DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 335: Naga Race

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A lot of expert discussions have made the meeting room extremely noisy.

These harsh sounds fell into Peng Cheng's ears, and every sentence seemed to be cut, making him even more embarrassed and embarrassed.

Zhao Dingguo on the cusp of the wind will naturally not do anything provocative. His face is always calm and calm, and he walks straight behind the director Luo Hao. But the more so, the more you can feel his extraordinary. As the temporary principal of the Illuminati, Luo Hao's expression has not changed, and the smile on his chest has always made other organizations sigh.

The Illuminati is indeed an established big organization!

As for the silent loser Peng Cheng, who cares about him at this moment?

Zhao Dingguo glanced at Peng Cheng, who was still there, and shook his head secretly. He believed that if it was not for the Naga's offensive and the teleportation formation had been cut off, I am afraid that Peng Cheng would not return at all, and would run straight after the duel failed.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

After allowing everyone half a minute, Luo Hao cleared his throat and reopened.

This time, the weight of his words is naturally very different.

Zhao Dingguo can wipe out the evening sun. How strong is Luo Hao, the official director of the Illuminati, and a strong mountain giant? Affected by this irrelevance, the conference room quickly quieted down.

After the First World War, the temporary command identity of the Illuminati seemed to be settled.

Luo Hao knew that even if he had such an identity, there was actually not much benefit. Maybe he would be jealous. In any case, this will help expand the prestige of the Illuminati. Although the theme and the real world are ultimately power, but prestige is sometimes useless, but without it, it doesn't work!

Just then, the investigating gryphon returned quickly, bringing about a crucial situation.

Luo Hao knew that the military situation was urgent. Let the Griffin Knight in charge of the investigation come in directly: "Tell me what you saw in detail."

However, the Griffin Scout didn't say it mattered, and when he spoke, it scared all the Super God users present.

"The Naga army did come from one of the two directions given by the samurai. According to our investigations and inferences, the other party will eventually gather under the southeast city wall. Because the enemy has a large amount of air power, we cannot approach at all It can only be evaluated visually from a distance. I'm afraid. The number of Naga sea monsters this time is as many as one million. It is speculated that there should still be an official Naga army between 100,000 and 200,000. "

Millions of Naga troops!

This number sounds scary. In any war in the real world, it can be called a super-scale decisive battle. However, for the main plane with magical power, there are not many million monsters. But it can be expected that these sea monsters are by no means the most ordinary cannon fodder, and the horrible elite Naga troops are even more difficult. However, these two are not the reason to be surprised at the masters present. What they really care about is the air riding of the Naga!

The importance of air dominance is as important in the real world as in the theme.

Because the Griffin Scout didn't say enough, the report also included words such as speculation and probably. A second-line expert from the Eye of London, UK, was a little bit dissatisfied and asked, "How many air monsters are there?"

This question is also what all super-god users present want to know.

Griffin scouts thought about it and finally gave an estimated number: "The number is more than 10,000, maybe 134,000-the other party's air power is too strong, we dare not approach at all, so the information is not accurate There is nothing else to do. "

Over 10,000 air riding troops!

This news, like a nightmare, weighed heavily on everyone's mind.

If you separate these monsters. The super-god users present will not be afraid at all. But large-scale wars and team-scale brushing SS are completely different. The Naga tribe mobilized an army of this size, and it was extremely difficult to hold on to the strength of the battlefield alone. All they can do is delay. After all, most of the organizations present have some special props, which can keep in touch with the core of the meeting at any time. presumably. They knew now that the situation was rushing back. If you can drag the elites of the major organizations back, you don't need to worry about holding the battlefield.

The key to determining the outcome is how long they can sustain.

"The Naga are moving very fast, and after a maximum of fifteen minutes, they can approach the outer edge of the fort."

Hear the last news from the Scout. Luo Hao realized that there was a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and quickly proposed a defensive plan and issued a command: "Naga's troops are not many, most of them will be part of the offensive. I propose that everyone present here be divided into three coordination groups. One is the main team, which is used to organize manpower to defend the southeast section of the city wall; the other is responsible for defending other urban areas; the other is the special anti-air fire! "

Because the Naga's offensive time is not long, Luo Hao does not need to prepare too many reserve teams. When people need to step forward at the critical moment, let the tens of thousands of Shuren soldiers and druids get up.

It is also necessary to draw a group of powers to deal with empty riding.

Due to the disparity in numbers, with the help of high-mobility air riding, the Naga tribe is likely to change from a slam attack to a strong attack, relying on the strength of the air riding unit to make a gap in the wall of other sections. In this case, it is unrealistic for the main defensive forces to run back and forth. Super God users are not well-trained troops. They can coordinate in advance to make defenses, but repeated movements when starting a war will definitely cause confusion. Therefore, it is a wise strategy to specify a set of powers in advance.

Of course, in addition to these three points, Luo Hao also let all organizations retain people to help gather Super God users who have returned.

It is impossible to defend the Naga's offense by relying on the existing super-god users and the tens of thousands of legionnaires in the battlefield. Only the super-god users who keep returning and relying on their joining can stop the continuous attacks.

Combat orders were issued quickly.

Although many organizations are dissatisfied with their missions, the enemies of the Naga clan currently only give them more than ten minutes. Therefore, after Luo Hao forcibly dispatched, these organizations could only act quickly while cursing Naga. No one wants members of their organization to be collectively deducted for attributes and reputation, so they can only work together to get through this difficult time!

Luo Hao also relied on the external pressure of the Naga clan to complete the command of all the forces present.

At this time, the temporary defensive meeting subsequently announced an explanation, and Luo Hao's temporary command status was also ended because the order was issued. After all, he does n’t need much adjustment in the next step, everyone just needs to work hard to hold it until the elite forces of all major organizations return.

Anyway, this raid of the Naga tribe has made Luo Hao and Zhao Dingguo famous.

There is enough breeding ground for this gossip hobby, so many SuperGod users are busy preparing for defense while not forgetting to spread specious news. Luo Hao is nothing more. He is a master of dusk and a director of a large organization. It seems natural to do something. But Zhao Dingguo, a rising-level super-god user, cross-level challenge and dismissed the evening master. Such a natural gimmick has aroused everyone's curiosity and attention!

Someone who knows more about it will take out the previous deeds of Zhao Dingguo, especially the performance of the Night of the Gods, so that other users of the Super God can worship it. Since we have won the Dusk Master before then, this cross-level battle is not possible ...

Of course, while raising Zhao Dingguo infinitely, so many people virtually stepped on Xu Zhiguo and the Ethereal Organization.

Those who know the details may also help to distinguish the two sounds, but if they are not clear, most of them will think that the virtual spirit is not true: a dusk master who is determined to be the core is simply defeated by the rising sun of the Illuminati. This is not a fame What else is difficult?

For a while, all kinds of rumors were flying.

Despite the many problems, Zhao Dingguo really became famous this time. If the earliest perfect bloodlines were obtained so that people in the circle could know his existence, then the night of the gods was to make other super-god users aware of his extraordinaryness. Today is the time for this leapfrog battle to really become famous. After guarding this raid, when other ordinary super-god users mentioned Zhao Dingguo again, they would also say that they were little famous masters!

Of course, today is not a lucky day for the phantom lying down.

Fortunately, such unpleasant remarks did not last long, as the Naga army arrived again ~ ~ The battle fort was quiet.

The defense line that originally stretched for dozens of miles was abandoned by the entire line at this moment due to the emptiness of manpower.

If the Naga seniors are willing, they can bypass the battlehouse at any time and go directly north to attack the hinterland of the Guards Corps. However, the strength of these Naga clan is not worth mentioning to the huge guards. If they bypass the nail of the war fort, the Guards can free up their hands at any time, cut off their back road, and leave this million naga on the mainland completely!

Obviously, the Naga's command was not so stupid. Before the capture of this vital stronghold in the Southern Battlefield, they would not go deep even if they saw an opportunity. Instead, they quickly reached the battlefield and began to decentralize.

In the previous offensive, although the Naga tribe sent out ten times and hundreds of times of troops, they were scattered across the line of defense, and no specific figure was visible. Now it is different. More than a million Naga people all came to the battlefield, and they couldn't see the edge. In the distance of the sky, there are countless black spots that flap wings and fly at high altitudes, even more so as to cover the sky.

That fierce momentum made the super-god users on the battlefield dare not breathe.


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