DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 405: 10-way intersection

Compared with the small group killing of the guards at 18m, only one person was killed at the cost of the natural disaster.

Killing three people ’s assists and killing rewards is only a small gain from the battle of natural disasters. The second-generation Roshan and the double rewards of experience and gold coins are the real big profits and the poor prophets. Relying on the guard's defensive strength, he boldly went straight to the guard to take the line, and stole the second tower of the guard in one fell swoop.

If it wasn't for the puppies, the Warlock had also been resurrected, and Zhao Dingguo even thought of directly intimidating Midland Highlands.

In the second generation of Roshan, the assassin's bonebreaker was made directly, and there was still money left on him. He had already begun to think about what he should do next. The butterfly seemed to be a good choice, but he upgraded the bonebreaker to The Abyss Blade also seems to be very good

The prophet was also fat, Macon did not say it, and Ziyu also officially listed the outfit list.

In all fairness, the Macon effect at this time is not too obvious, but as a piece of equipment, its importance is undoubted. After all, the natural disaster side has more masters, which means fragility, Macon's more than 200 points of life and increased Armor is in short supply

As one of the important first moves, the clockwork blade was also worn

Seeing the succession of their own heroes ’equipment, the combat effectiveness soared, and the assassins had full confidence in the victory. When the team replenished and the prophets continued to bring the line back to the guards, the Scourge army regrouped again—this time anyway. Push off the guard all the way

However, as if it was a curse and fell into a weird weird cycle, after a victory, the advance of the Scourge was fluttered again.

Out of fear of the Immortal Shield, the Guards eventually chose to stay on the high ground and stay under the natural geographical advantage. Zhao Dingguo wanted to change their hands first. Many assassins chose not to turn on the black and yellow, but the first one went up to sell the shield, but After Zhao Dingguo followed them up, they ended up with only one defeat.

The poisonous dragon timely opened the magic shield magician's successful move and the skills of the invoker, which caused the Scourge to suffer a great loss.

After all the skills were thrown out, all five people in the Scourge died out.

Of course, the Guards Corps can't help it. Although the highland advantage is obvious, but the black and yellow phantom deliberately left. After the second life, a wave broke out fiercely, and the cruel letter hit the dog to death. After playing the flute, the poison dragon's equipment has not been very much. He originally intended to be a Yasha and then turned into a split axe. He also saved some money on his body. At this moment, he was killed and decided to buy a live. With the never-dead white tiger, he counterattacked the magic spike.

The guard bought it once and hung four people.

Scourge has an Immortal Shield. Five people who died can consider that the purpose of the guard is to keep the wave of Scourge with a shield, so it can still be said that the guard has won.

The successive team battles alternated with victory and defeat. This jigsaw-like entanglement caused headaches to phantom thorns and left Zhao Dingguo's teammates at a loss.

After a brief summary, Zhao Dingguo saw the roots of his victory and defeat in these group battles.

The reason for winning is almost always that they rely on the first movers such as jumping knives, pushing and pushing to lose one or two of the main guards first. If this can be achieved, the team battle will basically win. Many, but you can refer to the reasons for victory. In the final analysis, they did not do well enough first. Due to alternate death, in fact, the equipment and level of the two sides of the team battle did not really pull away. Once the natural disaster did not do well enough, the advantage of the guard was again. It's no surprise that both have won the natural disaster

To understand this, in the next team battle, still have to find a way to do a good job on the first hand

Speaking of the first move, you have to mention the sheep knife that Zhao Dingguo is making. For natural disasters that do not have a lot of control skills, if you can have another control skill that lasts up to 3.5 seconds, then you will be more comfortable with the first natural disaster. However, as a true mage costume, the value of the sheep knife is still very expensive. In addition to the extreme orb worth 2100, he also needs a jewel worth 875 gold and a mysterious staff of 2700 gold.

Before the death of the Highland War, Zhao Dingguo actually had two thousand gold, but when he died this time, he was far away from the sheep knife.

Despite the long road, in order to make this artifact, Zhao Dingguo still has to work hard

In the next battle, when the two sides still played well with each other, the natural disaster was almost able to push up to the Guardian Highlands, but in the end, only the tower ’s durability was worn away by half, and then they were driven away. However, a mistake was also beaten by the guards. If it was not the prophet decisively buying live ribbons, the phantom spines would also buy live, so that the guards would not dare to move forward, and their line of soldiers was very poor. And Warlocks can directly level down the Scourge Highlands

Rao is so, the second tower in the lower lane is also taken away by the guard.

In the reciprocating entanglement, the highlands of the two sides have not been broken, and at this time, the whole battle has entered into the late three generations of Roshan. The two sides have already brushed up, but both sides have increased their vigilance and various real eyes Yes, no one dares to fight, they are afraid of being caught by the other party

This confrontation continued until Zhao Dingguo's sheep knife was shot.

By now, the meaning of the magic bottle is not great. Zhao Dingguo chose to sell the magic bottle, bought the fog of trickery and teleporting scrolls, and then launched a team battle with his teammates that really determined the outcome of the battle.

Still the rhythm of the fog stealth

At this time, if you can catch an important late stage of the opponent, it is decisive that the rhythm of one or even two highlands is really true. If you have two soldiers, the advantage can hardly be shaken. It can be said that it is now a battle to decide the victory. The heroes of the Scourge have strained their nerves while sneaking into the Keno area.

However, at such an important moment, the guards will obviously not give the natural disaster a chance, even if they are playing wild, they are all holding a group, and they will not be single Zhao Dingguo. The five of them turned around and did not see the guards. On the contrary, the hero figure appeared three guard heroes on the road. After clearing the two waves of soldiers, they quickly retreated to the high ground—the three heroes could not see the shadow of the Scourge hero. Of course they did not dare. Rush away

Such caution makes natural disaster seem to be helpless except for a frontal attack

However, if you want to fight high ground, vision and initiation are big problems. If you do n’t do it, you may repeat the mistakes.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Dingguo remembered the method of mobilizing the enemy often seen in the strategy, and decisively suggested: "Buy a gem, and leave the guard's eyes near Roshan in a row, then squat there."

This is called Tiaohu Lishan. Of course, it can also be said that it is to wait for the rabbit from another angle.

Due to the lack of vision, the defenders must not be sure if Zhao Dingguo did not fight. If they do not choose, then Zhao Dingguo will be able to fake the three generations of Roshan. In addition to the immortal shield, there is cheese, which is equivalent to providing two lives. Such a double bonus is enough to make the scale of victory severely tilt the guard. If the defender comes, the disaster side can also spare no effort and play a match with the guard at the best location of his choice.

No matter how you look at it, it's better than attacking the guard's high ground.

When it comes to gems, Zhao Dingguo, who has just finished a sheep knife, must be among the five who have no money, and only phantom thorns to buy. After buying once, his money now is not enough to deduct and satisfy the first purchase. At the second critical moment, the phantom spine was also reluctant. Xun bought a true vision gem with an animal messenger, gave it to the mainspring, and began to line his eyes.

After a turn, Zhao Dingguo was shocked by their snacks.

The guard has three eyes here, one sentry guard and one reconnaissance guard on the river, and there is a concealed one on the uphill side of the Scourge Tower. If you are not careful, you may miss it.

After winding around the clockwork with gems, it was finally determined that this area became a blind spot for the guards.

The next step is for the guard to respond.

What is certain is that when Zhao Dingguo waited for the gems to arrive, the guards were mostly waiting for them not far away. They were prepared to take action according to Zhao Dingguo ’s actions, but the eyes were quickly removed and the river changed. In the darkness, the guards became anxious.

What is the purpose of draining the lower channel eye?

This question is not difficult to answer. It is for Roshan, and it is also Roshan with cheese for three generations.

Reasonably told the puppies that the current Roshan Canyon may be very dangerous, and the Scourge may have opened their pockets to wait for them to pass, but if they do not, they will not be able to give up the shield and cheese to Scourge, although it is a dilemma , But there seems to be only one choice the guard can make in the end

Of course, if you can determine whether the natural disaster is hitting, then it is best

So ~ ~ The Guards Corps gathered on the uphill leading to the river. Watching the movement of the Roshan Canyon vigilantly, Karl ’s sky fire opened the horizon, then the white tiger ’s arrow through the clouds, and then still Carl's Lava Elf, however, looked back three times. The Scourge did not move, waiting patiently for the opportunity.

Clockwork lighting rocket and prophet's advance line, the line of troops is very beneficial to natural disasters

Seeing that the line on the road has destroyed the last two towers of the guard, and the line on the middle has also reached the high ground of the guard, the prophet decided to pour fuel on the fire, and launched the big map of the whole map before the start of the team battle. After the round of random strikes, this wave of Shuren soldiers was almost cleared up, and the two lines of troops went directly to the guard highland.

You know, the durability of the guard's highland defense tower is not much.

If the guards are not yet back, the prophets should consider flying directly to demolish their highlands. If they are back, then the Scourge will consider hitting Roshan directly, without even using a lot of people-with prickly legs, black Yellow, broken bones, and dominating such equipment, the level is not low, unless the luck is always dizzy, otherwise you can play singles.

At the crossroads that directly affect the outcome, how will the Guards choose? To be continued) rq

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