DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 454: Invoker vs Treant Protector

As a master at dusk, the strength of the poor ghost shield organization chairman is beyond doubt. []

Faced with such a powerful hero, Zhao Dingguo, as a mage, naturally would not fight him close. Seeing that the other party opened the armor and rushed towards himself against the attack of the lava elves, Zhao Dingguo instantly switched the ball of fire element to a thunder ball, and retreated quickly by relying on the speed of the thunder ball.

Zhao Dingguo's Thunder element level is LV3. Each level / switch can bring 2% attack speed and 1% movement speed. The three major element **** are now Thunderballs, which means that they have increased their attack speed by at least 18% and their movement speed by 9%. With the addition of phase shoes, war drums, and the 5% slowdown effect of the paralyzing bite on the enemy, Zhao Dingguo calmly opened his distance with the opponent.

Once the distance widens, it is Zhao Dingguo's world.

Taking advantage of the eight-second cooldown, Zhao Dingguo cut out the ice wall skills. Subsequently, he stopped and cut out three fireballs again, and attacked the poor Ghost Shield who came over. When the opponent was about to rush in front of him, Zhao Dingguo released the ice wall in one fell swoop. While the opponent's body was entangled with almost freezing freezing air, Zhao Dingguo began to attack while backing at a strange rhythm.

This rhythm is called ... Using the interval between two attacks to maximize output.

The reason is actually very simple. Zhao Dingguo knew it a long time ago, but knowing it is one thing, and whether it can be done or done well is another matter. At this moment, Zhao Dingguo's grasp of attack and position has reached a fairly high level. While the ice wall is there. He almost made a saturated attack, and at the same time opened the maximum distance from the opponent.

The tree spirit guard, who was greatly slowed by the ice wall, admitted that even if he changed himself, he might not be able to do better than this rising sun opponent.

However, despite the increased vigilance in his heart, the chairman of Poor Ghost Shield still had full confidence in himself. Seeing the opponent cut the fireball into a thunderball again, in an attempt to continue flying his own kite. [] He smiled confidently, revealing his first self-possessed skill-the Nether skill from the Night Stalker.

This skill can cause 90 damage to the enemy. And the instantaneous interruption effect. In addition, the void can also cause a powerful double deceleration effect, in which the movement speed can be reduced by up to 50%.

From the numbers alone. This is a very good ability to interrupt, slow down and hurt, but it has a flaw. That's because of the limitation of pedigree, its effect in day and night is very different!

If it is night, this powerful slowdown effect can last for four seconds. During this time, it was enough for the poor ghost shield president to catch up with Zhao Dingguo. However, if it is placed in the daytime, the slowing effect is only half of the effect at night, lasting two seconds.

The current time is undoubtedly daylight, so unfortunately, this skill of the President of the Poor Ghost Shield caused only a slowdown of two seconds.

A slowdown of only two seconds was not enough to help him catch up with Zhao Dingguo. But this time. Treant Protector's first skill parasitic seed has been cooled down. After the Void Deceleration effect disappeared, he shot a dark green energy seed for the second time. As the seeds germinated, Zhao Dingguo was slowed down again, and the extracted life energy was also divided into four sections, and began to replenish the chairman of the poor ghost shield.

If you let it go. Not only will Zhao Dingguo's damage to him be compensated, but the opponent can also catch up with him, output to him in a round, and even start a big move directly!

Of course Zhao Dingguo wouldn't let that happen, so he turned around and raised his hand, calling out a dark green beam of light!

This is Zhao Dingguo's familiar skill. Astral imprisonment of the strengthened LV2.

After being imprisoned, the Treant Protector could no longer pursue it. And the star imprisonment is characterized by temporarily sealing the target, which is equivalent to isolating from the main plane. During this two-second period, the life energy extracted by the parasitic seed lost the object of complementation, and it could only turn into a green light spot and float around the seal beam. []

"Astral imprisonment?"

As a master at dusk, the president of Poor Ghost Shield recognized this skill at a glance. What makes him deeply puzzled is that not only masters with bloodlines can only learn the skills of LV1? However, the first-level star imprisonment can only last for one second, and what is the other two-second seal time?

Mutation skills? Soul equipment? Or any other reason?

Although I can't figure it out for a while, it is not the time to ask the question. After rushing out of the star imprisonment, the Treant Protector continued to pursue Zhao Dingguo relentlessly. As a melee-powered hero, if he wants to kill the enemy, he can only keep closer to himself!

However, Zhao Dingguo's movement speed is much faster than that of Treant Protector, and he can't catch up without the deceleration skills.

The cooling time of the two strokes quickly passed, and Zhao Dingguo successfully waited for the combination of the supersonic sound wave and the chaotic meteorite. Seeing the other side chasing him with perseverance, Zhao Dingguo hurried a few steps, suddenly turned back and killed a returning carbine, and began to stand and output. When the other party was about to reach five meters in front of him, he revealed his true intentions, and launched a two-way combination of supersonic sound waves and chaotic meteorite.

For this skill combo that has been played thousands of times, Zhao Dingguo has already grasped the point of being invincible.

Although the Treant Protector was also prepared, when he saw the meteorite appearing to avoid, the supersonic sound wave instantly formed in front of him, pushing him backwards. Without control of his body, he couldn't do anything at all. He could only watch the meteorite crushing from himself. The extremely high temperature and hot flames instantly reduced his blood volume!

This does not count, Zhao Dingguo's electrostatic field skills are not vegetarian.

After being strengthened in the Red Moon Canyon, the blue light flash of the electrostatic field shock not only reduced the current life of the Treant Protector by 4%, but also reduced the additional Moonlight damage. Both the supersonic sound wave and the chaotic meteorite were derived from the participation of thunder. Therefore, two consecutive electric shocks and moonlight combined with the mixed multi-stage damage caused by the original skill made the poor ghost shield organization's head dumbfounded.

Taking advantage of the other's brief confusion, Zhao Dingguo fired several flame missiles again, and then backed away again.

How can a tree-defense guard who has suffered a big loss be willing to give up?

While his vanity skills and parasitic seeds cooled at the same time, he launched another round of attacks on Zhao Dingguo. However, as before, Zhao Dingguo once again used the astral imprisonment to seal him. Not only extracted six points of intelligence, but also interrupted his pursuit, by the way, preventing the complement of life energy extracted by the parasitic seeds.

Can be described as killing three birds with one stone!

"It's not good to go like this ..."

Although the chairman of the Poor Ghost Shield is furious and hard to accept his own disadvantages, it does not mean that he cannot soberly judge the current situation. He is very clear that although he has the blood recovery and damage reduction of Vanguard, and has powerful skills such as parasitic seeds and armor, but such passive beatings will eventually be consumed. Therefore, he must find a way to take the initiative to fight for the other party as soon as possible!

It's time to make a big move.

After secretly making up his mind, the Treant Protector began to repeat the same actions as before, struggling to chase Zhao Dingguo. But after all the skills had cooled down, he suddenly found a special black equipment from the nameplate space. I did not see how he moved, a yellow light shot out, and Zhao Dingguo's movement speed was suddenly slowed by 30%!

Zhao Dingguo can be sure that it is not standard equipment on the platform, nor soul equipment and heritage equipment to strengthen skills. According to speculation, it should be a real trap similar to his own hand, or the curse of exile, all of which are special types of equipment.

Because he has never seen him use it before, Zhao Dingguo inferred that the deceleration skills attached to this equipment may have various restrictions, such as extremely long cooling time. However, even if he knew this, it wouldn't help him right now. From the opponent's showing this card he hadn't had before, Zhao Dingguo felt that the chairman of this poor ghost shield organization was coming.

In other words, it ’s time to zoom in!

Treant Protector's big tricks are extremely powerful field control skills. Although it can only move, can not attack normally, and does no harm, it has a long control time and a large range, and it also ignores magic immunity. Zhao Dingguo has been preparing for this powerful move. Now seeing the other party's tendency to zoom in again, he naturally increased his vigilance.

Zhao Dingguo's hunch was right.

After the powerful deceleration lasting three seconds, the Treant Protector was less than twenty meters away. Seeing that Zhao Dingguo still did not mean to stop him, the president of Poor Ghost Shield was proud and gave the void again. At the same time, he took the opportunity to catch up and launched a big move at a close distance-crazy growth!

With the perturbation of magic ~ ~ the extremely tough rattan broke out from the foot of Zhao Dingguo, grew wildly, and wrapped him firmly. At this moment, Zhao Dingguo can only use equipment or cast spells. He cannot move or attack at all.

The chairman of the Poor Ghost Shield just had a second-level big move, so the duration of the crazy growth is as long as 3.75 seconds!

This period of time can not be said to be long in peacetime, but under the circumstances that Zhao Dingguo could not escape, it was enough for the president of the Poor Ghost Shield organization to erupt. After approaching Zhao Dingguo, the man in his thirties made every effort to hit himself with a punch. Maybe it is what passive crit skills he has. When the third punch was shot, a good red crit damage was added to the attack!

Hitting the rising sun at dusk, strength attributes have another advantage, coupled with crit, being attacked by him, Zhao Dingguo's health dropped rapidly.

However, Zhao Dingguo did not give him the opportunity to complete the output.

Zhao Dingguo, who had already cut out the hurricane, almost launched face to face, directly blowing up the president of the Poor Ghost Shield. Although the stagnation time was only over a second, it was enough to disrupt the opponent's attack rhythm. (To be continued) RQ

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