DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 307: Purple monster

ps: Happy Singles' Day ... Then it means that we should continue to make three changes?

It is actually a relatively rare soul equipment.

In the Super God platform equipment system, in addition to the original equipment, there are a large number of equipment that produces autonomous planes. Among them, the heritage equipment is the highest-end existence, and only the top powerful people who have obtained the bloodline have the opportunity to contact. Soul equipment is an important part of the remaining categories. Basically, only the powerful Warcraft and plot strong will be dropped.

One of the most important characteristics of judging soul equipment is that it has special attributes that can enhance the skills of a hero's bloodline.

Like Zhao Dingguo's soul that walked today, the enhanced skill is the curse of the witch doctor. For Zhao Dingguo, this piece of equipment is of little significance. Adding five points of intelligence is not as good as a useless pendant. As for the 10% resistance, although good, it has limited usefulness. But if this equipment falls into the hands of a strong man with witch doctor ancestry, the enhancement effect will be too great!

The curse lasted for 12 seconds, and it was already abnormal. Now the upper limit of the maximum duration is increased by 4 seconds, and the poison damage of 10 seconds is added, which is equivalent to bringing a qualitative improvement to this skill.

It is conceivable that this equipment can cause a sensation after it is taken out.

In a short period of time, Zhao Dingguo made a decision, and this equipment was only sold or not sold. Since there are soul equipment equipped with witch doctor skills, of course there will also be soul equipment equipped with the petitioner's blood. Zhao Dingguo collected little hope by himself, but if there were other experts of witch doctor blood line to help, the difficulty would be greatly reduced!

Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo happily put it into the nameplate space.

Subsequently, Zhao Dingguo continued to reach out and dig out ... the result was gone.

In the past, the probability that the troll shaman dropped the ogre's axe was 75%, and the average was three times out of four times. I don't know if it is Zhao Dingguo's bad luck, he did not catch up with that three-quarters probability. Or after this troll shaman becomes an undead, he no longer drops the ogre axe. In short, Zhao Dingguo did not get the equipment in his mind.

Although the harvest is very rich, but he did not get the ogre's axe, Zhao Dingguo was a little reconciled.

Looking at the plague superimposed on him, Zhao Dingguo found that he had four hours of activity. After careful consideration, Zhao Dingguo once again entered the ghost walk state, sneaking away from the other side of the undead tribe.

The undead troll shaman has been killed by him. The other two boss-level silent monsters, the elders and the captain of the undead guard, have a lot of ordinary undead trolls around them. Although killing them may also drop the ogre's axe. But Zhao Dingguo thought he didn't have that ability. In desperation, he decided to continue deeper and walk towards the canyon in the middle of the fourth island.

There is a forbidden area for the trolls. Usually, they are guarded by troll warriors and are not open to the public.

According to gossip that does not know the truth, there are detained fallen soldiers detained by the trolls. Although they are powerful, they can also drop ogre axe. While the effect of the poison on his body had not disappeared, Zhao Dingguo wanted to check it out. After all, compared with the altar in the village, there is more terrain available in the canyon. If you find a suitable location, you may not be able to use the terrain to kill the opponent.

Think of it this way. Zhao Dingguo touched the trail all the way.

There are fewer undead on this trail than the troll tribe that the undead is running through. However, maybe the trolls sent the elites to guard the valley. The seven or eight trolls they encountered along the way were almost all elite monsters. Although it has not reached the level of the shaman of the undead troll, its strength is quite extraordinary, and there is a relationship similar to the chain of hatred. As long as Zhao Dingguo attacks one, the surrounding elites will quickly come to support it.

Nothing can be used to ignore the curse. In the face of these real troll elites, Zhao Dingguo was a little bit irritated.

If it is in its heyday, Zhao Dingguo may not dare to fight. But now there is such a metamorphic plague of ghosts, Zhao Dingguo's attributes are suppressed, and he has to worry about his blood volume at any time. So he eventually chose to bypass these guys. Sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the trolls.

To be honest, he was also curious about what was in it.

This is a canyon with a rather tortuous terrain. The width of the entrance to the canyon is only about twenty meters, but it gets wider as it goes in. In the end, it almost became a valley. The height of the cliffs on both sides of the valley is about 100 meters, which cannot be climbed by human power. Zhao Dingguo glanced here, but found nothing unusual.

"There are no fallen trolls at all. It's just a barren field."

After a while, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but feel disappointed. But just as he was about to go deeper, Zhao Dingguo glanced at his nameplate and suddenly was surprised to find that the number of layers of the plague had increased by two layers, and it was increasing rapidly at a rate of ten minutes each!

what's going on?

Zhao Dingguo suddenly panicked. He didn't want to experience it for himself. Threatening the plague threatened by the Scourge, he took the bottle of master-class antidote, and turned to run outside the canyon.

Five minutes later, when Zhao Dingguo rushed to the entrance of the canyon, the rate of increase in the number of plague layers suddenly slowed down and returned to normal levels. Zhao Dingguo then relieved his heart, sighed, moved a stone and sat down, rethinking the situation in the canyon.

There is no doubt that the number of superimposed layers of the plague just now is definitely related to the depths of the canyon. One of the most likely reasons is the source of the plague!

This speculation is quite reasonable.

The Scourge's elders brought the ghost in the plague box, and then spread the abnormal plague by the hands of the Naga. Due to the natural limitations of the islands, all infected islands must have a source of the plague spread by the Naga. This forbidden area on the No. 4 island is likely to be released by the Naga tribe.

This is also where they are most likely to haunt without being discovered by others.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Dingguo decided to enter this canyon again to see. After all, my mentor also asked for it. If I didn't find anything, it would be difficult to explain it. As a result, Zhao Dingguo drank the poisonous reagent and re-entered the deep canyon.

The master-class antidote is not covered. Although it cannot evade the effect of the ghost, it can temporarily suppress it.

Relying on this bottle of medicine, Zhao Dingguo smoothly walked to the area that had not arrived before. Here, Zhao Dingguo accidentally saw an underground river. Not far from the dark river is a tightly closed stone gate, which is surrounded by a dark green poisonous mist in the dark green. There is no doubt that this is the source of the plague throughout the canyon!

What's behind the stone gate?

Instinctively, Zhao Dingguo realized that it was likely that the Scourge Legged was behind it. But when he tried to attack Shimen, he was directly countered by two mysterious runes that were sealed off outside Shimen. If it is not fast, Zhao Dingguo will be hit by the magic ban on the spot. By that time, the plague here will directly detonate the horrible poisonous wounds of the ghost!

After being taken aback, Zhao Dingguo realized that Shimen was not an area he could touch. Hesitating again and again, he decided to temporarily leave here and continue exploring. Zhao Dingguo finally came to the end of the gorge through the narrow line of sky plank road.

"Aktura Valley."

These words were engraved beside the boardwalk, apparently the name of the oval valley at the end of the front.

Along the way, Zhao Dingguo had a speculation in his heart that this should be the last base reserved for himself by the trolls. Once encountering war and failure, all members can retreat here through the boardwalk, according to natural danger. It is a pity that in the end this valley did not play any role, all the trolls died of ghost plague overnight!

So, what will be in this barren valley in the chain of Aktura?

When Zhao Dingguo finally walked into the valley, he was scared by the scene in front of him--a terrible monster with a height of seven or eight meters and a huge body was coming forward. Its entire body is made of purple granite, and it looks full of unimaginable explosive power. With each step, the ground shakes slightly. When Zhao Dingguo was exposed to his vision, the monster actually accelerated and chased after him!

The majesty emanating from him is like a twilight master with full momentum!

"I wipe!"

Zhao Dingguo didn't want to, he fled after turning around. Fortunately, the monster did not chase too far. When Zhao Dingguo fled back to the boardwalk, the purple monster stopped and returned slowly. At this moment, this canyon, which was originally a troll, was completely occupied by this purple monster. It apparently treated the canyon as its territory, patrolling faithfully.

Even the ghost plague of natural disasters has no effect on it.

"It's Roshan!"

Zhao Dingguo stood at the entrance of the valley and looked down for a long time, and finally confirmed this fact that shocked him.

After being killed in March by the German chariot organization,, the main plane has not appeared again since April. The major organizations search for it everywhere, but who can think that this time it did not refresh in the common canyons, but appeared in the Aktura Valley in the southwest of the mainland!

Speaking of which, we must first talk about the refreshing rules of the theme plane Roshan.

Unlike the fixed location in ta, Roshan on the main plane is refreshed every month, and the Immortal Shield dropped after killing can be brought into the real world. As for the location where Roshan appears, it is generally among the five canyons on the mainland. Of course, sometimes there are exceptions, which requires major organizations to send someone to look for. At the most remote occasion, Roshan appeared in the iceberg canyon on the easternmost side of the Scourge, causing the super-god organization across the continent to find it for three months!

This time, Roshan should have been refreshed in late April, but it is now late May, but none of the major organizations can find it.

There is no doubt that the remote location of Aktu wasteland and the plague that occurred on the island chain not long ago have become the biggest amulets of this generation of Roshan.

No one could have expected that Roshan would randomly refresh to this ghost-infected island.

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