hundred meters, which greatly facilitates Zhao Dingguo's actions. Relying on the best cannon fodder of lava elves, Zhao Dingguo can seduce them one by one and kill them individually!

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