DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 510: Final agreement

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Zhao Dingguo's question points directly to the core of the Rat Rat Squad.

The lack of a powerful late stage means that the sub-rat team has a lack of frontal fighting ability. Although everyone can be equipped for the late stage when equipped, but in the high-end death group battle, if the equipment on both sides is good, the traditional significance of the late stage will become more obvious.

Take Yan Dinglan, who is drawn by Zhao Dingguo, the ghost lineage is the hottest and most powerful group battle at the moment. Its unique skill refraction, combined with a powerful glowing effect, determines that she can have an output even if she is not beaten. The rat-rat team is obviously out of place. Once the prophet acting as the main force is dropped, relying on the **** lord of the second position, or the fragile French fortress Laolu, it is difficult to support the beam!

This is also Shen Caiwei's biggest concern. She was not sure that she would join the rat team, but she was tangling this.

Secondly, lack of control is also the Achilles heel of the Rat Team.

Without control, even if there is output, it may not be able to retain people. Especially in the later period, a powerful field control skill can often determine the trend and victory of a team battle. If the Rat Rat Team has Shen Caiwei, the recovery ability and endurance ability will not be said, but it will certainly appear that even if the team battle prevails, it will be difficult to destroy the enemy. If it is at a disadvantage, let alone, they who lack control may not escape if they want to run!

Zhao Dingguo waited for the opportunity to continue to sell his team: "Compared to the rat and mouse team, our control is enough!"

Lao Li's Centaur Chieftain has a good stun ability for horseshoe trample, and Zhao Dingguo's sceptre Carl has multiple control skills. Compared to the stun technique of the tortured soul. Their control skills are undoubtedly stronger. Moreover, the fifth person to be determined does not exclude those who have control skills.

"Of course you know, the sub-rat team also knows." Shen Caiwei paused and said, "Things on the lineup have been difficult to change, but the shortcomings of lack of control are compensated by equipment and strengthening skills. [] For example Their Venomancer has learned the trapping of little Naga; the Prophet. He also learned the piercing skills of Lane, and is currently working hard to acquire new skills. He plans to learn another offensive and defensive tearing and imprisonment skills from the shadow demon. ... so. The control of the Rat Team is not as lacking as you think. "

This is when the Captain of the Rat Rat Team visited the door, in order to show his sincerity and impress Shen Caiwei. Proactive development plan.

Zhao Dingguo has to admit that if the members of the Rat Rat Team really have these skills, and they also have the function of tearing imprisonment, which is similar to astral imprisonment, and sometimes even better than astral imprisonment, their shortcomings really Was made up a lot. In this way, it is more difficult to bring Shen Caiwei closer to his team.

However, Zhao Dingguo was not discouraged, and he was still in stock after consulting with Lao Hu.

"So, let's look at it from another angle. Cai Wei, do you think the rats and mice team is really short of treatment?"

this problem. Shen Caiwei obviously also considered it.

She groaned and said, "As far as I know, the old deer of the rat rat has Mekansm. In addition, the light shield and death entanglement of the **** lord are skills that can save people. And in their In the positioning, the **** lord itself is a role that takes care of output, meat shield, and healing. Generally speaking, these are basically enough-they asked me to join, more emphasis on the five-second immortal special effect of thin burial, and big tricks Compilation effect. "


Shen Caiwei's analysis was objective. Zhao Dingguo nodded and agreed, and then said, "Old Deer has Macon, and you also have Mackensham. But the effects of the two Mackenshams cannot be superimposed in a short time, which causes This is a waste of treatment. In addition, the existence of thin burial is to prevent the enemy from turning on magic immunity and relying on instant bursts to kill your members. Based on this angle, a control field that ignores magic immunity may be better-such as a tree Defender! "

Treant Protector?

The armor has a damage reduction effect and a slight healing ability; the parasitic seeds can not only damage and slow the enemy, but also have a good healing effect; as for the great trick of the tree spirit, it is a field control technique that ignores the magical immunity. [] Moreover, if such a hero who can play in the later period, if it shines, or even a refresh ball, it can almost completely make up and meet all the shortcomings and requirements of the team of rats and mice-lack of control, lack of late combat power, hope Somewhat more resilient.

Therefore, compared with the dark animal husbandry with overlapping functions, Dashu is really more suitable for their lineup!

"The words of our team are different from the rats. There is no cure for the Invoker, the Centaur Chieftain, or the Ghost. You can make the most of your strengths when you come. Moreover, our fifth person has not yet been decided, completely It can be tailored to the needs of the lineup. I don't know, what does Cai Wei like? "

Zhao Dingguo confessed that he could say everything, and also said that his team was stronger than the already established team. Now, it depends on Shen Caiwei's own choice.

The air in the room seemed to stagnate briefly.

Although Shen Caiwei had already considered it carefully, it was important. At this moment, she considered five or six seconds before making the final decision: "You said so, and you came to the door so early. If I do n’t give face, it seems Some cannot be justified. But I have to say that your team is very good, but the current strength is too poor. Although the realm can't represent everything, except the whole team, except for my treatment, it is still rising. This is really difficult. Convincing things. "

In the face of Shen Caiwei's questioning, Zhao Dingguo could only spread his hands, because this is indeed his biggest weakness.

If he, Lao Li and Yan Yuelan are both high-end at dusk, then the competitiveness of the three-man squad is already over. By then, even if Shen Caiwei could not be found, they could attract other players with their strength, but there was no need to work on Shen Caiwei.

However, Shen Caiwei finally gave him a reassuring answer.

"However, since there was an unconventional agreement before, then follow that. I will return to the Terminator Rat Squad, but I hope you can also honor your promise and get a dusk pass before my birthday. Think of it as a birthday present for me, okay? "

"As you wish ~"

Zhao Dingguo did not boast, but promised seriously. However, although he could not see his pride on his face, he had already laughed at the meeting. Anyway, as a rising sun, he succeeded in bringing a twilight master who had a family down into his team. Although there are such examples before, they are definitely counted by one hand.

With the joining of Shen Caiwei, whose strength has already been formed, her team's strength will be even stronger, and it will instantly improve by one level.

Shen Caiwei's eyes glanced over Zhao Dingguo's face, but she saw the pride in his heart, so she smiled and added: "By the way, I heard that your team is only a three-person contract, isn't it? Oh, the captain who keeps the players waiting is not a qualified captain. If I were you, now it is time to consider raising the level of the team contract! "

When reminded by Shen Caiwei, Zhao Dingguo suddenly found out that he was negligent.

Unlike Lao Li and Yan Yuelan, who have a stronger relationship with each other, Shen Caiwei rushed in from the Rat Rat Team halfway to grab it. If you don't prepare the contract early, if in a long time you will be dragged away by others, you will lose money. It seems that while preparing for the twilight realm, it is necessary to consider the contract.

I don't know what to do?

Just as Zhao Dingguo was going to go back and take a look at the task flow inside the Illuminati, there was a sudden knock outside Shen Caiwei's door again. Zhao Dingguo thought that Lao Hu who was waiting outside could not wait, so he rushed to open the door before Shen Caiwei got up. After opening the door, he realized that the knocker was not Lao Hu, but a stranger he had never seen before.

He was in his early thirties, with a pale complexion and a pinch of balsam on his lips. His expression seemed indifferent, but Zhao Dingguo clearly felt the pride and arrogance hidden inside. Seeing Zhao Dingguo open the door, the man's face was obviously somewhat surprised. After looking at Zhao Dingguo up and down, he murmured and squeezed in.

It is actually a high-level master at dusk!

After roughly determining the opponent's strength, Zhao Dingguo immediately understood his identity.

There is no doubt that anyone visiting Shen Caiwei's house at this time has no other possibility than the team of the Zishu team. Moreover, judging from the natural energy breath that did not fully converge on him and the equipment on his body, this guy should be the prophet and the captain.

So, should he come to ask Shen Caiwei's thoughts?

Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be grateful. If you come late, maybe Shen Caiwei was really asked to leave. It's rare to see the dark-level animal husbandry at dusk ~ ~ If you miss this one, and then find the next one who can be trustworthy and trustworthy, I don't know how long it will take to wait!

The Captain of the Rat Rat Team did come for this.

He didn't even bother about the existence of Zhao Dingguo, but after enthusiastically greeting Shen Caiwei, he opened her door and asked her opinion: "For the invitation we sent the day before yesterday, I don't know how Miss Shen considered it? I still say that If you are not satisfied with the treatment, you can discuss the specifics again! "

Zhao Dingguo is still trustworthy with Shen Caiwei. Since she promised herself, she would not return in this case. However, knowing to know, but his heart was still a little nervous, and I wanted to see how Shen Caiwei would answer.

"Thank you for your personal invitation."

Shen Caiwei's first sentence pleased the Captain of the Rat Rat Team and thought she was going to agree. But as soon as Shen Caiwei's words turned, he immediately embarrassed his face: "It's just that, after thinking about it again and again, I still don't think it is suitable for your team." RQ

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