DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 512: Backwaters of Christmas Eve 1

"Is the ball of the four elements just a boost from the original nuclei fragments?"

After watching the Captain of the Rat Rat Team leave, Shen Caiwei paused for a few seconds, and finally asked this question. [] As a veteran twilight master, there is a large organization called Soulstone behind her. Naturally, she has also heard of the original crystal nucleus fragments. It can be heard that I heard, but Shen Caiwei hasn't really seen this legendary prop in person.

I did not expect that in the future this captain would have a piece.

Seeing that Shen Caiwei had recognized it, Zhao Dingguo did not conceal anything and simply admitted it. In addition to the three elements of ice, thunder, and fire, he also showed an additional ball of earth elements. Although the rules of the original crystal nucleus contain insufficient rules, the earth element ball does not have any corresponding derivative skills, but just a talent of a series of elements is enough to make Shen Caiwei move!

Three elements, you have ten skills. If there is one more line, even if only two or three new skills are randomly generated, it will be enough to make the supplicant's unpredictable skill system become more powerful and versatile.

This young man who is about to hit the evening class is really incredible.

Recalling that when the two first met, Zhao Dingguo was ordered to rescue her combat power in an abandoned warehouse, and compared to the current strength, Shen Caiwei couldn't help but marvel. This growth rate is absolutely unheard of. Perhaps it was a wise decision to push off the invitation of the Rat Team.

Thinking of this, her heart settled a lot.

At this time, Lao Hu waiting outside had noticed the captain of the rat team leaving in a hurry. See his expression. Lao Hu had probably guessed the result and was quite excited.

Within the Soul of the Soul, the Tiger is a faction that cooperates firmly with the Illuminati. In fact, under this decision, the Soul of the Soul has indeed developed well. Therefore, Lao Hu was naturally optimistic that Shen Caiwei and Zhao Dingguo formed a team, which would tie an additional safety rope to the cooperation between the two organizations. (From the novel to Ye Zi · Yu ~ Yu M) Now I see that the sub-rat team failed to win. He was completely relieved and walked off the car happily.

I didn't come in with Zhao Dingguo before because I was afraid that I would interfere with the conversation between the two. Now the rat team has returned. The two must have reached an agreement, and he wouldn't mind coming in and following him.

With the active atmosphere of Lao Hu, Zhao Dingguo quickly put down some pressure brought by the offending team. Next. Zhao Dingguo talked a lot with Shen Caiwei about future cooperation. After both sides were satisfied, he offered to leave.

Shen Caiwei has done it. The only problem left before Zhao Dingguo is the state of dusk!

This is a big problem he needs to face.

With the help of Lao Li and Yan Yuelan, Zhao Dingguo won with excellent statistics in the next two battles. Although the battle process itself is tortuous, it does not hinder Zhao Dingguo's promotion of the sacred points. At this pace, it should not be a problem to make 2000 points before the end of December. However, the difficulty of the last promotion task was unexpectedly high.

In the regular season, super-killing must be completed with randomly assigned heroes. And can't die.

Random allocation means that the variables are too large, and the two opposing requirements of super **** and immortality are superimposed together, and the difficulty is really high. On the first attempt, Zhao Dingguo randomly arrived at the Queen of Pain with flashing skills. It stands to reason. This is a hero with a very high survival rate. However, some of the opponents got the silent warlock hero. Although Lao Li and Shen Caiwei took care of each other, Zhao Dingguo was extremely careful, but in the end, he was caught by the other side, and while he was still quiet, Zhao Dingguo was in seconds!

Although later Zhao Dingguo staged two crazy kills. Ten times returned, but the first attempt failed.

After summing up an experience, Zhao Dingguo started a second attempt after a regular season interval.

But this time, Zhao Dingguo is still tragedy!

His random hero was a million-year-old assistant, a crunchy ice girl. [] Moreover, bitterly, among the other two randomly matched passers-by teammates, there is Zeus, a hero who claims to be the king of heads. Although the other party is better at talking, he also expressed willingness to cooperate after communication. However, even if several teammates let Zhao Dingguo play the second and third positions, they did not die in the middle, but the head count was always insufficient.

To this end, Zhao Dingguo did not hesitate to open up victory points to the enemy on the opposite side, killing once to give 150 victory points.

It stands to reason that such a business is being done under the favorable situation of Zhao Dingguo. In fact, someone did agree. The opponent that can be matched is a four-man team. Under the situation of last resort, they will not give up. What's more, 150 points at a time is good for one person, but not enough for a four-person team. After the passerby sold it once, the four died at a loss, Kaiwu followed behind and rushed to the tower to kill Zhao Dingguo ...

Obviously, they know that Zhao Dingguo must have any important tasks. In the case of hostility between the two sides, it would be better for Zhao Dingguo to kill himself once.

The four-man squad succeeded, and indeed made Zhao Dingguo vomit blood.

Failed twice in a row, Zhao Dingguo took the last chance of December very seriously. Because once the third attempt fails, he will lose the chance of promotion in the next month. Only in January of the new year can the conditional combat missions continue. But by that time, his agreement with Shen Caiwei had lapsed!

Although Shen Caiwei has explicitly rejected the Sub Rat Squad, she will definitely continue to wait even if she fails to advance before her birthday. However, since a promise has been made, Zhao Dingguo does not want to break the contract. So, for the last chance of the month, Zhao Dingguo vowed to win.

After two consecutive failures in the regular season, Zhao Dingguo realized the difficulties and finally put his third chance on the death team battle.

Because, although the death team battle sealed the pedigree skills, but the attributes and equipment are still there. Yan Yuelan has also got ghost blood, which is a great help. Since the regular season is not sure, Zhao Dingguo will simply hope that this dead team battle. Coincidentally, the death group battle in December happened to be on the Monday of the fourth week of this month, which is the day of Shen Caiwei's birthday and Christmas Eve.

With the previous efforts, the God Points have reached the 2000 mark.

In fact, Zhao Dingguo's true epiphany score should be 2003 points. Just before crossing the threshold, points will be stuck at this threshold, so Zhao Dingguo's points are only 2000. This means that the goals of Zhao Dingguo's promotion task have been completed. As long as the conditions of this death group battle are met, you can directly advance to dusk, and then use this battle report as a birthday gift for Shen Caiwei!

Although inexplicably entangled with Zhao Dingguo's efforts, Yan Yuelan gave the greatest possible cooperation.

Lao Li also suspended his pedigree and worked hard to train.

In the end, when the time came to the morning of December 24th, the three received news of the death group battle this month!

"Super God user with ID 037205, your death team battle is about to start this month. Please enter Super God space within five minutes, otherwise it will be considered as giving up the team battle and the platform will automatically judge it as a failure!"

"It is detected that there is a junior team contract. Is the team entering the Super God Space Hall as a whole?"

The nearby Shen Caiwei and Lao Li both received this prompt. After Zhao Dingguo chose to confirm, after the two chose to agree, the three white lights appeared at the same time. However, under the fetters of the team contract, these three rising white lights were vaguely implicated by invisible lines, and finally transmitted to the same super-god space.

After a brief feeling of weightlessness, the three of them exited the familiar empty hall.

After a little adaptation, Zhao Dingguo led the two towards the end of the hall with the attitude of captain. Although their response was relatively fast, it seems that another team came in earlier. Seeing the three men coming, the four-man team looked at them all, apparently looking at the next opponent in advance.

"It's Zinc Beauty."

Lao Li was well-informed, and after glancing at it, he actually recognized the origin of his opponent, and frowned slightly.

Yan Yuelan and Zhao Dingguo did not know their opponents, and couldn't help but wonder: "Zinc beauty team? How about strength?"

Lao Li secretly looked at the four while recalling: "They should be a team formed by soloists and did not join the Super God Organization. However, the strength of the four is very good. I remember that the captain was a master of early bloodlines at dusk And it's a rare-level patting bear with extraordinary strength. I don't remember the other three players well, after all, I didn't pay attention to it after all. "

"It's ok."

Knowing is better than knowing nothing, and if the opponent is patted bear pedigree, it is also a master of the evening class ... Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan looked at each other and thought of one thing in unison, that is Roshan !!

The master of patting the bear lineage ~ ~ is likely to go straight to Stealing Roshan as soon as he comes up. If they are located in the guard, it is okay. If it is a natural disaster, Sharoushan has a natural advantage, and it can hardly be stopped in the case of a knife jump. For a master of dusk, it should not be possible to get a knife jump. It's too difficult. Think about it, before the death team fight has started, the opponent has already taken the shield, eaten Roshan experience, and each person has hundreds of kill rewards. It will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of winning the team fight.

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo made up his mind that he must not let his opponents get this vital immortal shield easily!

Just as Zhao Dingguo was thinking, three other Super God users came in the hall of Super God Space. After simply shaking hands with two passers-by teammates, they all stood under a beam of light at the end of the hall.

Detecting the presence of all ten SuperGod users, the beam of light lit up from left to right, and preparations for scene loading began.

This is a team battle that is vital to Zhao Dingguo! RS

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