DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 370: Jump the big mystery

"Taking this temporary master as the core"

After saying this, the captain of the biscuit team discussed a few words with the three players, and quickly came up with the lineup of the field: dark animal husbandry, white tiger, shocking cow, lightning ghost

These heroes are used by the cookie team.

There is no doubt that Zhao Singguo's scepter Carl was regarded as the absolute core of the white tiger. He directly upgraded the jump, bought a group of protective eyes and went to the order alone as the second core of the team. Captain Wang Feng took the lightning ghost. This is important. As for assisting and controlling, the dark animal husbandry and the shocking divine bull, followed directly by Zhao Dingguo to the advantage road.

With the help of two teammates, Zhao Dingguo almost got the first blood.

At this time, the opponent's lineup is also determined: Ice Girl, Enigma, Lane, Captain and Sand King

Among them, the mystery is the twilight master with bloodlines. The strength should not be underestimated. In addition to him, the Scourge side also has two kings, Sand King and Captain, who are good at fighting. If no one interrupts, the output is also terrifying. If you are accidentally jumped into the encyclopedia, the captain, the ice girl and the sand king will keep up with you, and you can definitely destroy them easily.

Regarding the advantage of the Wuhua team, Zhao Dingguo knew very well whether his side could successfully win this battle. The key lies in his early performance. If his sceptre Carl can use the advantages of level and equipment to crush the opponent at the beginning, and establish the advantage early, Then the subsequent battle will be easy to fight

"Let's see the symbols together"

Because the first rune will be brushed out when the three-way barracks is dispatched, and this rune is often directly related to one blood, so the **** ox and dark animal husbandry directly proposed to Zhao Dingguo, and the three will wait for the rune together As for the card soldiers, the death team battle is not a regular season after all, this small detail can be avoided

Zhao Dingguo has no objection to this. If the other party's intentions come by alone, maybe he can take the blood directly in the river, so he cut his skills and followed the dark animal husbandry and the **** cow to the upper channel of the lower road.

On the other side, Bai Hu also reached the river on the road early.

His task is to look at the runes, then plug in a set of investigative guards to seal off the enemy's wild points and protect himself.

Unlike the step-by-step process of the death team battle in the low-end battle, in the 1800-point game, the soldiers of the three roads have not yet come out, and the people in the two camps have been surging.

Five seconds before the rune of the runes and troops

At this time, Zhao Dingguo and his two teammates were a little nervous. I do n’t know if the runes are going down the road, and if the Wuhua team on the side of the natural disaster also thought about the runes, they should come over now, but , So far, there are no enemies in sight

It seems these guys gave up

Under Zhao Dingguo's thought, the whistle of the two major legions looming came from the air. At the same time, a green rune appeared in Zhao Dingguo's vision.

Recovery character

When he saw this rune, Zhao Dingguo was pleasantly surprised. However, after the magic bottle was loaded by the man who had the rune, he was completely worried about the supply problem for the next two minutes. He could use the skill freely, but he just left. When the river was uphill, an enemy suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Dingguo's eyes.

Immediately, many figures appeared to be invisible and emerged from the air.

It was five opponents.

In shock, Zhao Dingguo instantly thought of a prop—the fog of trickery. There is no doubt that the Wuhua team must be holding the group to open the fog and approach them invisibly. Then, after the distance approached the fog of trickery failed, he went down the river The raid was launched at the moment

It's dangerous now

The opponent's response was extremely fast. He did not give Zhao Dingguo any time to deal with it. He only saw a figure who flashed and then had a mysterious lineage. Then he jumped the knife, and then completed the second company of Midnight Withering and Black Hole directly on the spot.

Midnight Decay is a powerful output ability of the mystery, which can create a death zone. Enemies in the target continue to drop the meat shield with higher blood and percentage damage. The damage is also higher. As for the big move black hole, it is unnecessary to ignore magic immunity. Traction and control skills, lasting four seconds, is definitely one of the strongest field control skills

Zhao Dingguo's life was difficult due to his perfect jump start

Although the bloodline of this mystery has just been cultivated to have a first-level big move, and the level of withering at midnight is only one level, the damage caused by the two is already good. Besides, his four teammates also joined the battlefield and launched a siege to Zhao Dingguo

Sand King's Piercing, Ice Lady's Subtraction, Captain's Torrent, Lane's Piercing

Unfortunately, these skills are all e gods who are close to Zhao Dingguo ’s position. Due to the mystery, they almost came to Zhao Dingguo ’s side. They accompanied him to eat all the equipment that hurt Zhao Dingguo ’s luxury equipment, and had eight levels of blood soul equipment. Only one level of fire element is added, but the upgrade attributes have not been added to the body, so it is tragic to resist all the damage to the bull. It was directly spiked by the Wuhua team ’s sneak attack.

The first drop of blood appears

The execution power of the **** users with a team is not ordinary

Their skill damage was thrown out instantly, and there was no chance for Shenniu. Zhao Dingguo, who was thinking of taking a blood, not only lost his chance, but he even had to hang down his own life.

After losing all skills, the other four first-level enemies began to use ordinary attacks to output these enemies. Although the level is only one level, the equipment is not bad, and more or less have their own skills in the big mystery. At the end of the move, Zhao Dingguo ’s health had already fallen to the bottom of the valley. Even if he had damage reduction skills, his armor and magic resistance were good, and his health was very high. He was still besieged by so many enemies.

At the last minute, the dark animal husbandry who rushed in in time gave him a thin burial.

This guy who was specially selected to assist Zhao Dingguo habitually retained his skill points when he went out of the first level and just saw the recovery sign appeared, and the enemy was nowhere to go. He thought that the Wuhua team would not come, and turned around to return. It was this action on the line that allowed him to avoid the fate of being engulfed by the mystery. Next, when he saw the mystery jump and the enemies swarmed up, he quickly learned the skills of thin burial. Added thin burial skills to Zhao Dingguo's limit

Five seconds of immortality

Because I was going to get one blood, Zhao Dingguo ’s skills are sonic wave and chaotic meteorite. If the enemy is not dead, then add a moment of rapid cooling and sky fire as needed. While the opponent ’s skills are all empty, Zhao Dingguo opens the phase shoes and moves forward. After taking two steps, and turning around unintentionally, the tremor wave and chaotic meteorite started, throwing out both of the two skills.

Due to the densely-packed stations, the terrain along the river is also very narrow. Zhao Dingguo's two skills have achieved imaginary results.

The fiery meteorite with an irresistible crushing momentum rolled backwards from the bottom of the river and rolled up the five enemies of the Wuhua team. Although they were about to disperse immediately, there was no place nearby for them to escape. The only exit was to the They rushed forward, but the proper sonic wave pushed them back firmly.

The ice girl, sand king, and mystery standing in the middle are almost completely eating the damage of these two skills

As a hero of the intelligence department, although the ice girl comes with equipment to support the blood, the life value is ultimately limited at the first level. Moreover, the ice girl hurriedly wants to run backward, and also just obeys the direction of the meteorite's rolling, almost bearing He suffered the most damage, so he was directly beaten by Zhao Dingguo. He immediately used Mekansm.

In contrast, the sand king of the power hero and the mystery with the blood line are better, taking advantage of the gap to avoid, the mystery has not forgotten to counterattack, giving it to Zhao Dingguo an abomination skill

There was no problem with Ryan and the captain outside the station. It was only affected and he was treated by Macon again. The halo of life was still green.

Fortunately, because the level of the mystery is not high, and the four skills have been added, the abomination of one skill is only used for interruption. The level of abomination is only moderate, causing 40 points of damage and delay. One second of stun, this damage is still within the duration of the thin burial, so he failed to kill Zhao Dingguo.

However, Zhao Dingguo's counterattack was not just a simple two-line attack of this meteorite + shockwave.

Taking advantage of the two major skills and the opponent's panic to avoid the gap, he quickly recovered with the magic bottle, while cutting out the hurricane skills and other Wuhua team members spent a brief period of confusion. When he attacked him again, Zhao Dingguo The hurricane shot and interrupted the rhythm again. Before the enemy fell, Zhao Dingguo did not hesitate to use up the number of magic bottles in a row and loaded the recovery rune with an empty magic bottle.

Here comes the strategic retreat ...

After cutting the three thunderballs, Zhao Dingguo escaped through the narrow river without looking back. He saw such an enemy with residual blood in front of him, and was the most important pedigree master ~ ~ Natural enemies will not just give up, but flock to catch up

"And kill me?"

As Zhao Dingguo ran forward, judging the best position in his heart, he saw four enemies chasing one after another. He released ice fragments in the narrowest part of the river.

A perfect road closure

For Zhao Dingguo, it is now important to ensure that the effect of restoring victory and defeat is not interrupted. As long as the state can be restored to full, then even if the enemy is all in, he will dare to let go of the battle. In the special terrain, a five-second perfect road closure helped Zhao Dingguo to win the time. The enemies who only chased time could only watch Zhao Dingguo enjoying the state of the recovery charm, but was blocked by debris and could not be killed.

At this moment, all the electric souls in the middle came here, and they were about to join the battlefield.

Zhao Dingguo weighed it a bit and did not take the opportunity to leave the opposite. He just stood on the other side of the ice fragments, waiting for a reply, while demonstrating and seducing

(He also wants to fight back to be continued)

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