DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 556: 3rd Place Twilight

It's boring to bully a small organization that doesn't flow. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

When I first did such an errand, I still felt very fulfilled when I saw that the enemy was easily knocked down with his own skills. But killing more, in fact, it is no different from brushing monsters on the theme. After successfully completing the task with the members of the two teams, Zhao Dingguo saw nothing wrong, and left a few people to clear the battlefield, and took him directly to the headquarters.

Compared to the daily tasks that this director needs to undertake, Zhao Dingguo is more interested in another errand.

Reassure another Super God Organization!

Moreover, this super-god organization is not domestic, but a second-rate organization in Southeast Asia.

Of course, this so-called second-rate is measured by the standards in the domestic circle.

Speaking of the supernatural power circle, the top three are naturally heaven, Europe and North America. In other regional circles, there are also some twilight gods sitting in town. Among them, the supernatural circle in Southeast Asia is relatively weak. Like in China, there is no organization that sits in the twilight powerhouse, not even first-class. In Southeast Asia, in addition to some super masters, such as the twilight gods such as Yadi Butterfly, there are several masters in the dusk to brag about the strongest organization.

Put into the domestic super circle, some second-rate organizations dare to claim such a thing, people must laugh at their teeth.

However, this Southeast Asian organization that intends to take part in the Illuminati is called the Secret Ring. It has six dusk-level masters sitting in the town. It is already the deserved first super **** organization in the small country. The small organization also has three dusks.

Even though their strength is not valued, their presence is still meaningful to the layout of the Illuminati. Since others show a strong will to take refuge. The Illuminati naturally didn't mind contacting them. After a brief discussion, the chairman decided to send a team representing the Illuminati, and went to see the situation first.

The team's specifications are certainly not too high. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

The other party ’s organization did not have a twilight, and the Illuminati naturally did not surrender its identity, letting the chairman and chairman pass. As a result, the two directors brought in a few promising members of the rising sun who joined the headquarters before going through the exercises and became the best choice.

Acting as a senior with a solid qualification. Director Ouyang was appointed as the leader. Zhao Dingguo, as the newly elected fifteenth director, was also selected.

In fact, Zhao Dingguo has been fine recently. I do have the idea to go out and play. In his opinion, to contact a second-class organization like this, the country where he is located is Southeast Asia with weak strength. In fact, it is no different from tourism. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo took the task happily.

However, before setting off, the Illuminati greeted a great happy event.

Prior to this, the Illuminati had only two Twilight masters, the chairman and vice-chairman, and the rest, whether it was the think tank or the chairman, were high-level existence at dusk-at least this was announced. But in these few days, the top masters of the Illuminati, bikes with tidal hunter bloodlines have also come into the twilight realm.

Coincidentally, just two days ago. Bingyan announced that it has added a new twilight master. Originally as the third super organization, they have a total of seven twilight, but now they have as many as eight. Naturally, they should propagate and promote it.

So, yesterday. The Soulstone organization also happened to have a high-ranking director at dusk step into the twilight realm.

Then, today's bicycle also broke through.

Many in the circle believed that this was deliberate, but when asked, Zhao Dingguo innocently told them that he was not very clear. In particular, some people asked Mr. Zhenzhenshi's words, "This is a coincidence, not for a certain organization, you think too much" when he asked him. Zhao Dingguo repeatedly said, "I believe it anyway." However, one thing is the fact that the three alliances of the Illuminati, the Six Dynasties, and the Soul of the Soul have already caught up with the ice eyes of the three major organizations at the highest end. []

Two days ago, Bingyan, who had played a black hand behind his back, was still celebrating his strength improvement. But they only have one more twilight, and the Illuminati and the Soul Soul each have one more twilight, and the festive mood suddenly disappears.

For the three leagues, this is certainly good news.

One more twilight means that the high-end combat power of the Illuminati adds another weight. To this end, Zhao Dingguo and other directors were busy preparing for a celebration ceremony. After a busy day of celebration, he and Director Ouyang took the other three rising members to a special plane to Southeast Asia.

It was also on the plane that Zhao Dingguo really learned about the secret ring organization that was preparing to join the Illuminati.

This is an organization with a total of about 300 members. The strength of the members in the meeting is mainly Dawn and Rising Sun. As for the high-level, there are a total of six dusk members, known as the six giants of the mysterious ring. As for the chairman, he is a master of high-level dusk and a rare **** samurai bloodline. When it comes to China, the Mystic Ring is a common second-rate organization, and the ranking is still relatively low. However, closing the door in Southeast Asia is a well-deserved number one.

Such an organization is supposed to be mixed, so why suddenly want to join the Illuminati?

Ning is the head of the chicken, not the reason of the queen, everyone knows, of course, the senior members of the Illuminati also understand. Therefore, after learning about the other party's intentions, the Illuminati also conducted a detailed investigation. Naturally, the reason was not unexpected. The Mystic Ring Organization encountered a powerful challenge, which was not justified by its own strength. And they're already the strongest organization in the neighborhood, with no viable allies. In desperation, this focused attention on the country and attempted to take advantage of it.

As for why it is the Illuminati, it has something to do with the forces of the Illuminati Guardian Corps in the main plane.

The opponent of the mysterious ring is the joint power of the two neighboring small countries after forming an alliance. These two second-class organizations were originally inferior to the Mystic Ring, but after joining together, they counteracted one of the Mystic Rings. In the real world and the theme, they faced dual challenges and attempted to give this first organization to Pull off the horse.

Facing the challenge, the Mystic Ring organization is of course not to be outdone, but it is difficult for two fists to defeat the four hands, and several successive collisions have prevailed.

The Illuminati can speak among the aboriginal strongmen in the Guards Corps, and the three quarters need to control as many as possible. If they choose the Illuminati, their interests in the main position can be guaranteed.

Furthermore, the strength and reputation of the Illuminati were good. Of course, the old-fashioned super-supernatural organization need not say much, and the allies and vassal organizations that cooperate with the Illuminati are also very satisfied with the Illuminati. The Mysterious Ring also worried that he would lead the wolf into the room, and he would be occupied by a dove in the future. Therefore, he was careful and careful in the objects he had come to trust, which determined the Illuminati.

The other party has plans for the Illuminati, which is inevitable.

The top level of the Illuminati is very clear. If it is not good, why would people rush over to take the initiative to be the younger brother. The key is how much sincerity they can show. If there are indeed enough benefits, the Illuminati will not mind inserting a nail in the chaotic Southeast Asia and drawing on its own forces-just as the Illuminati did to the Independent Far East Gang.

The only difference is that the strength of the Independent Far East Gang is stronger, so the two sides are basically a cooperation model, but the dominant power of this cooperation is more inclined to the Illuminati. But the mysterious ring is different, not even the twilight-level strong, two-thirds of the members of the organization are dawn, not worthy of cooperation with the Bright Talks.

After clarifying these things, Zhao Dingguo understood his attitude and position on behalf of the Illuminati.

Regarding the mysterious ring, what can be drawn is still to be drawn, after all, it is also a large organization with hundreds of members. However, you should pay attention to your attitude. You must not be embarrassed with them, because it will only make those who have never seen the world think that light will be weak and deceiving. Take the director of Ouyang, even though the attitude is tougher, it is good to hold it, as long as the place that should be insisted on is not slack.

Because they were on a special plane of the Illuminati, the five of them were very empty in the large cabin. After talking with Director Ouyang, Zhao Dingguo had nothing to do but could only close his eyes for a while and stunned for a while.

When he stumbled up a few hours later, the plane was almost over the small country where the Mystic Ring was located.

It can be seen that, for the arrival of the Illuminati party, the high level of the Secret Ring attaches great importance.

Since the existence of the super-god organization has become apparent, the people of the Mystic Ring have almost no hesitation in using the energy of the real world to directly close the national airport. The members of the entire organization, not to mention all of them come to welcome ~ ~ At least more than 200 people also came, in addition to a lot of local style Belle came to welcome together. This grand ceremony is known to welcome the arrival of the Illuminati high-level officials. I do n’t know which superpower's leader came to visit.

For such a very mundane and boring reception, let alone Zhao Dingguo and Director Ouyang, even the three new members of the rising sun accompanying the Illuminati frowned.

Is that necessary?

Super God users do have the kind of greed and vanity, but the style of the Illuminati is very solid. Before coming, I also said to the people of the Mystic Band twice that there is no need for pomp, and a few low-key receptions will do. Suddenly made such a big pomp, I'm afraid that some people don't know, what do you want to preach to some two super **** organizations?

Although my heart is quite dissatisfied with the self-proposition and small movements of the Mystic Ring, since it is here, Zhao Dingguo and Ouyang are not good at sweeping the faces of the senior members of the Mystic Ring in front of so many people.

As a result, the two stepped off the plane almost side by side, and shook hands one by one with the Six Lord of the Rings who had come forward. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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