DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 558: Ouyang's plan

Seeing Zhao Dingguo and Ouyang got up and left, the three fellow members of the rising sun immediately got up and left, without even looking at the six giants. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

"You guys ... President?"

One of the relatively stable giants saw Zhao Dingguo and they were leaving. They instinctively got up and tried to stop them, but they couldn't stop them at all. In desperation, he could only turn his head to look at the chairman of the Mystic Band, hoping that he would open it up to stay. After all, these people are invited by their side. There is a powerful Illuminati behind them. Even if they change the meaning of trusting each other, there is no need to offend them!

"Well, let them go."

The President of the Mystic Ring hesitated, and finally waved. Before and after, Christine has given people a lot of suspicions. At this moment, as soon as people got up and left, they would immediately catch up with them, wouldn't they hit their own faces?

Anyway, the masters of the Illuminati don't look very powerful, otherwise they don't really do it in the face of their own ridicule. In this case, let's go. The circle of super-gods in the dynasty is so large that they can find other partners, and there is no need to hang on the vine of the Illuminati!

Thinking of this, the President of the Mysterious Ring ordered another subordinate to say: "Go find someone, send them back, and then find a way to find new partners. Remember, the action must be fast, the two are reserved for us time is limited."

at the same time.

Just as the President of the Mystic Ring considered a new partner, the five members of the Illuminati who burst out from the headquarters of the Mystic Ring did not immediately leave by plane. At the signal of Ouyang, five of them temporarily lived in a five-star hotel in the nearby city center.

A sunburst attendant did not look pale. [WWw.YZUUdianm] I was a little puzzled and asked, "Director Ouyang, don't we go back directly? Since they have no sincerity, why do we have to accept their trust!"

"The thief still has a saying that the thief doesn't go empty. Let's run all the way, how can we go back empty-handed?" Ouyang snorted, full of momentum: "The secret ring organization took us as dough. Come and let Let ’s go? I do n’t show them a little color, I ’ve been mixing for so many years in the Illuminati! ”

Talking. He picked up the Illuminati mobile phone and contacted the headquarters.

After waiting for half an hour to call 97net again, Director Ouyang said a few times. The look of excitement was clearly set. Later, he discussed with Zhao Dingguo, and the five of them went out with a big swing. Not only did he not cover up the trace, but he was very public, lest others didn't know they were out.

Such abnormal movements immediately attracted the attention of interested people.

Entrusted with the previous secret ring organization, the Illuminati people have attracted the attention of all relevant organizations nearby. Naturally, they need to be followed in the distance. However, in the face of the strongest newcomers. Zhao Dingguo didn't bother them at all, but let them follow, and eventually came to the square in Shizhong District.

Half an hour later, two gunships, apparently some years old, fell from the sky.

Come out of it alone.

Neither Zhao Dingguo nor Ouyang had contacted the bearded man before. but. What Ouyang asked the headquarters to do was to ask him to come over—this man is no one else, but one of the five directors of the Heixian organization, which is hostile to the mysterious ring.

It stands to reason that the Illuminati originally came to support their hostile organizations. It is impossible for the beard to come to the meeting alone when they call. However, Bright will have its own unique network of relationships. Heixian organized important partners to come forward. It was difficult to refuse, and after getting a promise of personal safety, the beard could only rush to meet daringly.

To put it in a nutshell, it is that the guests and host had a cordial talk in a warm and friendly atmosphere. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

What did they talk about?

Those who are in charge of monitoring the movement in the distance are all concerned, but unfortunately they cannot hear anything. Some of the Illuminati followers did a good job in guarding, in order to prevent someone from sneaking into the wiretapping, they even plugged in their real eyes, and no one can get through!

After watching the two sides talk with each other so openly for two hours, they finally shook hands very enthusiastically, and the people intently muttered. This meeting seems very promising. However, the beard of the client was completely confused by the actions of Zhao Dingguo and Ouyang, and the whole person was Spartan. The trustee relationship made him take the risk to meet the enemy's territory, just to talk to him about the places of interest, snacks and food?

Although very puzzled, since the other party said that his mission was completed and he could leave, the beard naturally did not want to stay on the site of the Mystic Ring, so TP left immediately.

Such a rush to leave, in the eyes of some people, is even more proof.

It seems to be changing!

After the pretended meeting, Zhao Dingguo and Director Ouyang stretched out, completely disregarding the super-power circles here have been disturbed by them, but strolled leisurely for a while, then returned to the hotel again.

Some of the three super-god users who accompanied him had already understood the purpose of this, and began to imagine the movement of the mysterious ring. But there is still a head that is not very clear, and asks in confusion: "Director Zhao, Director Ouyang, we talked with that person for two hours. Is it really going to be here for a few days?"

Zhao Dingguo glanced at Ouyang with a smile in his eyes. The latter coughed and joked: "It doesn't matter if you play for a few days, anyway, someone will be more anxious than us!"

This cluelessness not only failed to confuse, but made the rising member even more dizzy.

In the end, it was Zhao Dingguo who answered his question: "Let's meet up with the Secret Ring. After going out, there will be a hostile organization Hei Xian come to the door. It seems that the two sides have reached an agreement. Guess what here What would the super and small organizations think? "

"Do you still need to guess? It must be ..." He was dialled by Zhao Dingguo, and the dull reaction guy finally stunned, and said, "I see! The mystic ring was originally one-on-two, and it can't be carried anymore. If we do Standing behind their hostile organization, the mystic ring is over. "

Ouyang nodded, sneering: "I do n’t believe people in the Secret Ring can't hold back. We can now go back to the hotel and wait, I see they can resist for a few days!"

How many days?

Ouyang is overestimating them!

After learning that the members of the Illuminati met with the black council's council, the high-level members of the Secret Ring immediately messed up into a pot of porridge, one after another like ants on a hot pot. The mystery ring itself is already unable to carry it. Now the enemy has added another one. Isn't this a self-death?

The mature and heavy-handed giant even started to squirt a few colleagues, all of them with their bad attitude, and angered the Illuminati people. Now it's okay, before they find a new partner, the Illuminati has been the first to contact their hostile organization! How can this be done?

A few quick-tempered quarrels immediately turned the Mystic Ring headquarters into a vegetable market.

Although the President of the Mysterious Ring did not speak, his face was full of haze. He thought that the people of the Illuminati would return to the heavens directly after leaving, who would have expected that they could contact the Heixian organization in an instant. The **** bearded man, too, dared to venture directly to their place. Is it so determined that they dare not kill him in the presence of the Illuminati masters?

Damn it! Damn it!

Although he was upset and unable to pull this face down, the chairman of the Secret Ring finally had some brains, knowing what must be done now. Either look for a new client immediately, or immediately go to the door, find a way to apologize, let the masters of the Illuminati change their minds, and discourage them from cooperating with Hei Xian!

But it's easier said than done.

It's nice to invite people as soon as possible, but in a few rounds, I rushed away the popularity. Even the clay figurines are a bit angry, not to mention that they are also masters at dusk.

However, the safety and security of the organization that he founded in the first place has to be done.

So that night, the five masters of the Illuminati each had two extra beauties in their room. I'm afraid no man likes this kind of thing like Shuangfei. In the principle of not taking nothing for nothing, Zhao Dingguo, they are not polite, and they have tossed for half a night before they stop.

Seeing that some beautiful women brought them to their door, Zhao Dingguo and Ouyang had the heart. It must be that the high-level members of the Mystic Band have been unable to sit still, but they are afraid that Zhao Dingguo will still be angry, so they will give some benefits first, and then talk again when they are calm. Zhao Dingguo and Ouyang originally bet that the Secret Ring could at least be able to come back the day after tomorrow, but they obviously overestimated them. In the early morning of the next day, the six giants of the mysterious ring were waiting outside the door.

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's refreshing opening of the door, the six people's faces were replaced with the smiles on the airport yesterday. Although Zhao Dingguo was very satisfied on his face, he really looked down on it ~ ~ This kind of capricious dusk-changing master who changed his face like a trick was a bit too low-spirited.

"Mr. Zhao, early!" The enthusiasm of President Secret Ring Zhihua is like an old friend who has been familiar with for many years, as if yesterday's incident did not happen at all: "Last night supper, how?"

"What supper?"

Zhao Dingguo was unsympathetic at all, pretending to be stupid: "I was not hungry last night and I fell asleep early, so I didn't eat anything."

"Yeah ..." It seemed that his anger was still gone.

One of the giants also wanted to identify the two beauties, but was stopped by the chairman of the mysterious ring. Since the other party does not admit it, it is useless for them to say anything, but it will make the other party's heart even more unhappy. Therefore, he clearly skipped this topic and explained his intentions directly: "Yesterday, we seemed to have made some misunderstandings. We are here to make an apology and hope to see Director Ouyang."

Yoyo leaves the fastest update, please.

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