DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 427: Real trap

Generally speaking, the Druid is also one of the party of radiance. []

With Fai Yao, Druid's combat effectiveness will be much stronger. However, considering that the relics of the saints are the most difficult thing to obtain, Zhao Dingguo is no longer demanding. Moreover, although this critical artifact is not available, the other equipment on Druid is still very good, and worthy of his identity as a master of the dusk.

Up to four groups of sentry guards and investigation guards were quickly deployed by Zhao Dingguo.

Since the first and second groups have not immediately launched an attack, the possible enemies on both wings have not moved at all. Zhao Dingguo kept his eyes high during the whole process of inserting his eyes, and he was ready to take advantage of the hurricane skills. However, in the end, this eye-catching trip was still unscathed.

Although it seemed calm, Zhao Dingguo didn't care the least.

Xie Qian, who was about to defect, was also considered a high-level member of the Sanhua organization. Although it is not a core group, he can also know many secrets of Sanhua. What's more, when it comes to the secret realm that has just been discovered and has not yet been opened up, how can the Sanhua organization not arrange for hunting by hand after realizing that Xie Qian fled?

If there is no trap here, Zhao Dingguo would not believe if he was killed.

The key lies in how well the Sanhua organization is prepared, and how many people can be mobilized in time-no doubt, Xie Qian's exposure has just been determined. If the Sanhua organization had known for a long time, Xie Qian would definitely be closely monitored, and it would be impossible for him to escape. In other words, the Illuminati that received the call for help was hurriedly mobilizing manpower, and most of Sanhua were not prepared enough.

This is also the biggest opportunity for the Illuminati trip!

"Here is a group. The goblin bombs on the channel have been initially cleared by the summoning unit. It is estimated that there should be remote control bombs buried by the bomber's big move. Considering that time is running out, we are trying to use the Necronomicon Book for the second time. Eliminate it by round, and then you will be on board. Please note that the enemy on the wing may launch an attack at any time. [叶 * 子] [悠 * 悠] "

The reminder from the first team made Zhao Dingguo tighten their nerves.

If the enemy directly kills, the hawk circling in the high place can issue an early warning. If they are foggy or have stealth skills. Sentry guards also provide true vision. No matter how you look at them, they are well-prepared. I do n’t know if the enemies of Sanhua can play any high-tech means. Coming in an unexpected way?

While Zhao Dingguo was on alert, he also had some expectations in his heart.

Just then, the sound of explosions and killings on the front rang. And it quickly became denser. There is no doubt that this group of people has already entered the upstairs of Xie Qian's hometown and confronted those who remained behind Sanhua. The five members of the three groups could not help but feel refreshed, knowing that the most critical moment came.

Since the mission of this trip is only to save people, the duration of the overall operation will not be too long. As long as the first or second team responsible for the assault rescue operation is smooth, they may retreat in a minute or two.

Presumably, the ambush enemies should be dispatched now, right?

Under Zhao Dingguo's gaze, a large number of people appeared in the building, 100 meters away from the left. In terms of quantity, there are as many as thirty or forty. These guys should have been invisible through the mist of trickery before, avoiding the rough search of the summoning unit. But now. These people may be self-sustaining force, not even the fog of tricks, and directly attacked Zhao Dingguo!

The communication channel suddenly became a mess.

To be honest, at first glance, Zhao Dingguo was also taken aback.

After being hit hard by the Illuminati raid last time. It is estimated that there are more than 200 full-time members of Sanhua Organization. In addition, due to the great loss of reputation, many members have opted out afterwards, and they have gone high again. Even if we have recruited some in the past six months, the number is not likely to be too much. Considering the war on the thematic corps, the secret realm, and the need to separate staff to stay at the headquarters, they can use at most 50 or 60 people!

This is before departure. [] Prejudgments made by the Illuminati-and the worst. After all, every SuperGod user has his own thing to do. No matter how the Sanhua organization asks, it is impossible to recruit all members at the same time.

However, the thirty or forty people who rushed up in front of this hula lala were really scary.

This is no longer a gap of double power, but seven or eight times as much. On the other hand, the four groups of people also sent reports at the same time, saying that they had encountered a number of masters.

In this way, can be regarded as the left-behind Xie Qian left behind, hasn't Sanhua used hundreds of people all at once?

Do n’t they fear that their nests will be used by other organizations?

Just when the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching, and the teammates couldn't help shrinking the front, one of the guys in the four groups first came back and saw the details of the enemy: "These guys are almost a dawn, only A few of them are of the rising sun class. If you are right, they are from the Sanhua branch, and they are drawn as cannon fodder to attract firepower! "

This sentence has a strong calming effect, and immediately calmed down the masters of the two major organizations.

After a closer look, Zhao Dingguo also clearly saw that these guys were indeed dawning—even a few of them should be newcomers who have just entered dawn. Exploring the equipment, they have a few branches on them, a pair of speed boots. As for the skills, it is not uncommon, at least there is only one!

Such guys, expect only one level of skills, even if there are thirty or forty, what use is it?

When Dawn confronts the dusk, the skill damage and effect will be greatly reduced if the level is increased. Even if you rely on control skills to win more, in the case of the first level, the next two levels to the evening masters with bloodlines, is expected to have no effect?

Having determined this, the masters responsible for intercepting the two-winged enemies picked up their panics and counterattacked on the spot.

As a powerful possession, the tauren chief in front of Zhao Dingguo had already started before his teammates saw the enemy's reality. He recruited the ancestor's soul, and while controlling it to drive to the enemy, he prepared to echo the stomping skills. Zhao Dingguo's onslaught of hurricanes and electromagnetic vortices have also been derived, and after the sheikh's control is over, she is ready to keep up-how much magic can a newcomer of the dawn level have? It is estimated that at most two rounds of burning, it will become a large infantry!

On the other side, the homeless swordsman with the black king stick in his hand is also eager to try.

There are strong armor reduction effects woven by dark animal husbandry, and the defense of these inflow opponents is completely negative. After launching the power of the great move and turning on the black king rod, the nomadic swordsman rushed into the enemy group, which is an invincible existence. Just chop down with a few knives, and the passive skill wields additional splash damage to make him super super easy!

Is this for delivery?

With the end of the second company of the Tauren Chiefs, and Zhao Dingguo's hair blowing and magnetic storms, four or five enemies charging towards this side have fallen into red blood, and the trampling swordsman can give a hammer to kill double. Seeing such enemies, the idea emerged in the hearts of the three group members.

Is it possible that the quasi-class Sanhua organization has fallen to this point?

Zhao Dingguo doesn't think so!

In the fierce battle, he paid attention to his position while maintaining a dense formation with his teammates to prevent the enemy from being scattered by the advantage of quantity. Under the deliberate mutual assistance of the five, although these enemies quickly surged up, they were blocked by the Ranger Swordsman, Druid and his bear spirit. Coupled with the dark animal husbandry and continuous wave of shadow wave treatment, the enemy can not deal decent damage at all. That is, a few rising sun mixed in the crowd, so that they spent a lot of hands and feet focus on treatment.

Continue like this, after a maximum of two minutes, no, maybe one minute later, they can completely defeat these enemies.

But at this time, Zhao Dingguo, an ice wall blocking the enemy's footsteps, suddenly felt something, looked up and looked straight ahead-when these enemies launched the charge, the people who carried the true vision gemstone had temporarily placed Zhao Dingguo, Provide vision and anti-hidden eyes are all ruled out. If you just look at it with naked eyes, the road ahead is empty. Nothing but the cannon fodder that surrounded them. But Zhao Dingguo knew that the real enemy was here!

Because, when he placed the guard, the detective magic array that was immobile along with it failed.

That was when Zhao Dingguo cleaned up those scums together with the Fourteenth Secret Service. He was lucky to pick up the equipment-the real trap. This thing can be placed up to two at the same time, and once an enemy passes by, it will send an alarm before its failure. Although it can't provide specific vision, it has its own unique advantages ~ ~ that is effective for stealth, and will not be detected by anti-hidden props and true vision gems!

This secret little means is a small insurance specially added by Zhao Dingguo. As a result, this moment is really used. Although these rushed cannon fodder took the opportunity to exclude the real eyes and attracted their attention, they did not know that there were two detective magic arrays, and they truly felt the real hidden in the back and the fog sneaking in. Sanhua master.

Just when the second probing magic array also failed, Zhao Dingguo determined the approximate location of the enemy and immediately issued an order to the Tauren Chieftain-although the two should be considered equal at this time, it is unquestionable in Zhao Dingguo. In terms of tone and the ability demonstrated before, it is not too much to describe his words with commands. Although it is not clear why, the sun-level tauren chief immediately followed Zhao Dingguo's instructions and launched his skills in the empty space thirty meters ahead.

This time, it's not just the second corps of the ancestor's soul and the stomping echo, but after the second corps, followed by a complete set of perfect combos!

No one dares to ignore the three-man company of the Tauren Chieftain, even if this rising sun guy has just learned the first-level big move! (To be continued) RQ

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