DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 540: Shameless Bear Spirit

PS: There is still a change before 12 o'clock, book friends remember to vote after reading. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

Bear Soul, a powerful summoning unit, has four good abilities: winding, returning, crushing, and resistant skin!

Entangling, as the name suggests, has a chance to trigger special effects when attacking, holding the enemy for three seconds. Moreover, the chance of triggering this entanglement is not low. In addition, the master Druid of the bear spirit has a double acceleration of fierce skills, resulting in opponents fighting close to bear spirit, it is easy to be entangled in succession!

Shattering is relatively simple, causing additional damage to construction units.

However, the effect of this skill is only in the TA regular season. Now that it has become the undead elite, most of the skills that were only effective for buildings will also change. Zhao Dingguo speculated that it is likely to be changed to a critical strike or a splash effect when attacking.

Resistive skin is the most practical passive skill, reducing the effects of skills, offsetting damage, and invalidating some stunts.

Many elite monsters will have this skill.

The key is to return!

For Druid, returning skills is to call Bear Spirit back to him in an instant. In the regular season and the death team battle, this skill allows Druid and Bear Spirit to split money, and it can be recalled immediately at critical moments. It is a very practical ability. But now, the owner of the Undead Bear is afraid that his ashes are gone. Where can he return?

It is also speculation that Zhao Dingguo doubts whether this returning skill will be strengthened into such abilities as flashing.

In addition to these four items, Carlow's strange and unique poisonous attack. It is also reflected in the undead bear. The attack power is very high, poisonous wounds are attached to the attack, and being hit will also give the enemy a negative poisoning effect. Such an elite monster is really a headache.

However, Zhao Dingguo's strength is far superior to his fellow Super God users. If this is the case, he will not be too worried.

With a push stick. [] Zhao Dingguo now has extremely strong maneuverability, coupled with his own fast moving speed, he can completely fly this elite monster kite. and. No other undead monsters appeared nearby, which also gave Zhao Dingguo ample room. But the point is that this undead bear that has become a bear spirit has more than just these abilities. It also shamelessly inherited the skills unique to the original owner Druid-Furious!

As mentioned earlier, this is a double acceleration skill that can increase your movement speed by 20%, attack speed by 40%, and cool down time by 30 seconds in the next 10 seconds.

Attack speed bonus Zhao Dingguo is not worried, let alone 40%, even if the acceleration is 400%, as long as he can't hit, he is a cloud. But 20% moving speed is a bit scary. Don't forget, Zhao Dingguo just attacked it. You will be passively poisoned and slowed. Compared to the 10% slowdown effect of a normal monster's long-range attack, the passive poison and slowdown of this elite monster is undoubtedly more terrifying, with a full 15% slowdown!

The bear's own movement speed increases by 20%. As long as Zhao Dingguo attacks it, he will be reduced by 15%. With one increase and one decrease, Zhao Dingguo's original speed advantage was completely flattened.

If it wasn't for the 5% slowdown of his paralyzed bite, the ejection effect of the push stick, and even the crazy mask could be turned on at critical moments, Zhao Dingguo would be chased by the undead bear. At that time, it wasn't his kite that ran the bear, but this elite bear monster played him ...

Thanks to this guy's fierce skills, it has a limited duration. Although the duration has been enhanced to 15 seconds, the cooldown is still 30 seconds. In this case, Zhao Dingguo can only work hard to ensure that he runs hard in the fierce 15 seconds and will not be caught up by the giant bear. Wait until the opponent's violent acceleration effect disappears, then dare to take a few steps based on the advantage of speed, and attack it!

Because most of the time is spent running, Zhao Dingguo's output is naturally quite limited.

The elite monster itself has a good life recovery speed. Although the undead creatures are worse in this regard, the strength of this giant bear is extraordinary. [WWw.YZUUdianm] Zhao Dingguo worked hard for four or five minutes, but only slightly changed his life halo, and he ran out of breath a bit.

This is bound to be a protracted battle.

Zhao Dingguo looked at the undead giant bear who was so fierce and fierce no matter how hard he could think of the elite monster he encountered in the moonlight woodland-Silver Moon Spar. Both of these battles fought for a long time. The only difference is that this undead bear is even more difficult to entangle than the silver moon spar.

Since it is a protracted battle, Zhao Dingguo naturally put on recovery equipment.

In the face of this giant bear, the big magic wand was basically useless. Zhao Dingguo put the magic wand back into the nameplate space and took out the ring of soul. With Zhao Dingguo's current high attributes, this gadget is usually not used. Only such a super long battle can be useful.

The protracted battle continues.

Seems like he couldn't help Zhao Dingguo for a while, and the Undead Giant Bear was a little angry. The goods roared silently, and the giant bear's claw slammed **** the ground. With its movement, a black druid phantom suddenly appeared, just like the super soul user summoned the hero's soul in the death team battle, and descended on the undead bear. Subsequently, this giant bear shamelessly added another skill-collaboration!

Coordination is also a druid's skill, which can passively increase the attack power, movement speed, and duration of the ferocious skills of Bear Spirit partners.

Under the blessing of the druid ghost, the undead giant bear had not slowed down and suddenly added another. Moreover, this time the madness skills suddenly turned into an ability with a duration of 25 seconds and a cooldown of 30 seconds, which is almost maintained throughout. Such a huge undead monster chased him fiercely at the speed of no less than Zhao Dingguo.

But the fact is in front of him, Zhao Dingguo can only accept the speed of this undead giant bear flying.

If you slowly grind before, Zhao Dingguo can still output while the cooling time is fierce. Now there is a coordinated acceleration again, Zhao Dingguo seems to have no tendency to run away from the Undead Giant Bear. Once the phase shift cools down, it will be caught up with it. After defensive deductions and real damage reduction, more than two hundred injuries are still second. What Zhao Dingguo is most worried about is that he is lucky to trigger entanglement in succession, or possible crushing, which would be bad.

However, the chance of winding trigger is not low, and this undead bear may be strengthened. It is estimated that a 20% probability is not a problem. After being taken a few times by it, he lost almost half of his life value, and the most important entanglement was finally triggered!

In desperation, Zhao Dingguo decisively shot the stars and sealed himself.

The Undead Bear has resistant skin and is very strong. The effect of the star restraint on it will be greatly reduced. If you use it for yourself, it can be delayed for two seconds. It is not only time for your own big moves and push sticks, but also the opportunity to consume the time of the bear's collaborative skills.

After having many years of experience in dealing with powerful elite monsters, Zhao Dingguo determined that the skill of coordination should be a fixed skill with a large duration, and most of them have very severe restrictions, which is impossible to use indefinitely. Therefore, as long as this time has passed, he can continue the previous rhythm.

The only thing to watch out for is your own health.

According to previous speculations, the giant bear may have a mutant crushing ability. Although no effect has been seen yet, Zhao Dingguo dare not care. In case of negligence, the opponent will seize the opportunity to hit the blood below 30%. Once the ghost plague is triggered, he will detonate the poisonous wound within the next two or three seconds and die instantly. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the blood volume is maintained at a safe limit.

After the star's imprisonment for two seconds, the giant bear slaps again at Zhao Dingguo.

It was at this time that Zhao Dingguo's push rod was cooled again. He hurriedly launched his ejection skills, pushing himself backwards by dozens of meters before the slap of the giant bear was photographed. After standing still, seeing that the bear turned his head, and the mad dog rushed towards himself, Zhao Dingguo quickly blocked the opponent with the ice fragments, and then listed the ice wall skills in front of him!

First blocked by the ice shards, the movement momentum of the giant bear has been greatly reduced. I didn't take a few steps and hit the ice wall again, and the speed slowed down even more.

Zhao Dingguo took the opportunity to play a round of output, while steadily backing down.

When the bear rushed out of the ice wall and was about to approach him again, Zhao Dingguo's crazy mask effect was already good.

He immediately chose to open it, relying on the sudden increase of the moving speed, and re-opened the distance. After the big move cooled down, he gave another quick cooling!

In the face of authoritative effect judgment, even resistant skin should bow down.

Looking at it for another round, Zhao Dingguo noted with joy that the Druid Phantom on the head of the Undead Bear had begun to sway, which was a sign that the effect of synergy skills was about to end. Without this skill, the pressure on Zhao Dingguo will be greatly reduced.

The Undead Bear clearly realized this too, and it patted its paws again ~ ~ and launched that mutant returning skill!

This skill, like Zhao Dingguo's guess, has flashing and teleporting effects. However, in detail, Zhao Dingguo was wrong. After launching the giant bear, he did not blink at Zhao Dingguo to attack him, but forced him back to the undead bear.

Feelings are such a return method ...

This skill, after being mutated, the effect suddenly approached Thrall's disgusting glance.

Zhao Dingguo has always been guarding against the giant bear close to himself, but did not expect the bear to pull himself back with his return skills. Unprotected, he was immediately taken by the undead bear, and it just triggered the crushing effect-although it is not a crit, it adds decent additional damage, and it is still within the next five seconds Remove all armor from Zhao Dingguo!

This effect can be great.

Although the actual damage reduction is not affected, without the weakening of the armor, Zhao Dingguo truly became a mage, bearing nearly 100% of the full damage. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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