DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 549: Deep Stealth

Zhao Dingguo had promised to invite Yan Yuelan to eat the dinner, but in the end it was not finished. []

Because the saint's relics are expected, although this unexpected kiss is a bit abrupt, Zhao Dingguo has been with Yanyue Lan for a long time, but it is quite natural. Although the atmosphere between the two was a little embarrassing just after the passage, soon, as the new net-leaving monster found out, the two recovered tacitly to normal.

However, just after the two had cleared up the monsters here, Yan Yuelan's dad called.

Perhaps the situation was very dangerous. Yan Yuelan's father's voice was very low, and he could not hear it without careful listening. Coupled with the background noise on the phone, Zhao Dingguo listened carefully, only to understand the purpose of the phone-the old man was shopping at Wal-Mart, and then a small wave of monsters unexpectedly appeared nearby, and it was not known whether it was other The strange group of places wandered past. In short, there is a mess now, very dangerous!

"I'll be there!"

Yan Yuelan said nothing and immediately called for a helicopter to go there.

However, in the city of Pearl, which is lined with tall buildings, the speed of helicopters may not be fast enough. On the contrary, Zhao Dingguo's reconnaissance griffins instead made fewer elbows and came and went freely. Hearing that "Laozhangren" was in danger, Zhao Dingguo flew to the sky on a griffin without calling.

Hurrying all the way, before the monsters who broke into the supermarket rushed to the fourth floor, Zhao Dingguo drove a griffin, like a suicide bomber, directly into the high-level glass window. The sound of the crackling glass immediately caught the attention of several hellhounds on the fourth floor. However, they did not wait for them. When Zhao Dingguo found the trace of the monster, he had already jumped upstairs from the upstairs, and then hand-held the railing. When he stood still again, he appeared on the fourth floor.

Seeing these **** hounds rushing over, Zhao Dingguo recruited the lava elves, then cut out the swift and swift, and directly opened the crazy mask to kill.

Under his attack. [WWw.YZUUdianm] These seemingly horrible monsters were knocked over without waiting.

Seems to have heard the fighting, some bold people hiding at the top tried to lean out their heads. Seeing Zhao Dingguo fighting several monsters, there are two lava elves to help. Immediately, the spirit refreshed, knowing that a non-human master came to destroy the monster. Seeing that the first Hellhound was easily killed, some even whispered well.

Four seconds passed quickly.

Facing the siege of the other two hellhounds. Zhao Dingguo first sealed one with a star imprisonment, then cut out the rapid cooling, and fully dealt with the other. After the dark green seal disappeared, Zhao Dingguo fought and retreated, and then cut out the ice wall skills. After using several methods that are incredible to ordinary people, these monsters, which are fatal to ordinary people, have been killed by him one after another.

Unfortunately, they have lost nothing.

However, Zhao Dingguo was not aiming at dropping items. After making sure there were no missing monsters, he took out his phone again. Called the old man's phone. According to his answer, Zhao Dingguo quickly found him among the horrified crowd.

Although it is winter, the old man is still quite fashionable. Seeing Zhao Dingguo coming over, the old man first questioned his daughter and praised Zhao Dingguo for his timely rescue. Probably I saw Zhao Dingguo's heroic gesture just now. A middle-aged man in his forties beside him also flattered a few words, and then turned around and asked the relationship between the old man and him.

"He, my son-in-law!"

The old man was very proud of being able to show off in front of acquaintances, and could not help but settle Zhao Dingguo's identity again.

At this time, Yan Yuelan had also rushed over by a helicopter of the Illuminati. Seeing that the old man was unharmed, he was relieved. Due to evasion in time. The old man was not much frightened. Seeing that her daughter was also here, the meeting had settled down, and she took a chat with Zhao Dingguo. In the end, no accident returned to the old topic, get married!

"I want to hug my grandson ..."

Under the old man's broken thoughts, Zhao Dingguo hesitated a moment, and took hold of Yan Yuelan's hand. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

The latter slightly moved a little inadequately, but eventually let Zhao Dingguo hold it until he sent the old man home—I do n’t know when the relationship between the two began to change qualitatively.

In the next few days, Zhao Dingguo was busy while enjoying this change. It is necessary to deal with both the regular season in the dusk zone and the increasingly frequent invasion of monsters in the real world, as well as preparing for the captain of the Squad Rat Team. For the current Lan Elves team, if they want to kill the high-level prophets at dusk, the explosive power is still lacking, and the hard control is not enough. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo intends to start from these two aspects and make accurate preparations for sex.

However, before making a specific decision, Zhao Dingguo first ushered in the sword dance (note) transaction.

This skill booster from the Undead is unexpectedly popular. Only one day after Zhao Dingguo hung on the internal auction platform, he received four or five masters of dusk stage. After talking with them one by one, Zhao Dingguo chose the one with the highest offer and was ready to meet him in person.

If appropriate, trade this annotation directly.

Because the ban on displaying superhuman user's force in front of ordinary people has been lifted, and the place of the transaction is in the pearl, in order to ensure their own safety, the master master brought three friends who are also at dusk. In this way, even if someone has speculation, we must weigh the strength and consequences.

Of course, Zhao Dingguo didn't have that mind.

Because they had already talked about it in advance, after the meeting, the two talked briefly and quickly finalized the transaction. Considering the value of the sword dance annotations, and Zhao Dingguo was the one who did not worry about selling, so the master took a bit of a loss. After redeeming the same level of annotations with the prayer skills, he also gave Zhao Dingguo an extra 500 win point.

[Ghost Walk (Annotation)]

Special props.

It records some of the essentials of ghost walking skills, which are the secrets of the petitioners. After use, let the invoker enter the invisible state instantly when the ghost walks, cancel the fade time, and obtain a deep invisible state that lasts for three seconds. In this state, E damage taken will be reduced by 50%, and will not be manifested by ordinary anti-implicit methods.

Note: Wow, it really turned into a ghost!

This note does not strengthen the damage, nor the cooling time, but it rarely strengthens the survivability. It's okay to cancel the fade time, after all, the fade time of the ghost walk is not long. The key is that the first three seconds after the skill is activated is in a deep stealth state, and this value is high.

Prior to this, Zhao Dingguo rarely used this skill when fighting against Super God users, because stealth would be cracked by the other party. In recent years, no one should go out with a few dusts of development, guards or anything. Cutting out the ghost walk will not only be easily cracked by the opponent, but will waste a chance to derive other skills.

Now with three seconds of deep stealth, everything is different.

Unless the enemy has sprinkled powder before he was invisible, or given skills such as tracking, then he will show up after three seconds of deep invisibility. But if he waits for him to hide, and then immediately hides, it will only waste the dust of development. What's more, there is also a deep stealth state where E damage taken is reduced by 50%. This means that as long as the ghost walk is cut out, no matter how bad the situation is, Zhao Dingguo can basically delay for another three seconds.

It can be said that in just three seconds, the skill of ghost walking has been qualitatively improved!

After the deal, Zhao Dingguo was very satisfied with the enhanced ghost walk. Turning around to see the Master, obviously also quite excited. The additional 5% critical strike rate, plus 10% critical strike damage, is definitely a great improvement for the master. In the later period, with several divine costumes on his body, the attack power of the master can easily reach two or three hundred points. Once the double crit effect of the sword dance is triggered, the damage is five or six hundred or more. Raise 10%, it is 50 or 60 points at once.

You know, the relic of the saint is only adding sixty points of attack.

This is a deal that both parties are satisfied with.

After getting up and sending off the other party, Zhao Dingguo turned his attention back to the captain who dealt with the Zishu team.

Zhao Dingguo has already considered in detail how to not give him any chance. If it is the easiest way, it is better to buy a doomsday scroll. After winning this skill, the Captain of the Rat Team can't do anything. Fifteen seconds was enough for Zhao Dingguo to solve any problems. However, the price of the doomsday scroll is beyond expectations. Even if Zhao Dingguo buys one, he will inevitably lose money.

Since this doesn't work ~ ~, then you can only consider other strong control skills, or match the consumption scroll with skill deepening!

When it comes to strong control skills, this is too much. The well-known hammer gang members have strong control skills. However, these skills are not controlled for long enough. Some skills, such as black art, take a long time to control at full level, but have the same disadvantage, that is, the price is too expensive. There are two really good and cheap-the first is the dragon knight's dragon tail swinging skill; the second is the paralyzing trap of the bomber.

This was carefully selected by Zhao Dingguo based on his familiarity with TA.

Shenlong's tail swing skills, even if there is only one level, the stun time is 2.5 seconds. The same is true for Bomberman's Paralyzing Trap. At level one, the stun time is as long as 3 seconds, which is a skill with long control time. Because the types are different, continuous use will not occur, resulting in a rapid increase in resistance to the method. With these two skills, in conjunction with Zhao Dingguo's first attack on the hurricane and Lao Li's horseshoe trample on the second hand, the time should be sufficient.

The most important thing is that the scrolls of these two skills are not expensive because they have no damage or the damage is very low. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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