DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 332: Battle Dusk

"Well, so confident"

Zhao Dingguo's words made some masters look at each other and began to look forward to this heads-up. Of course, it is inevitable that someone will see Zhao Dingguo unhappy, and I hope Peng Cheng will give him a lesson in this rising sun. However, when really looking at Zhao Dingguo's equipment, these people couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

What is that blue thing in the nameplate grid? Why does it look so dazzling?

Several of the fastest responders instantly realized the name of the equipment, the standard equipment from the Super God platform, and barely became one of the Aghanim's Scepters!

However, isn't the biggest use of that thing to improve the effect of the big move?

Without descent, where's the big move?


Thinking of a possibility, the look of several super-god users suddenly became exciting. If this guy in the realm of the rising sun really has blood, and he has cultivated a big move, and a scepter in hand. In this battle, Peng Cheng didn't necessarily win. The thought of Peng Cheng's masters at the beginning of the evening might capsize in the gutter, and they were stepped on the shoulders by a rising sun, and their mood suddenly became a little complicated.

After all, no one spoke.

Everything is your own choice.

"Come here, let's go outside and fight."

Seeing the weird expression of some people, Peng Cheng thought that they looked down on themselves, and there was a burst of fire in their chests. He had already thought about it, and he would have to give this uninteresting guy a bit of pain later. As for the strength of this guy, where is the sun, how good can the equipment be? This Dagon's divine power in his hand is not vegetarian, maybe he can draw him a half blood in one hit!

Thinking of this, Peng Chengmeizi took the lead in going out.

"Since you're so dead, you're done."

Zhao Dingguo smiled lightly, and three orb glowing brilliant element **** quickly condensed under the scepter addition, and turned around his shoulders in a mysterious trajectory. This exclusive logo from the supplicant immediately attracted the attention of all the experts present. For a while, the sound of inhalation came one after another!

Sunburst Invoker, and actually has Aghanim's Scepter in hand.

Someone who knows something about the Illuminati. Zhao Dingguo's identity has been vaguely thought of--the Illuminati noble who broke the record of the clueless **** and set the current fastest bloodline gaining speed.

Peng Cheng is about to kick the iron plate!

Realizing this, the second-line masters of these major organizations looked at Luo Hao together. They didn't realize it until he noticed his calm and calm expression. It turned out that everything was already expected. Only Peng Cheng, a fool, jumped out in vain and made someone step back.

But then again, even so, can a rising sun really overcome the dusk?

They also know. It ’s only a short while since the rise of the Illuminati, it seems that it is less than two months? Almost completely across the first order, this battle may still be fighting. Although I am embarrassed to go out and watch the war, at this moment, many experts in the conference hall have already flew out.

at the same time.

Zhao Dingguo and Peng Cheng walked out of the hall and successively came to the small performance martial arts field near the headquarters.

There is a powerful magic enchantment, which can be used for story heroes to learn. Although the scope is not that wide, it is enough for the two to fight. Zhao Dingguo strolled in and looked around, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's too late to regret it now. Or ... huh?"

Peng Cheng, who had been walking in front, finally stopped, but he turned around, and he looked at the ball of elements in Zhao Dingguo's body. Suddenly it became embarrassing, surprised and incredible. He rubbed his eyes subconsciously and opened his mouth wide, but had to confirm the fact that the rising sun rookie that he had been talking about was an uncompromising master with bloodline.

Faster than getting bloodline yourself!

At this moment, Peng Cheng was a little upset. Only then did he realize that, for a moment, he had forgotten to look at Zhao Dingguo's equipment in advance. As for this moment, the war books have already been dropped, and the two walked out in front of everyone. It's impossible even if you don't want to fight. However, when he saw the crystal blue stick in Zhao Dingguo's nameplate, Peng Cheng's heart had already set off a huge wave!

Rising Sun has bloodlines.

There are war drums, phase shoes, and wandering mage cape in the rising sun class.

There is Aghanim's Scepter in the rising sun ...

Does this world still make people live?

When he saw Zhao Dingguo's calm attitude again, Peng Cheng felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. Although that hunch was so turbulent. But at this moment, for the sake of his face and honor, he had to bravely face the battle.

Must win!

Peng Cheng is very clear that even if he wins this perverted sun at dusk. Others will only say normal. But if you lose yourself, it will inevitably be kicked by people. Therefore, no matter what the price is, this battle must not be lost.

"let's start."

After cheering himself up in his heart, Peng Cheng roared, and when he came up, he took out one of his treasures of one-time consumption items: the follower vow of the **** warrior.

After use, you can summon a **** warrior whose strength is proportional to the main attribute to assist the battle for one minute.

The summoning of the magic circle took effect quickly, and almost instantly, a **** warrior wearing a black iron helmet and holding a bright silver throwing spear in his hands appeared out of thin air. With his help, the next minute, Peng Cheng was equal to two to one. If two dusks can't kill a rising sun, Peng Cheng thinks he can die!

With full confidence, he immediately launched an attack on Zhao Dingguo.

The first shot was a tentative skill, a LV1 shock shot from Skywrath Mage with a slowing effect. Seeing Zhao Dingguo's middle move, the speed was greatly reduced. Peng Cheng smiled proudly, took out a small red stick, and activated to fire a red lightning bolt.

Unfortunately, the damage of this lightning was obviously not as high as he thought.

The first level of red staff, the theoretical damage is 400 points. However, Zhao Dingguo ’s hero ’s physical resistance reduced magic damage by 25%, and he also had a wandering mage's cloak. Taking into account the true damage reduction ability, this attack that should have been painful only hit more than 200 points hurt.

More than two hundred injuries seem to be quite a lot. In fact, it is not so obvious to Zhao Dingguo.

He is an ultra-high attribute, and coupled with the blood-supporting effect of the scepter, this damage is far from enough to make Zhao Dingguo hurt his muscles. Instead, he was more concerned about the threat from the summoning gods.

If hit by the god's big move, the amount of blood dropped would be even more.

The **** warrior did not show mercy to Zhao Dingguo. When the host pulled out a red lightning bolt, he also raised his spear, condensing a golden **** spear on it, and threw it at Zhao Dingguo. After hitting the target, he gave a harsh laugh, and then sprinted at him like a spear-dog.

Big move from the samurai warrior, sacrifice!

Zhao Dingguo can't be more familiar with this skill of hurting one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. Moreover, after realizing that Zhao Ding's state-owned ghost walked, Peng Cheng also made precautions in advance and directly sprayed the dust of development.

"This will help me?"

Zhao Dingguo looked at the light blue magic dust, and sneered at the corners of his mouth. Even if the ghost walk cannot be used, he can seal himself with astral imprisonment in the face of the magic immunity skills in this sprint. What's more, after the rapid cooling mutation, Zhao Dingguo has a new choice.

Is the size of the gods great?

Brother interrupted!

Under the stupid gaze of Peng Cheng, the sprint of the **** warrior had just taken two steps and was interrupted by Zhao Dingguo's rapid cooling. The powerful effect of this mutation skill made Peng Cheng doubt his own worldview.

When can Invoker's rapid cooldown ignore magic immunity?

Zhao Dingguo ignored it at all, taking advantage of the great move of the gods to interrupt him, and he opened the distance.

Head-to-head with two enemies with dusk-level strength, Zhao Dingguo's current strength is still unrealistic. He knew very well that there must be a time limit for the calling unit of the opponent. Therefore, what you have to do is to support this period of time first, and then fight the opponent after the samurai warrior disappears.

The strategy of avoiding sharp edges is undoubtedly correct.

After cutting out the thunder ball, Zhao Dingguo moved fast enough that the **** warrior could not catch up. There is no big move to cut in and slow down. The summoned **** has nothing but strength but can't do much damage. On the contrary, Zhao Dingguo relied on his own skills of eight seconds to storm hurricanes, ice walls, etc., while wrestling while fighting with Peng Cheng.

The blood volume of the two sides decreased alternately, but Peng Cheng was surprised to find that he did not take any advantage!

Soon, the second big move of the **** warrior came.

This time, the dust effect of Zhao Dingguo's body has disappeared. Zhao Dingguo originally wanted to release a ghost walk and drag the battle directly to the disappearance of the gods. But at this moment, he noticed that Peng Cheng had a bending motion before the **** warrior shot.

That was clearly guarding the sentry.

After realizing that the other party is using real eyes ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo will not be stupid enough to use futile stealth, but will highlight the stars that have not been used. Seeing that the **** warrior was only a few steps away from him, the dark green beam of light rose into the sky, temporarily isolating Zhao Dingguo from this world.

Lost the target, the **** warrior Muran let go of his high spear!

"I fuck!"

Full of joy, thinking that Zhao Dingguo's jaw was about to fall to the ground, and the inexplicable use of rapid cooling to interrupt the demon's big move is okay, even there is a magical skill of offensive and defensive integration, which is also astral imprisonment. How does he do it?

However, don't think you can easily win yourself!

Seeing that the samurai warrior was unable to produce output, Peng Cheng could only roll up his sleeves. This time, he shot his own skill-Touch of Ice!

This skill comes from the heroic extreme cold ghost, which can create a frozen area when released. Affected, the caster can add up to 60 magical ice damage when attacking the target, which can last up to four times. Although this skill will slightly reduce the attack speed, this attack speed is not a big deal with the additional ice magic damage. (To be continued ...)

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