DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 361: Rune of the Double Moon Seal

> The purpose of Zhao Dingguo is in this valley, which is the forbidden area of ​​the original troll tribe. {Rainbow Literature Network aihonGwenxuom}

When he first came, Zhao Dingguo saw a stone gate behind the source of the ghost plague. Shimen was sealed by two crescent-like mysterious runes, which could not be opened, and had the effect of rebounding all attacks. Without a doubt, this is an extremely clever rune.

As the host here, the top of the trolls may know one or two.

It is a pity that nearly half of the trolls on the island of Aktura have died under the ghost plague. On the other hand, the Naga and Scourge legions who value the place here must also know something. Otherwise, they would not easily use the ghost killer. But do they easily tell themselves?

The answer is obviously no.

As early as the first time, Zhao Dingguo's rune in Chapter 361 of Shuangyuefeng had a feeling that the source of everything was behind this Shimen. Because Roshan was discovered at that time, in order to fight for the Immortal Shield, Zhao Dingguo temporarily left the secret on the stone gate behind his head. Afterwards, Zhao Dingguo also searched and compared the appearance of the runes in his memory. Unfortunately, the magic array is too mysterious and complicated, and the effects may be very different. It's impossible to tell by just the approximate shape.

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo came this time to copy these runes.

After the printing was completed, Zhao Dingguo took it to the rare book collection room of the base camp and compared it, presumably to find the origin of this rune!

Go all the way.

After avoiding several undead monsters, Zhao Dingguo went down the underground river and found this stone gate smoothly.

When I came last time, in front of this stone gate there was the source of ghosts thrown by the Naga tribe. Maybe it was recovered during the first World War. In short, there is nothing outside of Shimen. However, the effect of Ghost Plague has not been weakened. Knowing that his time was limited, Zhao Dingguo stood outside Shimen and began to copy quickly.

These two bi-monthly runes, seemingly small in size, actually have unimaginably complicated lines, and there are many strange symbols that Zhao Dingguo never thought of. An hour later, Zhao Ding, Chapter 361, Double Moon Sealed Rune Country, actually only completed one third of the progress.

Continue like this. The ghost of himself is about to stack up to the tenth floor and detonate!

Zhao Dingguo did not dare to carelessly, and quickly withdrew from the canyon, then left the occupied area by boat. After the plague effect on his body was reduced to zero, he returned to the island again. This reciprocated three times, and it took more than half a day for Zhao Dingguo to successfully complete the printing of the bimonthly runes.

Really a tiring job.

After carefully closing it, Zhao Dingguo sighed and moved his body, and quickly left. after an hour. He reappeared at the World Tree Base Camp.

Similar to the previous impressions, this precious database is only accessible by the aboriginal people, and few Super God users come in. After consulting the administrator's advice, Zhao Dingguo found several thick books known as the Magic Encyclopedia, and began to compare and query according to some unique structures and grammars. However, because he was unfamiliar with this stuff, Zhao Dingguo looked for a long time, tired and dizzy, and found no clue at all!

Where did I miss it. Or is it not in these books?

Zhao Dingguo closed his eyes and raised his mind for a while, got up and returned the books, and walked up to the third level of the Blood Elf Manor. Although I don't want to always trouble the instructor because of such problems. However, when it comes to the patent of the hero of the plot like Magic Circle, it is better to ask him for help.

Still a familiar manor.

Although the petitioner's blood is very strong, the uniqueness of the derived skills and the difficulty of grasping the skills have led to the lack of popularity here. Except for the super-god user who wants to be a supplicant, almost no one else can learn skills. However, this has nothing to do with Zhao Dingguo. He just walked into the courtyard with the envy of those waiting.

After a brief greeting, Zhao Dingguo quickly talked to the mentor about the problems he encountered.

"Is the Rune of the Magic Circle?"

Garrow raised a long brows. A little bit embarrassed: "Honestly, I'm not too good at this. But since it's here, show it to me."

Zhao Dingguo nodded and handed over the printed bimonthly runes.

Garuo reached out and took a closer look. Quickly came to a conclusion: "It's actually it ... where did you find it?"

This sentence undoubtedly proves that if Garuo recognized the origin of the seal rune, Zhao Dingguo was happy and quickly replied: "It is in a gorge on the island of Aktura, where the troll tribe used to forbid. I suspect that the Scourge will not hesitate to use what the ghost has planned. Just behind that stone gate. "

On hearing that, Jia Ruo nodded, seemingly lost in thought.

Seeing that the instructor did not immediately explain what it meant, Zhao Dingguo stood aside with interest. After he sat upright again, Zhao Dingguo coughed and asked, "Teacher, the origin of this rune?"

"The famous V-level crescent rune."

Garroy directly stated its name, and then explained further: "Just like the ghost is the highest masterpiece of the Scourge, the V-level rune is also the top secret of the Guards. This seal guards everything, and it is the ultimate treasure. Because of the powerful and complicated combination of the seal rune, only the person who casts it knows how to open it. "

"so smart?"

Zhao Dingguo did not expect that the rune he found had such a large origin.

Jia Ruo nodded, affirming: "It can rebound all attacks, and skillfully transform some of the power of the attack to supplement his body. In this way, the rune of the town closure can be almost permanent. This is the first time the mage What was invented with the artifact butterfly during the war! "

Well, although the origins are a bit scary, in the end, the real source of the runes is figured out.

After thinking about it, Zhao Dingguo asked: "Is there no way to break the rune of Kaifeng Town and sneak into the back of that stone gate?"

Jia Ruo smiled, and said, "The Scourge has studied things that haven't been done for hundreds of years. What do you think?"

This sentence directly killed Zhao Dingguo.

Jia Ruo was also the top master of the Scourge, he said that it was impossible, and it was obviously impossible with Zhao Dingguo. However, if only this point is achieved, wouldn't Zhao Dingguo run for nothing today? What's the use of knowing runes alone?

However, even when he was a little depressed, Garo said something that made his eyes shine.

"The rune of V-level crescent moon seal is also a top secret in the Guards Corps. Only a few mages have the ability and qualifications to master it. It depends on the trolls who know only the brute force of blood, May be used? It is certain that the runes on that stone gate must be commissioned by other divisions' heroes! "

"That being the case, we may not be able to find the guy who deployed."

That sounds good.

Zhao Dingguo thought for a moment and asked, "So how do you find it?"

Garo apparently had a comprehensive plan, he groaned for a moment, and flew out of the study. When Zhao Dingguo chased out, Jia Ruo had disappeared.

Hey, even if you are going to do business, leave a word anyway!

Zhao Dingguo read a few words, but after all, there was no way but to sit quietly in the study and wait. Fortunately, the mentor did not let him wait too long. Forty minutes later, he walked in again from the outside.

Zhao Dingguo quickly got up and asked, "how?"

Garo was obviously well-informed, turned his hands, and took out a strange pure white scroll: "I have checked it just now. The forbidden area on Aktura Island was only marked 130 years ago. Certainly. At that time, the troll heroes were the troll warlords of the previous generation. There were only three teachers who had a good relationship with him and were able to release the runes of the town. "

"Which three?"

Garuo shook the scroll, and said, "Check it out with this! It's also a V-level rune. Different people set it up, and the magic and breath remaining will be more or less different. You bring it, enter the magic, After activating it, attack the magic array, and the scroll will automatically record the magic array's counterattack, and then bring it back. "

Is this the errand task in transit ...

Despite his reluctance, Zhao Dingguo simply picked up the scroll and ran a round trip again. By the time he returned to the Blood Elf Manor, it was completely dark.


Seeing Zhao Dingguo returning with the scroll, Jia Ruo flashed back and disappeared.

As he had already experienced it once, Zhao Dingguo was more calm this time. It took almost the same time, and Jia Ruo returned again. This time, Zhao Dingguo smelled a faint smell of perfume from him.

"It turned out."

It seems that he noticed Zhao Dingguo's sniffing movement. The instructor sat casually behind the desk and directly talked about the result: "This V-level rune was laid out by the guard of light of the previous generation. According to reliable information ~ ~ The guard of light was invited forty years ago to visit the island of Aktura. Another interesting news is that thirty-nine years ago, the previous generation of trolls He will be accidentally ambushed during the Legion War and will be fortunately killed by the new heroes tested by the Scourge. "

Is it a year behind?

At first glance, it seems like a coincidence. But what does this mean?

Garuo did not answer his question, but asked a question first: "Do you think the Guards want to hide a treasure, where is the safest place?"

Need to answer this question?

Zhao Dingguo didn't want to, he said directly: "It must be the world tree base camp, the main force of the guards are all here!"

Jia Ruo nodded and said, "Since the Scourge has been working hard, it proves that they do have a reliable channel of information. It also means that they want to be behind the stone gate. If that thing is really important , Why didn't the Guards Corps move it back, but kept hiding on Aktura? "

This question asked Zhao Dingguo.

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