DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 41: Desperately

PS: Today, four more, give and recommend everything to Odin ...

"Come on together, fight with him!"

Xun Longyi knew that he had underestimated the enemy. Although he had previously thought about what hidden skills Di Feiping might have, he did not expect that it would be a **** of blood. At this time, the retreat was unrealistic. The only hope is that the opponent's health is not high, and he will trade his injuries for injuries!

"Today is either you die or I die!"

Wang Wang also knew the seriousness of the situation, he did not care about the weapon he was picked up, grabbed it by hand, and took out a spare item from the nameplate again. In the face of Di Feiping's attack, he no longer parried, but topped the front, using the most brutal methods to fight melee!

If you cut me a sword, I will give you back an axe!

For a while, Xuemo was flying!

Both men know that now is the time to fight for strength and courage, even if the pain in their bodies is extremely painful, the life value drops rapidly, and there is no half step back. Wang Zheng was defeated twice and climbed up again twice. And Di Feiping's own blood volume is not much. Even if some blood circulation is recovered, it is still not enough. Fighting until now, the halo of life on him has turned back to deep red!


Di Feiping gritted his teeth and shouted, and beat Wang Ji to fly for the third time. His strength attributes and attack power are much higher than those of Wang Yan, and he has been fighting till now. Although he is already at the end of the crossbow, Wang Yan is not good!

Meet the brave and win on the narrow road!

On the other side, Long Yi, who is strengthened by the legal system, is also trying to attack Di Feiping.

Before he came out this time, he had signed a contract with Wang Ye. Even if he turned around and ran away now, he would be obliterated because he couldn't afford to win. Rather than let it go. Long Yi was not far away from Di Feiping, slamming flame bombs on his head. Due to the close enough distance, he could even feel the hot air waves when the flame bomb exploded!

Di Diping's halo of life turned black!

Seeing this scene, the two of the Holy Sword Society are ecstatic, which means that he is in an endangered state!

Continue to fight, Di Feiping will surely die before the two of them!

Suddenly at this moment, a faint siren sounded from afar. Obviously, the explosion and fighting of the car accident finally attracted the police. Although K City was extremely chaotic in these two days, and nobody went out easily at night, it was still an urban street. Although slightly remote, it is impossible to leave it alone for a long time!

Must end the fight before the police arrive!

资深 Three senior Super God users flashed this idea at the same time. If they were put to normal use, they would not be afraid of the police. But until now, even ordinary policemen can threaten them!

After He made up his mind, Di Feiping's body quickly burst into a yellow circle and spread out. Above his head, there is also a blessing symbol representing swiftness. Zhao Dingguo clearly felt that under the blessing of the swift symbol, Di Feiping's shot speed was suddenly faster than before!

That is the active acceleration skill of ancestors' war drums!

"Six seconds of acceleration?" Long Yi froze, and then laughed: "Don't you think it's late?"

"Really? Why don't I think?"

Di Feiping, who was already covered in blood, was full of madness. He smiled ironically, and a lilac purple energy ripple appeared on his body. With the inaudible "噌", his life value suddenly increased by more than 100!

"It's a magic point!"

Zhao Dingguo thought that the overall situation was set, but at the last moment, Di Feiping relied on the magic wand to restore the variables! Although it is not a full grid of 15 points, more than one hundred blood and blue are enough to change the situation!

Is it?

The next moment, Di Feiping gave Zhao Dingguo a trick of relying on the magic wand to fight against the Jedi. He took a step to the left, and suddenly the blue sword gathered a slight glow of blue energy!


仅有 The only magic power before was used by Di Feiping to release the vitality. Now eat up all the energy points of the magic wand, the restored magic allows him to release the hammer of the storm!

The reason why Xun Longyi dared to hunt down Di Feiping was that he knew that his magic power was low and he had no supplies. In his estimation, the blood-blowing operation just now should be Di Feiping's only blue, so he did not take precautions against Stormhammer at all. Who wants the opponent to eat the magic wand until the last moment and start to fight back!

Unprepared, Long Yi was stunned by Stormhammer on the spot!

Although it is only a first-level hammer, the damage is not high, but the characteristics of the Storm Hammer are there, and the two seconds of vertigo do not change with the skill level. Wang Ye had good luck, coupled with the quickness of the machine, he actually avoided this small range of vertigo skills.

In this regard, Di Feiping only slightly regretted, but did not take it too seriously.

He quickly used himself the last bottle of healing ointment, and then rushed past with the active initiative of the war drum—the target was not Long Yi who was stunned, but Wang Ji!

"It's over!"

Wang , knows that most of them are going to hang up first. Unwilling, he finally exchanged a sword with Di Feiping, interrupting him before using the great ointment!

"Why bother?"

Di Feiping shook his head, dragged it back with a sword, completely ending Wang Hao's life! On his body, a suspended cyan key appeared instantly!

那就 "That's the real name key that dropped after the Super God user was killed?"

定 Zhao Dingguo's eyes brightened and he opened his eyes consciously.

At this time, the sound of the siren is getting closer. On the side of the dark street, you can also see the speeding police car. Di Feiping didn't dare to stay more, quickly passed the real name key, then dragged his wounded body to run away from the police car in the opposite direction, and at the same time did not forget to turn his head and shouted: "Idiot of the Holy Sword Society, this You are lucky! "

Although it was a pity that he failed to kill Long Yi because of the appearance of the police. But his purpose was to solve the problem of Wang Xi, who has the tracking ability of the Beastmaster. Now that he is dead, he has achieved his goal this time.

Without the reconnaissance war eagle, trying to track him down is not easy!

"You wait, let's end!"

Xi Bai ran a trip, and died a reliable companion, Long Yi is also a heart-cutting ~ ~ can't wait to break Di Feiping into pieces. But there is no way, the strength is not as good as people, and this time he failed to seize the opportunity, he could only say a harsh word, and then disappeared from here before the police arrived. Also, the heroes of the Super God users are strong enough, as long as the wounded time passes, the wounds will quickly coagulate to stop bleeding, or the blood stains they leave along the way will become a guide light for the police to follow!

With the withdrawal of Long Yi, the backstreet that originally became the battlefield of Super God users suddenly calmed down.

Except for the large bloodstains and Wang Xi's body everywhere on the ground, only a small part of the taxi wreckage that can no longer be seen is still burning.

With the louder siren, the two police cars stopped quickly. Several police officers came down to check it out and started to call 120 on their mobile phones. Taking advantage of their opportunity to view the scene, they saw a lively Zhao Dingguo contented, and quietly rolled out from the other end of the compound. But whoever wanted to wait for him to land, he saw a dark shadow under the wall across the alley.


Whispered the man.

定 Zhao Dingguo also looked up, looked up, and couldn't help but be taken aback. The man sitting opposite him resting was actually Di Feiping who had escaped after being seriously injured.

After several battles in a row, Di Feiping was exhausted. I just tried my best to fight with the two of the Holy Sword Society. As soon as the battle was over, his will to support in one breath stepped down, rickety and even unable to walk. In desperation, he could only walk a few steps to this dark alley in an attempt to take a short break. But before the police expanded his search to find him, Zhao Dingguo rushed down from the sky, which surprised Di Feiping.

"Did it come against me?"

As soon as this thought came out, Di Feiping felt very cold.

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