DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 517: Classic 2 way strip line

Yan Yuelan's snake-inducing hole came into effect. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

If we take the initiative to advance, the five guards will hold the regiment, and Zhao Dingguo will be difficult to break through. However, through various arrangements to mislead the guards and use their greed to kill people to entice them to take the initiative, their own side laid an ambush as soon as possible, and everything was done.

It can be said that the addition of Lao Li and the Wandering Swordsman is just right!

The wandering swordsman rushed out of the wild area, Da Lao Yuan threw the hammer of the storm and smashed the bear's face, and the old Li with a flashing assault cut directly into the battlefield and started the shadow wave, Jijia Blood and injury are one. Later, he even put a venomous touch on the bear.

At the same time, the big move of the elven guard comes!

Unfortunately, at the moment he disappeared, the battle report of the Super God platform gave a killing prompt-this head is still Binghun. Although the refraction blocked the instant damage of the ice crystal explosion, it was not immune to the next continuous damage and state of this big move. A series of skills of Lao Li and Wandering Swordsman hit the bottom of the bear's blood, triggering the explosion of ice crystals.

The four human heads since the start of the war have all been captured by Binghun.

This made Binghun attract a lot of hatred of the guards, but also made the Rangers swordsmen and other teammates a bit envious. In contrast, Zhao Dingguo was calm enough. If it is a regular season, if he wants to achieve a conditional task, he must be killed by super gods. But what about the death squad, as long as you don't die and finally win?

In this case, the head does not matter.

Besides, isn't there a blue fat left on the field!

Of course, the elf can shuttle the battlefield through the big move. But Lan Fat didn't have that ability. After letting go of an elf, the natural disaster legion gathered on the road put the killing target on Lan Fat. They spent such a lot of time to set up such a round. Wouldn't it be too much of a loss if they only killed one bear?

Therefore, Blue Fat must die!

Although lucky Blue Fat once again hit a double cast, but this did not save him. (From the novel to Ye Zi · Yu ~ Yu M) Under the siege of the Scourge hero, Lan Fat also followed in the footsteps of the bear. This time the head was finally not Binghun, and was received by Zhao Dingguo Plasma Field.

"Push them on the road tower!"

Two guards hang up. The great opportunity is in front of us. Needless to say, the hero of the natural disaster surrounded him spontaneously.

Knowing that the tower's unguardable guard did not rush up. Instead, a strategy of changing towers was adopted. While the Scourge besieged a tower on the Weiwei Road, while patting the bear and Lan Fat while waiting for resurrection, the three heroes of the Zinc Team took the line to the Tower of the Scourge of the Scourge, to see if they could rescue Wei, or at least To change the tower!

In order to achieve the goal, when Zhao Dingguo was about to destroy a tower on the road, the guard also opened a defensive rune for a few seconds.

I have to say that the timing is quite good. The Scourge hero has just finished the battle, and TP like Binghun has not cooled down yet, so he cannot rush to the support. In addition, there is a Panda Brewmaster Tower on the bottom, and the elf and the shadow magic join forces. Pushing the defensive tower is also not slow.

In the end, although the natural disaster removed a defensive tower, one of his own towers was also removed by his opponent.

The successful exchange of towers by the enemy made the gain of this team battle much smaller. However, I can kill the bear and blue fat again. After all, it makes money. With the experience of harvesting one after another, Zhao Dingguo's level broke through to seven. With the big move, Zhao Dingguo's strength suddenly soared. Because the scepter inherited from the petitioner's bloodline can have a direct effect. With the addition of the scepter, the Eye of the Storm, not only strikes faster, but also bombards the building!

The next team fight. Guards will be more difficult to play.

After resupplying again, Zhao Dingguo activated new tactics. That's when the four came together to advance the midfield of the guard. The momentum they showed forced the defenders to defend with all their strength. With a big move, Yan Yuelan took the opportunity to take a single line of the allied line, not only can develop as he wants, but also can take the line deep into the second tower of the enemy. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] If the guard dares to take the initiative, the ghost can immediately open up and join the battle directly!

This is a lineup with ghost blood, the most commonly used means in team battles.

It's common, but there aren't that many guards can do right now.

Patting the bear and the elf, of course, can come down the road through a big move, forcing the ghost to break away. However, as long as the two of them dare to leave, the natural disaster will certainly take advantage of the twelve-second move of the elves to directly attack the tower. When the two return again, I'm afraid everything is over!

Since it's not possible to catch Yan Yuelan, the people in the Zinmei team thought about it, but they were still forced to put their ideas into a positive team fight.

The ghost is willing to take the line and follow her. As long as they can drop one on the front battlefield to win the team battle, the initiative will naturally return to their own hands.

However, in the great care of natural disasters, how easy is it to want to drop someone first?

After consuming three waves in succession, the guards never found a chance. The ghost with eyes fixed on Yan Yuelan was about to bring the soldier line under the second tower. The guard finally couldn't hold it, and decided to let it go. When the Scourge re-emerged, the elf cooperated with Paipian Bear before changing, and instead held the Panda Brewmaster with the Lightning Chain, and then started the big move, setting the place of arrival not far behind the four people. In the center.

Like the Prophet's teleportation, the elf moves will leave a magic mark on the teleportation site.

With such obvious movements, Zhao Dingguo naturally noticed them. Although it is not clear about the guard's decision, it seems that they were forced to take the initiative to start the war!

The other side's willingness to come out to fight is undoubtedly a good thing. While the four secretly raised their vigilance, they steadily retreated and pulled the enemy's lineup.

More than two seconds elapsed in an instant. With the flash of green light, the elf and the Panda Brewmaster came together-this combination that did not appear before was undoubtedly beyond the expectations of the four natural disasters. Before they had any reaction, Panda Jiuxian stepped on the spot and started the big move directly!

Although there is no killing, but by virtue of its development in the next step, Panda Jiuxian already has a big move.

As soon as the three element pandas appeared, there was a little chaos in the natural disaster. However, these elements pandas clearly have long been targeted. Among them, the wind panda came straight to Zhao Dingguo and blew him up with the blowing ability. The other native pandas and fire pandas found Dark Shepherd together, and stunned Lao with throwing skills!

At this time, what the guards want to do is self-evident.

Realizing what, Yan Yuelan immediately turned on the ghosts and was ready to come. However, her big move was one step behind, and Paipian Xiong had already launched the jump knife first, and the target pointed at the stunned Dark Shepherd. Shadow monsters and ogre wizards followed, rushing towards the center of the battlefield.

However, Lao Li is not so easy to kill!

Although he chose the dark pastoral descent, the previous equipment can be prepared with reference to the centaur chieftain. Therefore, not only the strength of the main plus, but also the equipment that supports the blood such as the Vanguard, can also be regarded as half a MT. In addition, his position has always been relatively backward, and when the bear and the two pandas began to output, the vertigo caused by the throwing was over.

Discovering the danger of his teammates, the Wandering Swordsman promptly threw Stormhammer.

This skill has an average effect on the elemental panda, and it is even more ineffective against the cloned magic avoidance, but temporarily prevents the output of the patted bear. After the stun effect is over, Lao Li's Dark Mu has released a big move to knit, and has opened up a little distance. Noting that Shadow Demon and Lan Fat also rushed towards themselves, Lao Li no longer dare to have the slightest entrustment, and added a thin burial to himself in advance.

In the next two seconds, Li became the target of the fire again!

The shadow pressure of the shadow demon, the blue fat flames exploded, ignited, and even added a lightning strike skill from Zeus. Such a series of outputs did indeed destroy Li. However, the five-second immortality of the thin burial blessed him. Seeing the end of time, the panda's **** hair dryer finally came to an end. After landing, Zhao Dingguo said nothing and immediately pushed the old Li away with a push stick. The reaction of Lao Li was extremely fast, raising his hand and adding a level of shadow wave to himself.

"No second?"

Seeing that Lao Li even used up the thin burial, Panda Jiuxian was very reconciled. The native panda left by his clone continued to participate in the battle in the same place, but the fire panda and wind panda separated from the big move followed Lao Li to catch up.

Fire Panda's moving speed is the ultimate speed, which can be described as a hunting weapon. After the wind panda started the hurricane, the speed was not slow. If they catch up with him, Lao Li is still very dangerous.

However, Lao Li has also stood the test of death teamfights. Although the situation is dangerous, his heart calms down. He noticed that the fire panda was chasing and killing him quickly, and he added the Ability of Shield to him. When the fire panda and the wind panda catch up, a new wave of ghoul soldiers also arrives. While the Aphotic Shield absorbed some of the damage, Lao Li launched a flashing assault to escape behind the ghoul soldier. At this time, his shadow wave cooled again, so he added a note to himself.

As a last resort, the two pandas can only turn around and continue to chase!

At this time ~ ~ seems to be in a critical situation, in fact Lao Li has seen the dawn of escape. Because, although the panda's big move is powerful, it only lasts 15 seconds at the first level. Before the panda immortal raid, he wasted five seconds on his thin burial. Later, he chased him all the way, this was at least another five seconds. With a little delay, Panda's big move is over.

Unfortunately, Li eventually died.

The fire panda's ability to kill is too strong, and it has the ability to sacrifice forever. At the moment when the panda's avatar was finished, the sacrifice's injury burned Lao Li to death. Even if his blood volume is more than twenty, maybe he can escape to the limit. It's a pity, no if ... This makes Lao Li very depressed!

But his death is undoubtedly meaningful.

After absorbing a lot of injuries from the guards, he almost dragged the panda's avatar. Although the defender succeeded in seconds, he paid too much. Zhao Dingguo, who started the scepter's great move, took the opportunity to extract the attack of patting the bear, and joined the teammates such as Yan Yuelan, Binghun, and he made a strong counterattack! RQ

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