DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 312: Battle of Roshan

> ps: the second is a little later ...

If it is a normal battle, it will never die so much.

Generally speaking, masters at dusk will have a little life-saving means, and they can escape to the limit in times of crisis. The existence of a plague, code-named Ghost, makes the battle very different. Once someone's blood pressure has fallen by more than half, it can't be added within two or three seconds, which means death, which makes the battle much more brutal.

Compared to the virtual spirit that was severely blooded once, although the Illuminati is better, hanging up the five masters still makes Manlou quite painful.

Fortunately, Roshan is theirs after all!

Compared with the past when fighting for Roshan, the major organizations have added up to dozens of hundreds of experts at dusk. They have only killed five people, which is definitely a small scene. Thinking of this, the masters of the Illuminati couldn't help but feel a bit lucky. Of course, this kind of smile falls in the eyes of the surviving master of the virtual spirit, which is definitely a kind of ridicule and irony.

"Let's go!"

Watching his subordinate Enran TP leave, the chairman of the Ethereal Organization was relieved, then turned towards the mansion: "I want to know, this generation of Roshan is so secretive, how did you find out? "

The mansion that had pitted the virtual spirit and grabbed the belonging of Roshan seemed to be in a good mood. Lazily said, "What can you hide from the size of the virtual spirit?" At this point, He seemed to think of something, and was a little more vigilant. He changed his mind and said, "This time, a member of us happened to come here to do the task, and it turned out that I found Roshan very clever. Who told me that we were out of luck. We just grabbed us ahead ? "

The words of Man Lou are true or false. But let the chairman of the spirit think he found the truth.

In terms of authenticity, what was intentionally added after President Man Lou was obviously true. They only found Roshan by Zhao Dingguo's unintentional discovery, and they came just behind the virtual spirit when they came. But the president of Xuling obviously didn't think so. He thought, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?

There must be a traitor!

That's right, the Illuminati people can find Roshan here, and they just came in right after they launched the attack. Obviously, it was the result of someone reporting. And one thing is certain, this traitor not only exists. The status within the Ethereal Organization is still high enough to qualify for confidentiality.

Otherwise, how can there be a sentence "I can't hide everything from me"?

Thinking of this, the spirit of the virtual spirit will grow flaming. He hates failure. But even more hate betrayal!

Man Lou slightly raised his eyes and looked at the expression of President Xuling, and found that he was very proud.

At his urging, the virtual spirit president soon launched tp to leave. At this moment, only the Illuminati were left in the valley.

"President, if you can leave him just now ..." A junior junior master tentatively stated his thoughts. If the president of the Ethereal Organization could be killed in one fell swoop, they would be directly from the top Organizations are second-rate. By that time, the Illuminati will meet it, not just knead as you want?

"How could it be so killing!"

Manlou looked at the goal has been lost. Unconsciously roaming here towards Roshan, shaking his head lightly: "From the appearance of the Super God platform to the present, only a total of four twilight masters have died in the domestic super **** circle. One of them was still overwhelmed by the soul. The big organization killed it. The president who wants to kill the virtual spirit may not be able to chase his headquarters all the way, but it is still possible. But now, it is not time to turn his face.

"Is the Twilight God so powerful?"

The master of the early evening was somewhat unconvinced, but closed his mouth with interest.

In any case, the chairman's consideration must be more comprehensive than him. Now that everyone has let go, there is no need to entangle this issue anymore. The first task at hand now. Just remove that Roshan not far away!

"Separate two people and destroy the plank!"

Man Lou did not take the first action against Roshan, but issued such an order first.

They have a different position from the Ethereal Organization. The Ethereal Organization is close to here, and they are more or less holding the idea that they will come again in the future. So it did not destroy the plank in the first place. The Illuminati will not be together, and this tour is only for Roshan. It may not come for several years after taking it. So for insurance, Man Lou directly asked his men to destroy the boardwalk. In this way, if no one else comes, if there are later canaries, unless they can all fly in, they can only look at the boardwalk and sigh!

"Roger that."

For the twilight master who can transform into a demolition team at any time, destroying a boardwalk is a piece of cake.

Although the boardwalk here was specially reinforced, it was destroyed by a bunch of violent skills and a section of 30 meters long was destroyed from it. Now, they can relax and kill Roshan. Under the greeting of Manlou, eighteen masters stood up, as if the middle and lower copies of online games were generally open to blame.

However, this ss is one of the most powerful monsters in the main plane, Roshan Devil!

In the face of this beast that is seven or eight meters high, the masters of any descent seem very small. Especially when Roshan made a big stride and punched out a dusk-level dragon knight with a punch, Zhao Dingguo deeply felt its terrifying power. He is sure that if he is a single, he will be killed by up to three punches!

Even if it is as strong as Chairman Manlou, it looks a little thin in front of Roshan. After all, the huge impact brought by the difference in body shape is not so easy to eliminate. As a last resort, he can only let many masters of the power system take turns to resist the output of Roshan, while using reasonable control skills to reduce Roshan's output time as much as possible.

However, Roshan is known as the Demon King and it is by no means so easy to kill.

It has numerous skills, the most common of which are spell negation, critical hits, resistant skin, hammering the ground, and annihilation.

Resistant skin allows Roshan to have a hero-like physique, reducing magic damage by 25%. Slams give it a chance to stun the target and add additional damage. Spell negation is similar to Lincoln's orb, which can help Roshan immunize once in a while. Hammering is its only e. Once there are many people in front of it, they will hit the ground with their fists with all their strength, bringing up a powerful shock wave.

Zhao Dingguo clearly saw that when this purple Roshan made a hammer strike for the first time, the blood of a master of the Illuminati who had not had time to avoid it suddenly dropped by more than 400!

After finishing smashing the floor, Roshan seems to have not vented his anger. He swung his fist vigorously, swinging the two members around him, and then ran wild. This abrupt charge suddenly disrupted the Illuminati's position and knocked a mage who had been hiding a bit slower.

If it wasn't for his strength on the prosthetic leg and the war drum to support the blood, I am afraid that this collision would directly drop the blood volume below 50%.

"So high damage!"

This guy is much stronger than Roshan in Ta.

"Be calm, no one will bother us, don't panic!"

I noticed that some of the subordinates were a little flustered. While Manlou used the power of the soul to attack Roshan, he successively commanded: "Scatter the positions, don't squeeze them together, the strength attributes will go up to block. Before giving control skills, remember to use ordinary skills first Deceive the negation of spells. Remember to connect the skills well and don't let the control skills overlap. Otherwise, once the spell resistance comes up, it will be difficult to control it. There is also the Medal of Courage, who's the Medal of Courage? Use it when it cools down and control Its armor! "

Each of his instructions gradually integrated the formation disrupted by Roshan, and the Illuminati attack resumed its rhythm. But before the experts re-enclosed, Roshan hammered the ground again. While the nearby people were slowing down, they forced a way out.

In this case, in other words, mt can't hold it back ...

Roshan, which has temporarily lost its limits, has begun to truly exert its fighting power. With each punch, it can destroy a large amount of human blood in front of it. If he accidentally slams one after another, it is even more likely that he will hit his health below half. On the contrary, the Illuminati's attack effect is much worse. Normal attacks are frequently immune, and spell attacks will cause a blue light flash without any damage.

In order to control it, the masters of the Illuminati had to increase the release frequency of the control skills.

But in this way, although Roshan is temporarily controlled, its spell resistance is constantly increasing. If you continue this way, it will soon appear that you don't care what control skills are used, and they have only a short effect.

Losing control of Roshan means that players may be in danger at any time.

In desperation, Man Lou can only temporarily slow down the rhythm. Let a person who moves fast enough to specifically attract Roshan and pull it around the valley. Others with long-range attack methods followed, with a single output. Although this will affect efficiency, it can ensure safety.

The problem is, Roshan is not an ordinary elite.

Finding himself flying a kite, he gave up futile tracing, and instead turned directly to launch a charge towards the person behind him. What makes many experts have a headache is that this charge has a similar magic effect ~ ~ In short, it cannot be interrupted by ordinary skills. Relying on this ability, Roshan can bring chaos with each charge.

At the critical moment, Zhao Dingguo's rapid cooling was successful.

Although there is only the first interruption to ignore the magic, but as long as Roshan's charge is broken, there will be no recurrence immediately, and there will be some buffer time. Together with other masters' housekeeping methods, they finally stabilized the battle again.

"It's a pity to be in a hurry. The guys who patted bear blood are not here!"

Seeing that the progress was not satisfactory, Manlou couldn't help but miss the tear wound skills of patting the bear. If there is a bear, it will be easier to kill the meat. In any case, Roshan's blood volume has been declining intermittently and has been reduced by almost half. But at this moment, the reconnaissance guards who came in all the way came through the image of the enemy.

"Someone is here again!"

Although it is known that the boardwalk has been damaged, it is unlikely that the coming people will cause any fatal threat to them, but the masters of the Illuminati will inevitably have a commotion. (To be continued ...)


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