DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 474: A brief relationship

"It's grassy, ​​teleported!"

Seeing the prey directly launching the blade storm to teleport away, the prophet could not help but be a little disappointed. He didn't ignore the ability to interrupt the magic. At this moment, he could only watch the other person leave. However, out of venting anger, he still fiercely hit two more times.

"It's cheap for you."

Thinking so hatefully, Zhao Meng was ready to close. But at this moment, the silver pillar of light on the body of the enemy who was about to teleport away disappeared suddenly, and then faded. This sudden change made Zhao Meng, a bit dumbfounded, look at Zhao Dingguo.

The enemy cannot be stupid enough to interrupt his own TP, it can only be his temporary teammate's hands and feet.

"Don't be so surprised."

As Zhao Dingguo continued to attack the enemy, he explained briefly: "After one mutation of my rapid cooling ability, the first time the stun has the effect of ignoring magic immunity.

"Ignore the interruption!"

The change in another village of Liu An Hua Ming, Zhao Meng raised his thumb directly to Zhao Dingguo. Later, he also started to deal with that early enemy of the Scourge at dusk.

"This Nima, Lao Tzu also has a day of wet shoes!" TP fled after the blade storm and has saved the life of the Scourge Master more than once. He thought that he could leave smoothly this time. Whoever thought that a guy who didn't seem to have dusk could have interruption skills that ignored magic immunity, which made him very depressed.

Since you cannot escape, you can only fight.

If he can hit the dusk, this guy is certainly not someone who can't beat but just close his eyes and wait for death. This guy seems to believe that the prophet is better to kill a little. A lightning strike directly hit the past, then sacrificed Stormhammer, and stunned Zhao Meng. Taking advantage of this dizzy time, he appeared behind Zhao Meng with a flashing assault, intending to output the desperate prophet with all his strength, and then tried to escape!

This is undoubtedly more thoughtful.

Zhao Dingguo smiled sarcastically, and Xingti imprisoned his shot. This guy was directly sealed, and by the way, six points of intelligence were taken to supplement his body.

Although Stormhammer is an excellent control skill, the stun time is not long. Zhao Dingguo's Astral Seal Time. It is enough for Zhao Meng to recover from the vertigo and pull away a few steps away. He first glanced at Zhao Dingguo with grateful eyes, and then used budding skills. He urged the tree vines that were drilled from the ground to hold the enemy of the natural disaster firmly.

It seemed to be revenge. After the tree vine rose, the prophet also pumped him a red stick.

The 400 points of red lightning damage, after deducting the basic magic defense of the super user, did not cause as much damage as imagined, but it still startled the enemy at dusk.

However, this guy's response is also fast.

When the prophet used the skill of starting buds, he immediately took out the ancient sacrifice of Aishifi from the nameplate space, that is, eating the tree. before this. The whole outer area is extremely desolate, and it is not easy to find a tree that can be used. Now, the Prophet's sprouting skills were not only destroyed by a group of tree-eating seconds, but also provided the other side with a source of recovery by the way.

"Boy, the response is fast!"

See skills being counter-utilized. Zhao Meng had a bad tone and stepped up his output. Maybe his luck is good. In this attack, the vortex is triggered one after another, and two or three chain lightnings pop up.

Zhao Dingguo's attack, coupled with the armor reduction of the lava elves, caused his health to plummet.

Although the enemy at the early twilight has equipment to support blood. The upper limit of health is not low, but the siege of two powerful enemies is ultimately unstoppable. Under the suppression of absolute strength, even if he took the time to use the medicine that instantly restored his life, he was forced into a desperate situation step by step.

"damn it!"

The twilight-level enemy's adversity response is also pretty good, but now he rushes left and right, but still can't find a way to escape. Seeing that Zhao Dingguo's new round of skills was about to appear, this guy was anxious. He knew that it would take a few seconds at most, and once the opponent's big move cooled down, he would be dead.

Is there really no way out?

Just when he was about to give up, a raging hurricane turbulent flowed up again nearby. Moreover, under the turbulence of the energy turbulence, this hurricane style is arrogant, as if tornadoes absorb the surrounding dust and gravel, and they are formed not far away. Vaguely out of control energy bands can be seen shivering in a strong hurricane. Under the influence of unknown forces, this hurricane turbulently moved fast, and after a few seconds, it would roll past them not far away!

"That's it!"

This guy was so happy that he immediately thought of a plan to escape.

Seeing the changes in the ball of the elements on Zhao Dingguo, new skills were immediately derived, and the blade storm was launched again in the early evening. Moreover, while spinning continuously, he hurriedly turned towards the hurricane moving at high speed towards this side. After two or three seconds, he will just appear in the direction of the turbulent flow that normal SuperGods can avoid!

That is, hurricane turbulence that can draw deep grooves on the outer ground harder than steel plates!

"No, he has to run!"

Zhao Meng's mind was obviously good. Only for a moment, gloating over the disaster, he reacted to what he was about to do, so he called out loud. Zhao Dingguo immediately realized the opponent's intentions, but the opponent was still exempted, and Zhao Dingguo could not stop his movement. Even if there is rapid cooling, it is only the first stun that can interrupt the opponent. Although the prophet was unwilling, he tried to use the budding skill again. However, the other person still ate a tree. After being trapped by a tree vine, he immediately ate one and turned away from the gap.

Just at this time, the turbulent turbulence with terror power turned around.

The strong suction force directly engulfed that natural disaster's dusk enemy.

Although the turbulent flow is dangerous, for the masters of the dusk stage, the threat is not so great, at least not necessarily death. If he doesn't do this and stays to face Zhao Dingguo and Zhao Meng, then this is the real situation of death!

From this perspective, the other party is really decisive and fierce enough!

Seeing that the other party was involved in the hurricane, and then gradually disappeared in front of them as the hurricane moved towards the rear, Zhao Dingguo and Zhao Meng looked at each other, but ultimately did not choose to keep up. The other party is trying to survive, so they will seize the only frontline opportunity to take risks. However, Zhao Dingguo and Zhao Meng have the upper hand. There is really no need to follow the hurricane for an enemy who may not be able to drop anything good. That is a wall of self-reliance.

After stopping for a few seconds, Zhao Meng pursed his lips and said a little disappointed: "It's a pity."

Zhao Dingguo didn't expect to play a game in vain, and he waved his hands in amusement: "Forget it, go ahead, there is still a chance."

As the two continued to go north, they also continued to move towards the center of the Outland Mystery. For the next half an hour or so, the two met another three friendly soldiers who belonged to the Guard Corps. Two of them are obviously acquaintances who have known each other in the real world. Although their strength is good, they have no idea of ​​partnering. Seeing the two, another rising sun guy took the initiative to join them, but was rejected by Zhao Meng.

"Why? Isn't this guy a rising sun, why can't you two add me if you can come together?"

The rising sun super-god user was still a little unconvinced, pointing to Zhao Dingguo, which meant disdain between words.

"Oh, boy, do you have any comments?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Zhao Meng's mouth, and he politely pointed directly at the truth: "Yes, you are as bright as he is. But people are masters of descent and the scepter is in your hands, do you? Everyone meets with each other, presumably a person joins Even if it ’s a share of combat power, I should n’t ask for too much. But look at you, you have a pair of straw shoes, and a brace, except for a few branches. I wonder how you got into the rising sun! "

There is another word hidden by Zhao Meng, who is such a powerful person who actually wants to get his hands on flying mounts and dare to enter the dangerous outer area!

Although Zhao Dingguo does not have too high requirements for his teammates, he will not add people who are too far behind. At this moment, some newcomers to Shuguang are better than him. This equipment does not work in a foreign domain to fight against a possible natural disaster master. Therefore, although Zhao Meng's words were somewhat hurtful, Zhao Dingguo still supported by default.

"Huh, the dog looks down on the guy!"

This guy is obviously not nagging, but the equipment is there and there is nothing to say about him, he can only mumble and leave.

Zhao Dingguo and Zhao Meng looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly.

With the strength of this guy, I am afraid that ordinary monsters in the outer domain cannot beat them. If it was hit by a natural disaster, I am afraid that it would be a life of nine deaths. However, everyone is a stranger, and the other party insists on coming here, and they will not block it. The two just sighed and moved on.

Along the way, more people came across and more chances of encountering natural disaster enemies.

However, ~ ~ with more people, there may be fewer battles.

Everyone has fears in their hearts, for fear of fighting hard with others for a long time, and finally being picked by other people, so often they haven't started fighting yet. If you are not absolutely sure that you can easily crush it, you will never dare to fight. But that absolute advantage is really hard to come across in a place where the sun rises like a dog and walks around at dusk. Therefore, the people in the two camps they met seemed to be in peace.

Everyone rushed to the center of Outland from a long distance.

Of course, this situation will occur, and there is another very important reason is that everyone is only in the foreign domain soon, and there is still enough time!

If it ’s just for merit and fall, I ’ll be fully prepared when I go back. Calling friends and friends to go to the frontline war on the Stanas River. Therefore, if you start here, the biggest possibility is for the chaotic gray crystal.

Maybe everyone has different missions, but they definitely have the option to kill the enemy and fall. But now everyone is here. They may not be there. Without sufficient interests to drive, people on both sides can maintain adequate restraint. (To be continued)

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