DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 446: Block message

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Under the strict order of President Sanhua, the Sanhua people quickly completed their evacuation.

Everyone knows that since there are no Illuminati people in the central mage tower, they must be ambushing themselves on the side. Thanks to them being cautious enough, they have been in a state of stealth in the mist of tricks since sneaking in here. The people who rushed to investigate the situation just now, as well as the morphing elves who used big moves, were all released from stealth just before the mage tower.

Under such a degree of confidentiality, the people in the Illuminati should not know their exact location.

Fearing that the Illuminati would follow, the evacuation masters circled around and ran for five or six minutes before stopping again. After confirming that the people of the Illuminati did not catch up, the president of Sanhua couldn't help but rejoice. If he was a little impulsive at that time, and took his men into the mage tower, I am afraid that most of the twenty or thirty masters brought here will explain here.

But what should we do next?

Facing the doubts of his men, the president of Sanhua expressed his thoughts: "I'm sure the Illuminati people must have tried to kill Glitter before we arrived, but unfortunately failed. This proves that Lit is also very tricky for them, and it will be impossible for a short time. Although we have little hope of overthrowing him, as long as we do not let the Illuminati get it, it is a victory. "

His meaning is very simple, as long as the old skills are re-implemented, rushing over to look at it every once in a while.

However, just as the Sanhua people hid at the corner of the mage fortress, the members of the Illuminati also returned to the mage tower. Many masters sighed. Or shouted unfortunately, expressing disappointment at the failure to seriously damage the Sanhua organization. Although Man Lou didn't say anything, he was also depressed about Sanhua's caution. However, since people are not fooled, that excessive regret is no longer meaningful, what is important is what to do now.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for the scattered people to just give up. They will definitely come again.

There are two paths before the Illuminati. The first is to stay here at any cost to see if there is an opportunity to re-create the Sanhua organization again; the second path is to block the news. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] waiting for the opportunity to kill Glitter.

However, after one time, Sanhua people should not easily go to the second time. Unless they are sure that the Illuminati has pushed Grete to the end. In other words, if the people with Sanhua continue to consume, it is likely that the two sides will confront each other until the end. Although Sanhua is weak, but in the dark and familiar with the terrain here, it would be unrealistic for the Light to take the initiative to solve them.

In this case, the best way is to leave them confused.

How to do this is actually very simple. As long as you have mastered a little, seal the entrance of the mage tower, so that the scattered people can not know the real situation of the upper level of the mage tower. They dare not act lightly.

Just that time, it was because a few people at the gate took care and let the mirror image copied by the Morphling rush to the upper level, which caused the ambushes to fail. If the situation in the mage's tower is still unknown, will the Sanhua people dare to charge casually?

to this end. President Manlou assigned ten members this time, five inside and out, to guard against death and ensure that no scattered people would rush into the mage tower. As for the rest, they were quickly mobilized to the upper level of the mage tower. They decided to take a second attempt to kill Glitter shortly after the talents of Sanhua left.

then. The problem that had troubled them before was brought to the desk again-that is, how to deal with the two armored knights recruited by Grit!

Ordinary proposals and opinions have been said before. Seeing the president again asking for a solution, a member of the dusk class flipped through their nameplate space and took out a rare scroll.

[Finger of Death]

Cast a powerful red lightning bolt on the target. If its current health is less than 80% of its maximum health, it will instantly kill; if the target is an elite monster, its effect will be weakened when its health is less than 60% of its maximum health. Kill instantly!

It is not effective for some special monsters, story heroes, and Super God users. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

Note: The famous finger of death comes from an evil great wizard.

This is a rare scroll that works on Elite monsters, and its powerful effect is similar to that of Axe. The main reason why the armored knight is difficult to entangle is the unyielding special effects that will be triggered when his health is reduced. If you use the scroll of this finger of death, you can hit it to 60% of the health and immediately drop it!

Such a scroll will undoubtedly greatly speed up their progress.

However, there are two armored knights. If one is missing, it will reduce a lot of trouble, but it is not enough. Just then, Zhao Dingguo also took out another scroll from his nameplate space.

[Seth's Manipulation of the Dead]

One-time consumption of props.

After use, you can summon the three strongest ordinary monsters from nearby corpses for one minute. This item can be used for elite monsters. After the effect is changed, an elite monster is randomly summoned from the nearby elite monster corpses, but the duration is shortened to 45 seconds.

Requires 100 Mana.

This was obtained at the time when Yan Yuelan completed the threshold task of the ghost lineage in a temporary secret place in the foothills of the northern valley. Its original effect can only be said to be general, but after the attribute that can be used for elite monsters, the value of the scroll has greatly increased. Once the finger of death kills one of the armored knights, Zhao Dingguo can control the dead corpse's scroll to let this elite monster help out!

A top elite monster controlled by Super God users can exert several times more destructive power than the original.

"That's all right!"

Man Lou nodded with satisfaction, seeing that the two men took out the props to pay attention to the current situation, he also took out his own collection. The specific name of Zhao Dingguo did not pay attention, but the effect was to instantly summon any unit summoned. In this way, the masters of the Illuminati need only hit the health of a armored knight below 60%, they can quickly destroy the two helpers, and in turn summon one of them to cooperate with their own people to attack Gerrit.

After checking the plan at last, the Illuminati acted quickly.

Previous actions should give Sanhua a general impression that Glitter is very difficult to deal with. Even if the Illuminati wanted to kill, it would take a long time. Therefore, the Sanhuan people will not come over for a while. The Illuminati intends to use this time difference to successively use props to kill Glitter in one fell swoop.

The battle began quickly after the Masters of the Illuminati completed their positions.

In order to abolish the skill of the lava zone as much as possible, the masters of the Illuminati deliberately chose the first battlefield on the west side of the upper level of the mage tower according to the previous plan. As a Necromancer reopened the ice coffin, Glitter reappeared, fighting against the masters of the Illuminati!

Perhaps because of just playing one game, Glitter entered the state much faster than the previous time.

The Illuminati masters had just completed the first round of attacks, and Glitter waved his scepter, calling out the two armored knights holding giant swords and riding on the mammoth monsters. His spell turret also began to bombard continuously, and the ice was frozen in one shot!

"Be careful!"

Seeing that the skill was shot, someone immediately raised a loud alarm.

Because this is not the first time to cope, after the battle just now, the members of the Illuminati have also considered how they should respond. Therefore, when this skill is encountered again, many people successfully dodge. Either blowing themselves with a wind stick, or sealing, or pushing them away in advance, only a few of the seventeen or eighteen people affected were unable to withdraw from the scope and were frozen in them.

This situation is much better than before.

Moreover, as the positive people attracted Glitter's attention, Zhao Dingguo's main force began to siege the armored knights. As soon as one of the armored knights appeared, he was forced to counter-call by the president of Manlou using props. At this moment, there is only another armored knight remaining.

To deal with him, there are as many as 50 Illuminati masters!

As long as he avoids his collision and sword slash, the armored knight is better than Glitter. Especially at the beginning, he has not triggered the unyielding traits. No matter how strong the defense and real damage reduction ability is, he can't stop the siege of so many people. Even if the masters of the Illuminati were distracted to avoid Glitter's skills, it took them less than two minutes to hit the armored knight's health below 60%!

If you continue to fight, when the armored knight's health reaches 50%, he will trigger the first big skill. The skill of the main blood-sucking effect is very perverted, and it is this staged skill that has held the Sanhua people for so long. However, the Illuminati need not be so troublesome, they only need less than 60% health.

In the reluctance of the twilight master, he started the scroll of the finger of death.

A bowl-sized red lightning quickly gathered ~ ~ from the reel and slammed on the armored knight. This mighty elite monster was stiff, and the solid armor was shrouded in red and black. In just two or three seconds of work, the armored knight was completely annihilated by the finger of death. He said something low and turned over!

The two armored knights who caused a lot of trouble to the light before disappeared.

However, Zhao Dingguo with a scroll in hand did not immediately control his body, but waited patiently. The armored knight's control time is only forty-five seconds, and it is impossible to play the entire court. Therefore, before his body had disappeared, Zhao Dingguo dragged it to the end as far as possible, that is, when Glitter had the least and most dangerous blood, only let the armored knight top his final voice!

This is what the Illuminati executives mean.

Anyway, without the interference of the armored knights, the masters of the Illuminati were energized and quickly gathered together to attack the number one monster in this secret realm! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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