DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 321: Overcast clouds of war

> PS: Today's first change ~ As usual, ask for a ticket.

Such a smooth killing made Zhao Dingguo somewhat unexpected.

The twilight-level **** who controls the Lich, even if a mistake is not released in advance, can always respond after the end of the Storm Hammer, right? But he seemed to be unable to escape, and stopped to attack himself.

The Lich slashed against the big tramp swordsman?

Will a twilight master make such a mistake?

Zhao Dingguo's controlling hero continued to hack and kill among the disaster-stricken heroes, but he couldn't help but have some doubts. At this moment, he suddenly received a scarlet reminder from the Super God platform: "It was detected that a Super God user (the Lich) was forced to leave the platform, and the default decision was to abandon the battle. Regardless of whether his faction won the final victory, he This qualifying match in qualifying will be a failure. "

The twilight **** gave up the fight?

Zhao Dingguo looked stunned, and couldn't help wondering.

Your advantage does not seem to be large enough to let the opponent's twilight master directly give up? Or, what unexpected event did the twilight master who controlled the Lich encounter in reality, and gave up the fight directly?

This is not impossible.

Although weird, the battle continues. After all, the final round of this individual qualifier is directly related to whether he can reach the peak finals. But as the battle continued, more and more things happened to Zhao Dingguo. Six or seven seconds after the Lich exited, his captain suddenly stopped moving. Super God platform immediately gave the same prompt. Captain Cuenca was also forced out of the platform. Abandoned the battle by default!

Next, the twilight gods of both sides seemed to have made an appointment and withdrew from this qualifying one after another.

In the end what happened?

Although there was no penalty in qualifying, but giving up the battle in this way did not look like the style of the twilight gods. Don't they always stick to the end? As long as there is still a chance, no one will easily lose ground.

In this confusion, Zhao Dingguo found that his teammates had only one Twilight-level Lion, and three Twilights left over the Scourge. It was originally a situation where the guards had an advantage. After the twilight **** gave up all the battles inexplicably, it turned into a natural disaster with an advantage. If you continue to fight. Their number advantage will become more and more obvious!

However, the exit of Twilight Master is not over.

Just as Zhao Dingguo's wandering and that Lane were busy throwing out teammates' equipment, one of the other evening-level masters also began to retreat. Next, in this field, these average **** points score more than 2,400 at dusk. It also seemed to be called, and involuntarily gave up the battle.

Ten people fighting, only Zhao Dingguo left a rising sun!

Something must have happened.

Zhao Dingguo knew this and couldn't help but be anxious. Fortunately, the Super God platform gave the results in a timely manner. All the other nine masters failed. As a result, in a qualifying match, only one person won the battle.

Although Bai picked a victory, Zhao Dingguo was not happy. He just quickly exited the Super God platform and made a phone call to the Illuminati headquarters.

Here he got a vague answer.

"The situation on the main plane has changed dramatically, and even the war with the Legion may have to be advanced. As usual, the Super God platform will soon release all Super God users who have the qualifications to enter the main plane and have already opened up their camp reputation. The specific situation, you should understand when you enter the main plane. The president, they got the news, they have already rushed past-the gold-level badge can choose to pay the winning points to enter the main plane forcibly! "

Is it a summons?

This thing is similar to the emergency war rally used by the Illuminati in front of Roshan. The difference is that the latter was obtained by the Super God Organization itself, but the call order was issued by the Super God platform by the two legions of guards and natural disasters. The breadth can be imagined!

It is said that since the appearance of the Super God platform. Similar summonses have only been issued twice.

The call order will only be issued when the situation on the theme is balanced. Any super user who is called can ignore the badge's teleport cooldown and go directly to the main plane. The last call was issued more than two years ago, and no one expected. The long-awaited call will reappear today.

In the end what happened? Is the Legion War scheduled for the end of June to be advanced?

In curiosity and uneasiness, Zhao Dingguo finally waited for the call of the Super God platform. As well as the tasks that the nameplate publishes.

[Call order]

This convocation is a sacred authorization from the Presbyterian Church.

A few weeks ago, the evil Naga tribe spread unknown plagues, causing troll hordes on Aktura Island to suffer heavy losses and became a paradise for the dead. However, these monsters that were once sealed on the sea floor did not know how to repent, and actually sent a large number of naga this morning to completely occupy the chain of Aktura. At the same time, more undersea monsters and Naga troops launched a comprehensive attack on the Guards from the South Famine. This was a premeditated war!

There is evidence that the Naga tribe has colluded with the Scourge of the Undead. Their actions are creating more opportunities for the actions of the Scourge.

In the name of the guard, warrior, fight for the tree of the world!

Note: The action of the esteemed Cardall Hawkeye against the Naga tribe is intolerable, betting on the reputation of legendary brother, everything must be stopped!

[All-round offense of the Naga. Battle of the South Famine]

Mission description: Numerous Naga troops and monsters in the Endless Sea are emerging from Lezier in an endless stream and attacking from the hinterland of the Guard Corps. A war was unavoidable because the elders failed to negotiate privately with the Naga, who refused to explain the actions of Actura.

Objective: Immediately head to Nanhuang to assist a small number of Guards soldiers to resist the Naga attack.

Complete Condition 1: Kill one hundred Naga monsters and at least five elite monsters.

Completion condition 2: Hold the temporary line for more than three days, and give the Guards Corps time to dispatch troops.

Quest rewards: +500 reputation for the Guards Corps, 5 battle tokens with the same nameplate rating, and a gold card for random item rewards. If the temporary defense line is breached, the Guardian's reputation is reduced by 1,000, and the main attribute is permanently reduced by 5 points.

Additional mission objectives: sneak into the hinterland of Lezier, destroying a large vortex that has been expanded tenfold.

Again Naga!

Seeing the task of calling for orders and nameplates, Zhao Dingguo quickly flashed this idea. Couldn't these naga who had been sealed in the endless sea stay honestly on the bottom of the sea? However, I didn't really see that they had the courage to wage war with the Guards.

Now, the situation on the main plane is going to be tense.

The price of the Scourge Army for the Naga tribe will never be small. Undoubtedly, in the ensuing legion wars, their plot was very great. Therefore, defending the Naga's offense is only a trivial matter, and guarding against possible legion wars in advance is a major headache for the guards. It is precisely for this reason that the Presbyterian Church of the Guards recruited a large number of samurai classes (that is, users of the Super God) to assist the defense of the few legionnaires on the southern front.

The call order is not mandatory, but if you don't, the Guards will definitely deduct reputation to make a difference. As for the punishment for mission failure in the past, although it is quite serious, the success reward is also good. In particular, the war-fighting brand is usually dangerous to brush up on the front line. Defending the Naga offense is now available, as long as anyone who knows the value will not miss it.

In this case, Zhao Dingguo didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly responded to the call before the countdown ended and transmitted it to the main plane.

The silver beam of light dissipated, Zhao Dingguo appeared at the Nanhuang outpost!

Anyone who responds to the call will be forced to teleport here. At this moment, the familiar outpost has disappeared and replaced by a super-scale battlefield being built in rush. Far from the outpost, there were no shouts of screams and flames, thunder and light that traversed the heavens and the earth. Obviously, on the outer defense line, a large number of Super God users are fighting fiercely with the Naga.

War may spread to the outpost at any time.

Feeling this threat, the Aboriginals who are urgently building a battlefield have a twelve-point drive. The city wall, more than 20 meters high, has begun to take shape and is being reinforced by magic runes. The noise from tens of thousands of soldiers and super-god users makes this place look like the Pearl City Railway Station during the Spring Festival!

"so many people."

Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be shocked when he saw countless super-users, such as locusts, rushing out, spreading towards the long south desert line, and at the same time a steady stream of new arrivals arrived in white light.

Due to the wrong judgment before ~ ​​ ~ and the unwillingness to over-stimulate the Naga tribe, the Guards Corps never tried to kill the small base of the Naga tribe in Nanhuang. Coupled with the resolute attitude of the Naga to keep the base, the high-level guards did not send more people, only a little laissez-faire. Now, with the failure of the negotiations, it is clear that the Guards are going to work hard.

This swiftly built battlefield reflects the determination of the Guards Corps!

Although the Naga people claim to be the third largest force, they are not worthy compared to the two major legions. In the endless sea, the guard may have to make them three-pointers. But if they land on the ground, the Guards must really take it seriously, and they can destroy them with just one force!

Zhao Dingguo had no doubt about this, but before that, he first had to defend the southern desert defense line centered on the former outpost.

Since the outpost was the road leading to the hinterland of the Guards Corps, the Guards Corps urgently built a temporary line of defense here after a fifteen kilometer stretch. Among them, every 500 meters is a segment, and each super user who has been recruited has a corresponding line of defense.

But where is the line of defense that Zhao Dingguo is responsible for?

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