DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 325: Where the Twilight Masters Go

> Hydra is an advanced Warcraft that lives in the depths of the endless sea.

As the name suggests, this Warcraft has nine heads. Each head has different abilities, the melee ability is not bad, and it can also release some frost and poisonous skills that are not bad. Overall, it has very considerable output capabilities. If it's in the sea, even this full-fledged team of five people at dusk may not be able to kill it.

Driven by the king of the sea, the Naga tribe, a large number of such rare Warcrafts have landed on land.

Although on the ground, Hydra's combat effectiveness is not as abnormal as it is in the sea. But with a lot of sea monsters around, they are still very scary. Especially after they rushed into the southern defense line a hundred meters, the skills and accuracy of the skills released by multiple snake heads were greatly improved. Almost every wave comes down, there will be a lot of Super God users being hit!

From the moment they were officially launched, the stress on the therapists increased sharply.

If there is only a Hydra, that's fine. After all, there were not many masters at dusk, and more than one person had the Kajiazhi Flute. Once the magic shield is opened, it can help absorb a lot of damage at critical moments. However, there is the effect of the engulfing BUFF of the gloomy empty bone fish. Often, the magic shield is just swallowed up by the bone spurs as soon as it is opened, which makes the situation of the super-god users start to become difficult.

"Pay attention to controlling your blood volume, and quickly retreat when you feel the danger."

"The Paladin team is ready to stand by. Dark Shepherds, your knitting is ready to go. There is also an all-round knight team, waiting for the nine-headed monster to enter a distance of ten meters before starting a melee! Remember to listen to my order!"

"If there is a Twilight Master, please step forward and try to use the killing of Twilight to help share the pressure."

"What about werewolves? Howling can be released, as well as the trolls!"

The commanders of the four major organizations changed their previous calmness and calmness, and their speech speed was significantly faster. In addition, in the previous battles, many unused tactics also began to prepare. Chapter 325 Where the Twilight Masters Go Obviously, advanced Warcraft like Hydra joined. The defense of the seventeenth paragraph had to use real strength to deal with it. Without these powerful tactics, ordinary skills alone cannot stop the Naga's charge.

Seeing the sudden intensified rhythm, Zhao Dingguo also felt the pressure coming from his face.

This is the next day!

Since the Naga dared to send Hydra early, it means that their backhands will be more terrifying. The thought of the endless Super Warcraft in the endless sea, coupled with the elite troops of the Naga tribe coming on the third day, Zhao Dingguo shivered. Fighting the elite army is probably harder than fighting these advanced Warcraft?

Zhao Dingguo stepped up the output while considering these messy issues. But just after he was lucky to grab an elite monster to kill him. Zhao Dingguo suddenly thought of another question: "Where have the twilight masters of the major organizations gone?"

Not to mention other super-god circles, let's just say that in the domestic circles, people from the three major organizations have so far not been seen.

The mission of the South Famine Defense Line is aimed at almost all Super Plane users on the main plane. The three major organizations must have received it. Zhao Dingguo's unfinished qualifying match is the best proof. The number of their twilight masters alone adds up to forty, but as of now, Zhao Dingguo has yet to see which zone has the twilight **** himself shooting. Take the seventeenth paragraph, the highest strength is only some high-level stuck at the top of the dusk class.

Although their strength is tyrannical, there is still a big gap compared with Twilight.

What about these people?

Just while Zhao Dingguo was still thinking. Hundreds of golden lights suddenly fell in the sky. Obviously, several masters with the paladin pedigree opened up, pulling up the average HP of the most melee heroes at the front of the line of defense. The only master of the mystery also opened a black hole in a dense area of ​​Hydra. Cooperate with the half-human mammoth and tide, control them one after another, and gain a lot of time for the rear output.

The super-inspired Super God users launched a counterattack with a rush of strength, pushing the front forward by another 20 meters.

All of a sudden the stress was a lot less.

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo got a sky fire and fortunately snatched the killing power of an elite monster. At this point, his mission goals for one hundred ordinary monsters and five elite monsters have been completed. In order to make way for the others in the meeting, Zhao Dingguo temporarily withdrew. Coincidentally he had doubts. So he circled half a circle behind the line of defense, and finally found the chairman.

"President them?" Hearing the question from Zhao Dingguo, the director smiled and said, "Do you think, follow this momentum. Will we be able to hold this southern desert defense line tomorrow?"

Why did you ask this question suddenly?

Despite some doubts, Zhao Dingguo replied, "For now, it's still a bit difficult. Even if you keep it, the final casualties will definitely be great."

The director nodded and said, "That's it. Since it's not easy, the twilight masters must be helping to solve the problem. If you count the time, now they should be near the whirlpool, right?"

Zhao Dingguo hesitated, and then said: "The chairman means ... the chairman has gathered to sneak in the whirlpool?"

"Yes." The chairman affirmed his guess: "The twilight masters in various circles have more than a hundred in total. As early as last night, they were already busy coordinating and communicating. They started at noon today. Leitzer, if it goes well, will be able to sneak away and remove the Great Vortex before night. The Naga's offense is so fierce because it can continue to transmit. If the Great Vortex is destroyed, it will be easier to keep the line of defense tomorrow. Now. "

This is one way.

With the strength of the twilight masters, the leisurely Naga couldn't stop it. Together with more than a hundred twilight masters, they can rush in all the way, directly violently destroy the great vortex, and then evacuate before the masters of the Naga clan react. Although they certainly have defenses and countermeasures, Zhao Dingguo doesn't think they can block more than a hundred twilight masters.

Not to mention Naga, even if the base camps of the two major legions were suddenly attacked on such a scale, I am afraid they would be caught off guard.

With this answer, Zhao Dingguo was relieved.

Once the Great Vortex is destroyed, the Naga's offensive in the Nanhuang will spontaneously disintegrate. The monsters that have already been transmitted are not enough to fight against so many super-god users. It is conceivable that as long as they support the twilight masters to complete the task, there will be a wave of counterattacks in the Thunder.

But how long will the twilight gods act?

Looking at the increasing pressure of defense, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help worrying. Although it is certainly no problem to hold, there are more and more Super God users who are hung up for various reasons. As far as paragraph 17 is concerned, nearly 20 people were killed in the afternoon alone, and this number is increasing rapidly.

It gradually darkened.

The Naga tribe drove the sea monsters and launched a new round of attacks. This time, the number of Hydra has increased significantly. However, while the Super God users were struggling to deal with it, some other zones suddenly exclaimed. It turned out that I don't know when some real Naga soldiers had been mixed in the sea monsters and officially killed them.

At the forefront is a giant dragon tortoise that is as high as a hill, has strong defense power, and has hardened skin with special skills.

The huge tortoise shell helps them share a lot of damage, and the hardened skin of the characteristic skill is immune to attacks with less than 20 damage. That is to say, unless some masters with superior attack power, ordinary sunburst super **** users can only cause a symbolic damage to dragon turtles. This greatly limits the sea-going tactics of the Super God users, and also allows the Naga front to move forward quickly.

Behind the giant dragon turtle are mixed Naga banshees with parasitic and trapping capabilities.

The trapping skills are nothing, there are no light shields, storm attacks and other skills, even if someone accidentally gets caught in the net, they can be quickly saved. However, the ability to parasitize is too difficult. Once anyone is parasitic, more naga larvae will appear after hanging up. Their attack power is pretty good, and their small size is very suitable for creating chaos, which is a big trouble for Super God users!

Of course, in addition to these two, Zhao Dingguo also saw the elite monsters he had killed and the naga storm priests with abnormal skills in a large number of strange groups.

Zhao Dingguo clearly remembers its four major skills: Water Arrow, Poison Infection, Elemental Roar, and Summon Sea Elemental.

In the presence of thousands of SuperGod users, water arrows and summoning sea elements are nothing at all. However, the roar of the fan-shaped E skill element is a bit scary. This extremely high-skilled skill can drop a full-blooded Rising Sun Super God user in a maximum of two to three times!

However, this skill is not even **** in the face of the poisoned infection ~ ~ The poisoned infection can add a small range of continuous poison to a target. Once someone hits, you must run away immediately, otherwise you will be infected quickly. If there are multiple people contaminated, the effects of poisonous wounds will stimulate each other, stacking up several times or even a dozen times. At that point, even a melee-strength hero at dusk is absolutely unstoppable.

This skill is a natural nemesis of human sea tactics.

With so many SuperGod users on the defense line, once someone is infected, mutual transmission is absolutely inevitable. By that time, once the multiple stacks of poisonous wounds erupt ...

One is bad, and one large death is possible. As for the chaos caused by poisonous wounds, I am afraid it is even more deadly.

Here comes the big problem!

Not only Zhao Dingguo, but other knowledgeable masters, who discovered the deep sea priests with the help of fire and skill glow, also changed their faces. While urgently spreading the metamorphosis of the virus infection to the super-god users in the defense zone, they quickly mobilized the masters and long-range firepower, and they must grab the deep sea priest to kill it!

Both sides are racing against time. (To be continued ...)

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